ds_inetorgperson, ROOT\directory\LDAP
| Methods | Properties (392)
| Qualifiers (10)
| Instances | Namespaces (1)
Samples: VB Script
| C#
| VB.Net
| Search on:Microsoft
ds_inetorgperson propertiesds_inetorgperson has 392 properties (392 Derived)
Detailed description of ds_inetorgperson propertiesDerived properties (392) of ds_inetorgperson class
▲ DS_allowedAttributesEffective property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Allowed-Attributes-Effective' |
system | True |
DS_allowedAttributesEffective property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_allowedChildClassesEffective property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Allowed-Child-Classes-Effective' |
system | True |
DS_allowedChildClassesEffective property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_altSecurityIdentities property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Alt-Security-Identities' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_altSecurityIdentities property is in 17 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_attributeCertificateAttribute property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'attributeCertificateAttribute' |
DS_attributeCertificateAttribute property is in 20 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_bridgeheadServerListBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Bridgehead-Server-List-BL' |
system | True |
DS_bridgeheadServerListBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_controlAccessRights property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Control-Access-Rights' |
system | True |
DS_controlAccessRights property is in 17 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_dSCorePropagationData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'DS-Core-Propagation-Data' |
system | True |
DS_dSCorePropagationData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_facsimileTelephoneNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Facsimile-Telephone-Number' |
system | True |
DS_facsimileTelephoneNumber property is in 26 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_frsComputerReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Frs-Computer-Reference-BL' |
system | True |
DS_frsComputerReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_groupMembershipSAM property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Group-Membership-SAM' |
system | True |
DS_groupMembershipSAM property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_internationalISDNNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'International-ISDN-Number' |
system | True |
DS_internationalISDNNumber property is in 26 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_isCriticalSystemObject property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'Is-Critical-System-Object' |
system | True |
DS_isCriticalSystemObject property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_lastLogonTimestamp property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Last-Logon-Timestamp' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_lastLogonTimestamp property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyChildCount property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Consistency-Child-Count' |
system | True |
DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyChildCount property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyGuid property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Consistency-Guid' |
system | True |
DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyGuid property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mS_DS_CreatorSID property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Creator-SID' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_mS_DS_CreatorSID property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msCOM_PartitionSetLink property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-COM-PartitionSetLink' |
system | True |
DS_msCOM_PartitionSetLink property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msCOM_UserPartitionSetLink property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-COM-UserPartitionSetLink' |
system | True |
DS_msCOM_UserPartitionSetLink property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDFSR_ComputerReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DFSR-ComputerReferenceBL' |
DS_msDFSR_ComputerReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDRM_IdentityCertificate property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MS-DRM-Identity-Certificate' |
system | True |
DS_msDRM_IdentityCertificate property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Allowed-To-Act-On-Behalf-Of-Other-Identity' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AllowedToDelegateTo property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Allowed-To-Delegate-To' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AllowedToDelegateTo property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Approx_Immed_Subordinates property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Approx-Immed-Subordinates' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Approx_Immed_Subordinates property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AssignedAuthNPolicy property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Assigned-AuthN-Policy' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AssignedAuthNPolicy property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AssignedAuthNPolicySilo property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Assigned-AuthN-Policy-Silo' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AssignedAuthNPolicySilo property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AuthenticatedAtDC property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-AuthenticatedAt-DC' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AuthenticatedAtDC property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AuthenticatedToAccountlist property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-AuthenticatedTo-Accountlist' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AuthenticatedToAccountlist property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AuthNPolicySiloMembersBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-AuthN-Policy-Silo-Members-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AuthNPolicySiloMembersBL property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Cached_Membership property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Cached-Membership' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Cached_Membership property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Cached_Membership_Time_Stamp property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Cached-Membership-Time-Stamp' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Cached_Membership_Time_Stamp property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ClaimSharesPossibleValuesWithBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Claim-Shares-Possible-Values-With-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ClaimSharesPossibleValuesWithBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute1 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute1' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute1 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute10 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute10' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute10 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute11 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute11' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute11 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute12 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute12' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute12 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute13 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute13' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute13 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute14 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute14' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute14 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute15 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute15' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute15 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute16 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute16' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute16 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute17 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute17' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute17 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute18 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute18' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute18 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute19 