'Specifies the proposed authentication. The list of methods was generated from Appendix A of RFC2409. Note that the enumeration is different than the RFC list and aligns with the values in IKESAEndpoint.AuthenticationMethod.'
['Pre-shared Key', 'Anonymous', 'Kerberos (machine as principal)', 'NTLM (machine as principal)', 'Kerberos (user as principal)', 'NTLM (user as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (machine as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (user as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (machine health)']
['No Group/Non-Diffie-Hellman Exchange', 'DH-768 bit prime', 'DH-1024 bit prime', 'EC2N-155 bit field element', 'EC2N-185 bit field element', 'DH-1536 bit prime', 'Standard Group - Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved']