MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal, ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409
| Methods | Properties (26)
| Qualifiers (3)
| Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Description Represents an auth proposal that uses certificates to authenticate the remote peer. Instances of this class only exist as embedded instances within a MSFT_NetIKEP1AuthSet and MSFT_NetIKEP2AuthSet.
MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal properties MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal has 26 properties (12 Local , 14 Derived )
Detailed description of MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal properties Local properties (12) of MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal class ▲ CertName propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The name that should be on the certificate.' CertName property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ CertNameType propertyCIMTYPE 'uint16' Description 'The type of name used in CertName.' Values ['None', 'DNS', 'UPN', 'RFC822', 'CN', 'OU', 'O', 'DC'] CertNameType property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ EKUs propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The EKU's to accept.' EKUs property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ExcludeCAName propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'If this flag is set, certificate authority names are excluded. This flag MUST be set only on first authentications.' ExcludeCAName property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ FollowRenewal propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'Whether to follow certificate renewal.' FollowRenewal property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ MapToAccount propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'If this flag is set, Windows will attempt to map certificates to domain accounts.' MapToAccount property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SelectionCriteria propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'Whether the cert criteria (CertName, EKUs, Thumbprint) should be used when choosing which certificates to offer.' SelectionCriteria property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ SigningAlgorithm propertyCIMTYPE 'uint16' Description 'Specifies the certificate signing algorithm to use.' Values ['RSA', '256-bit Elliptic-Curve DSA', '384-bit Elliptic-Curve DSA'] SigningAlgorithm property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ Thumbprint propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The thumbprint to accept.' Thumbprint property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TrustedCA propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'Only certs issued by this CA should be allowed.' TrustedCA property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ TrustedCAType propertyCIMTYPE 'uint16' Description 'Indicates whether to accept certificates only from the root TrustedCA, or to also accept certificates from Intermediate CA's which are children of the TrustedCA.' Values ['Root CA', 'Intermediate CA'] TrustedCAType property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ ValidationCriteria propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'Whether the cert criteria (CertName, EKUs, Thumbprint) should be used for validating the certificates presented.' ValidationCriteria property is in 1 class (MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Derived properties (14) of MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal class ▲ AuthenticationMethod propertyCIMTYPE 'uint16' Description 'Specifies the proposed authentication. The list of methods was generated from Appendix A of RFC2409. Note that the enumeration is different than the RFC list and aligns with the values in IKESAEndpoint.AuthenticationMethod.' Values ['Pre-shared Key', 'Anonymous', 'Kerberos (machine as principal)', 'NTLM (machine as principal)', 'Kerberos (user as principal)', 'NTLM (user as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (machine as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (user as principal)', 'X.509 Certificates (machine health)'] AuthenticationMethod property is in 12 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 7 namespaces
▲ GroupId propertyCIMTYPE 'uint16' Description 'This field is ignored.' Values ['No Group/Non-Diffie-Hellman Exchange', 'DH-768 bit prime', 'DH-1024 bit prime', 'EC2N-155 bit field element', 'EC2N-185 bit field element', 'DH-1536 bit prime', 'Standard Group - Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved'] GroupId property is in 11 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 6 namespaces
MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
AMENDMENT True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Description 'Represents an auth proposal that uses certificates to authenticate the remote peer. Instances of this class only exist as embedded instances within a MSFT_NetIKEP1AuthSet and MSFT_NetIKEP2AuthSet.' ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓
LOCALE 'MS_409' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal System properties Name Value Origin CIMType Local Array
__PATH '\\.\ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409:MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__NAMESPACE 'ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SERVER '.' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DERIVATION ['MSFT_NetIKEAuthProposal', 'CIM_IKEProposal', 'CIM_SAProposal', 'CIM_ScopedSettingData', 'CIM_SettingData', 'CIM_ManagedElement'] ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✓
__RELPATH 'MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DYNASTY 'CIM_ManagedElement ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SUPERCLASS 'MSFT_NetIKEAuthProposal ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__CLASS 'MSFT_NetIKECertAuthProposal ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__GENUS 1 ___SYSTEM 3 ✗ ✗
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