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute19' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute19 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute2 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute2' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute2 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute20 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute20' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute20 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute3 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute3' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute3 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute4 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute4' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute4 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute5 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute5' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute5 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute6 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute6' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute6 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute7 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute7' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute7 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute8 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute8' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute8 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute9 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-cloudExtensionAttribute9' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_cloudExtensionAttribute9 property is in 13 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_EnabledFeatureBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Enabled-Feature-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_EnabledFeatureBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_FailedInteractiveLogonCount property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Failed-Interactive-Logon-Count' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_FailedInteractiveLogonCount property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_FailedInteractiveLogonCountAtLastSuccessfulLogon property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Failed-Interactive-Logon-Count-At-Last-Successful-Logon' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_FailedInteractiveLogonCountAtLastSuccessfulLogon property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesAltitude property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Altitude' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesAltitude property is in 19 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesLatitude property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Latitude' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesLatitude property is in 19 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesLongitude property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-GeoCoordinates-Longitude' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_GeoCoordinatesLongitude property is in 19 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_HABSeniorityIndex property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-HAB-Seniority-Index' |
indexed | True |
DS_msDS_HABSeniorityIndex property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_HostServiceAccountBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Host-Service-Account-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_HostServiceAccountBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsFullReplicaFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Full-Replica-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsFullReplicaFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsPartialReplicaFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Partial-Replica-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsPartialReplicaFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsPrimaryComputerFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Primary-Computer-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsPrimaryComputerFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_KeyVersionNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-KeyVersionNumber' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_KeyVersionNumber property is in 15 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LastFailedInteractiveLogonTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Last-Failed-Interactive-Logon-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LastFailedInteractiveLogonTime property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Last-Successful-Interactive-Logon-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LastSuccessfulInteractiveLogonTime property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveDeletionTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Local-Effective-Deletion-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveDeletionTime property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveRecycleTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Local-Effective-Recycle-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveRecycleTime property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msds_memberOfTransitive property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Member-Of-DL-Transitive' |
system | True |
DS_msds_memberOfTransitive property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_MembersForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Members-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_MembersForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_MembersOfResourcePropertyListBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Members-Of-Resource-Property-List-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_MembersOfResourcePropertyListBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NC_RO_Replica_Locations_BL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-RO-Replica-Locations-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NC_RO_Replica_Locations_BL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NCReplInboundNeighbors property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-Repl-Inbound-Neighbors' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NCReplInboundNeighbors property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NCReplOutboundNeighbors property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-Repl-Outbound-Neighbors' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NCReplOutboundNeighbors property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OIDToGroupLinkBl property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-OIDToGroup-Link-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OIDToGroupLinkBl property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OperationsForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Operations-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OperationsForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OperationsForAzTaskBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Operations-For-Az-Task-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OperationsForAzTaskBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PhoneticCompanyName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Phonetic-Company-Name' |
DS_msDS_PhoneticCompanyName property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PhoneticDepartment property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Phonetic-Department' |
DS_msDS_PhoneticDepartment property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PhoneticDisplayName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Phonetic-Display-Name' |
DS_msDS_PhoneticDisplayName property is in 21 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PrimaryComputer property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Primary-Computer' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msDS_PrimaryComputer property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplAttributeMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Attribute-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplAttributeMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Value-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaDataExt property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Value-Meta-Data-Ext' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaDataExt property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_SecondaryKrbTgtNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Secondary-KrbTgt-Number' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msDS_SecondaryKrbTgtNumber property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Site_Affinity property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Site-Affinity' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Site_Affinity property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_SupportedEncryptionTypes property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Supported-Encryption-Types' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_SupportedEncryptionTypes property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_SyncServerUrl property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-SyncServerUrl' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msDS_SyncServerUrl property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_TasksForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Tasks-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_TasksForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_TasksForAzTaskBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Tasks-For-Az-Task-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_TasksForAzTaskBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_User_Account_Control_Computed property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-User-Account-Control-Computed' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_User_Account_Control_Computed property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-User-Password-Expiry-Time-Computed' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ValueTypeReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Value-Type-Reference-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ValueTypeReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mSMQSignCertificates property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MSMQ-Sign-Certificates' |
system | True |
DS_mSMQSignCertificates property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mSMQSignCertificatesMig property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MSMQ-Sign-Certificates-Mig' |
system | True |
DS_mSMQSignCertificatesMig property is in 14 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msNPSavedCallingStationID property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'msNPSavedCallingStationID' |
system | True |
DS_msNPSavedCallingStationID property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msPKI_CredentialRoamingTokens property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'ms-PKI-Credential-Roaming-Tokens' |
system | True |
DS_msPKI_CredentialRoamingTokens property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msPKIAccountCredentials property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'ms-PKI-AccountCredentials' |
system | True |
DS_msPKIAccountCredentials property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msPKIDPAPIMasterKeys property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'ms-PKI-DPAPIMasterKeys' |
system | True |
DS_msPKIDPAPIMasterKeys property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msPKIRoamingTimeStamp property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'ms-PKI-RoamingTimeStamp' |
system | True |
DS_msPKIRoamingTimeStamp property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_FramedInterfaceId property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-FramedInterfaceId' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_FramedInterfaceId property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_FramedIpv6Prefix property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-FramedIpv6Prefix' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_FramedIpv6Prefix property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_FramedIpv6Route property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-FramedIpv6Route' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_FramedIpv6Route property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedInterfaceId property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-SavedFramedInterfaceId' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedInterfaceId property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedIpv6Prefix property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-SavedFramedIpv6Prefix' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedIpv6Prefix property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedIpv6Route property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-RADIUS-SavedFramedIpv6Route' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUS_SavedFramedIpv6Route property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUSCallbackNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'msRADIUSCallbackNumber' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUSCallbackNumber property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRADIUSFramedIPAddress property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'msRADIUSFramedIPAddress' |
system | True |
DS_msRADIUSFramedIPAddress property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRASSavedCallbackNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'msRASSavedCallbackNumber' |
system | True |
DS_msRASSavedCallbackNumber property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRASSavedFramedIPAddress property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'msRASSavedFramedIPAddress' |
system | True |
DS_msRASSavedFramedIPAddress property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msRASSavedFramedRoute property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'msRASSavedFramedRoute' |
system | True |
DS_msRASSavedFramedRoute property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSBrokenConnectionAction property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Broken-Connection-Action' |
system | True |
DS_msTSBrokenConnectionAction property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSConnectClientDrives property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Connect-Client-Drives' |
system | True |
DS_msTSConnectClientDrives property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSConnectPrinterDrives property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Connect-Printer-Drives' |
system | True |
DS_msTSConnectPrinterDrives property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSDefaultToMainPrinter property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Default-To-Main-Printer' |
system | True |
DS_msTSDefaultToMainPrinter property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLicenseVersion property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TS-LicenseVersion' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLicenseVersion property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLicenseVersion2 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TS-LicenseVersion2' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLicenseVersion2 property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLicenseVersion3 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TS-LicenseVersion3' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLicenseVersion3 property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLicenseVersion4 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TS-LicenseVersion4' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLicenseVersion4 property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLSProperty01 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TSLS-Property01' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLSProperty01 property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSLSProperty02 property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'MS-TSLS-Property02' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_msTSLSProperty02 property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSMaxConnectionTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Max-Connection-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msTSMaxConnectionTime property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSMaxDisconnectionTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Max-Disconnection-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msTSMaxDisconnectionTime property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSReconnectionAction property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Reconnection-Action' |
system | True |
DS_msTSReconnectionAction property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msTSSecondaryDesktops property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-TS-Secondary-Desktops' |
system | True |
DS_msTSSecondaryDesktops property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_nTSecurityDescriptor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'NT-Security-Descriptor' |
not_null | True |
system | True |
DS_nTSecurityDescriptor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_objectCategory property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Object-Category' |
indexed | True |
not_null | True |
system | True |
DS_objectCategory property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Phone-Fax-Other' |
system | True |
DS_otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_otherLoginWorkstations property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Other-Login-Workstations' |
system | True |
DS_otherLoginWorkstations property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_otherWellKnownObjects property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'Other-Well-Known-Objects' |
system | True |
DS_otherWellKnownObjects property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_partialAttributeDeletionList property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Partial-Attribute-Deletion-List' |
system | True |
DS_partialAttributeDeletionList property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_partialAttributeSet property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Partial-Attribute-Set' |
system | True |
DS_partialAttributeSet property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_physicalDeliveryOfficeName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Physical-Delivery-Office-Name' |
system | True |
DS_physicalDeliveryOfficeName property is in 26 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_preferredDeliveryMethod property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'Preferred-Delivery-Method' |
system | True |
DS_preferredDeliveryMethod property is in 26 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_primaryInternationalISDNNumber property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Phone-ISDN-Primary' |
system | True |
DS_primaryInternationalISDNNumber property is in 16 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_proxiedObjectName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'Proxied-Object-Name' |
system | True |
DS_proxiedObjectName property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_registeredAddress property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Registered-Address' |
system | True |
DS_registeredAddress property is in 26 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_replPropertyMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Repl-Property-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_replPropertyMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_replUpToDateVector property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Repl-UpToDate-Vector' |
system | True |
DS_replUpToDateVector property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_securityIdentifier property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Security-Identifier' |
system | True |
DS_securityIdentifier property is in 17 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_servicePrincipalName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Service-Principal-Name' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_servicePrincipalName property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_showInAdvancedViewOnly property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'Show-In-Advanced-View-Only' |
system | True |
DS_showInAdvancedViewOnly property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_supplementalCredentials property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Supplemental-Credentials' |
system | True |
DS_supplementalCredentials property is in 15 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_teletexTerminalIdentifier property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Teletex-Terminal-Identifier' |
system | True |
DS_teletexTerminalIdentifier property is in 28 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_terminalServer property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Terminal-Server' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_terminalServer property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_textEncodedORAddress property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Text-Encoded-OR-Address' |
system | True |
DS_textEncodedORAddress property is in 19 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Token-Groups-Global-And-Universal' |
system | True |
DS_tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal property is in 15 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_tokenGroupsNoGCAcceptable property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Token-Groups-No-GC-Acceptable' |
system | True |
DS_tokenGroupsNoGCAcceptable property is in 15 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_userPrincipalName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'User-Principal-Name' |
indexed | True |
system | True |
DS_userPrincipalName property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_userSharedFolderOther property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'User-Shared-Folder-Other' |
system | True |
DS_userSharedFolderOther property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_userSMIMECertificate property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'User-SMIME-Certificate' |
DS_userSMIMECertificate property is in 19 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_x500uniqueIdentifier property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'x500uniqueIdentifier' |
DS_x500uniqueIdentifier property is in 12 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
ds_inetorgperson QualifiersName | Value | ToInstance | ToSubclass | Overridable | Amended | Local |
cn | 'inetOrgPerson' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
defaultObjectCategory | 'person' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
defaultSecurityDescriptor | 'D:(A;;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;DA)(A;;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;SY)(A;;RPWPCRCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;;AO)(A;;RPLCLORC;;;PS)(OA;;CR;ab721a53-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b;;PS)(OA;;CR;ab721a54-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b;;PS)(OA;;CR;ab721a56-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b;;PS)(OA;;RPWP;77B5B886-944A-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1;;PS)(OA;;RPWP;E45795B2-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1;;PS)(OA;;RPWP;E45795B3-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1;;PS)(OA;;RP;037088f8-0ae1-11d2-b422-00a0c968f939;;RS)(OA;;RP;4c164200-20c0-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529;;RS)(OA;;RP;bc0ac240-79a9-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;;RS)(A;;RC;;;AU)(OA;;RP;59ba2f42-79a2-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d3cf;;AU)(OA;;RP;77B5B886-944A-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1;;AU)(OA;;RP;E45795B3-9455-11d1-AEBD-0000F80367C1;;AU)(OA;;RP;e48d0154-bcf8-11d1-8702-00c04fb96050;;AU)(OA;;CR;ab721a53-1e2f-11d0-9819-00aa0040529b;;WD)(OA;;RP;5f202010-79a5-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;;RS)(OA;;RPWP;bf967a7f-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;;CA)(OA;;RP;46a9b11d-60ae-405a-b7e8-ff8a58d456d2;;S-1-5-32-560)(OA;;WPRP;6db69a1c-9422-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1;;S-1-5-32-561)(OA;;WPRP;5805bc62-bdc9-4428-a5e2-856a0f4c185e;;S-1-5-32-561)' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
dynamic | True | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
governsID | '2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
ldapDisplayName | 'inetOrgPerson' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
objectClassCategory | 1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
provider | 'Microsoft|DSLDAPInstanceProvider|V1.0' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
rDNAttID | 'cn' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
systemOnly | False | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
ds_inetorgperson System propertiesName | Value | Origin | CIMType | Local | Array |
__PATH | '\\.\ROOT\directory\LDAP:ds_inetorgperson' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__NAMESPACE | 'ROOT\directory\LDAP' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SERVER | '.' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DERIVATION | ['ads_inetorgperson', 'ads_user', 'ads_organizationalperson', 'ads_person', 'ds_top', 'DS_LDAP_Root_Class'] | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✓ |
__PROPERTY_COUNT | 392 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
__RELPATH | 'ds_inetorgperson' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DYNASTY | 'DS_LDAP_Root_Class' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SUPERCLASS | 'ads_inetorgperson' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__CLASS | 'ds_inetorgperson' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__GENUS | 1 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
Similar Classes to ds_inetorgpersonNumber of classes:1 Class name | Childs | Properties | Methods | Class Instances | Child Instances | Abstract | Singleton |
ads_inetorgperson | 1 | 392 | 0 | - | - | ✓ | - |