ds_domaindns, ROOT\directory\LDAP
| Methods | Properties (174)
| Qualifiers (10)
| Instances (1)
| Namespaces (1)
Samples: VB Script
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| VB.Net
| Search on:Microsoft
ds_domaindns propertiesds_domaindns has 174 properties (174 Derived)
Detailed description of ds_domaindns propertiesDerived properties (174) of ds_domaindns class
▲ DS_allowedAttributesEffective property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Allowed-Attributes-Effective' |
system | True |
DS_allowedAttributesEffective property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_allowedChildClassesEffective property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Allowed-Child-Classes-Effective' |
system | True |
DS_allowedChildClassesEffective property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_bridgeheadServerListBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Bridgehead-Server-List-BL' |
system | True |
DS_bridgeheadServerListBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_builtinCreationTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Builtin-Creation-Time' |
system | True |
DS_builtinCreationTime property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_builtinModifiedCount property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Builtin-Modified-Count' |
system | True |
DS_builtinModifiedCount property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_controlAccessRights property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Control-Access-Rights' |
system | True |
DS_controlAccessRights property is in 17 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_defaultLocalPolicyObject property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Default-Local-Policy-Object' |
system | True |
DS_defaultLocalPolicyObject property is in 11 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_dSCorePropagationData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'DS-Core-Propagation-Data' |
system | True |
DS_dSCorePropagationData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_frsComputerReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Frs-Computer-Reference-BL' |
system | True |
DS_frsComputerReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_isCriticalSystemObject property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'Is-Critical-System-Object' |
system | True |
DS_isCriticalSystemObject property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_lockOutObservationWindow property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Lock-Out-Observation-Window' |
system | True |
DS_lockOutObservationWindow property is in 8 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_modifiedCountAtLastProm property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Modified-Count-At-Last-Prom' |
system | True |
DS_modifiedCountAtLastProm property is in 6 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyChildCount property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Consistency-Child-Count' |
system | True |
DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyChildCount property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyGuid property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Consistency-Guid' |
system | True |
DS_mS_DS_ConsistencyGuid property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_ms_DS_MachineAccountQuota property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Machine-Account-Quota' |
system | True |
DS_ms_DS_MachineAccountQuota property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msCOM_PartitionSetLink property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-COM-PartitionSetLink' |
system | True |
DS_msCOM_PartitionSetLink property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDFSR_ComputerReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DFSR-ComputerReferenceBL' |
DS_msDFSR_ComputerReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AllowedDNSSuffixes property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Allowed-DNS-Suffixes' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AllowedDNSSuffixes property is in 2 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AllUsersTrustQuota property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-All-Users-Trust-Quota' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AllUsersTrustQuota property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Approx_Immed_Subordinates property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Approx-Immed-Subordinates' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Approx_Immed_Subordinates property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_AuthenticatedToAccountlist property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-AuthenticatedTo-Accountlist' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_AuthenticatedToAccountlist property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_Behavior_Version property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Behavior-Version' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_Behavior_Version property is in 10 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ClaimSharesPossibleValuesWithBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Claim-Shares-Possible-Values-With-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ClaimSharesPossibleValuesWithBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_EnabledFeature property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Enabled-Feature' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_EnabledFeature property is in 8 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_EnabledFeatureBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Enabled-Feature-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_EnabledFeatureBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_HostServiceAccountBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Host-Service-Account-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_HostServiceAccountBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsFullReplicaFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Full-Replica-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsFullReplicaFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsPartialReplicaFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Partial-Replica-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsPartialReplicaFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_IsPrimaryComputerFor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Primary-Computer-For' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_IsPrimaryComputerFor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveDeletionTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Local-Effective-Deletion-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveDeletionTime property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveRecycleTime property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Local-Effective-Recycle-Time' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LocalEffectiveRecycleTime property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_LogonTimeSyncInterval property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Logon-Time-Sync-Interval' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_LogonTimeSyncInterval property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msds_memberOfTransitive property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Is-Member-Of-DL-Transitive' |
system | True |
DS_msds_memberOfTransitive property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_MembersForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Members-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_MembersForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_MembersOfResourcePropertyListBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Members-Of-Resource-Property-List-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_MembersOfResourcePropertyListBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NC_RO_Replica_Locations_BL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-RO-Replica-Locations-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NC_RO_Replica_Locations_BL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NCReplInboundNeighbors property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-Repl-Inbound-Neighbors' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NCReplInboundNeighbors property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_NCReplOutboundNeighbors property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-NC-Repl-Outbound-Neighbors' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_NCReplOutboundNeighbors property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OIDToGroupLinkBl property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-OIDToGroup-Link-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OIDToGroupLinkBl property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OperationsForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Operations-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OperationsForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_OperationsForAzTaskBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Operations-For-Az-Task-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_OperationsForAzTaskBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PerUserTrustQuota property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Per-User-Trust-Quota' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_PerUserTrustQuota property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_PerUserTrustTombstonesQuota property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint32' |
cn | 'MS-DS-Per-User-Trust-Tombstones-Quota' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_PerUserTrustTombstonesQuota property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplAttributeMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Attribute-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplAttributeMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Value-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaDataExt property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Repl-Value-Meta-Data-Ext' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ReplValueMetaDataExt property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_TasksForAzRoleBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Tasks-For-Az-Role-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_TasksForAzRoleBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_TasksForAzTaskBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Tasks-For-Az-Task-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_TasksForAzTaskBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_USNLastSyncSuccess property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'ms-DS-USN-Last-Sync-Success' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_USNLastSyncSuccess property is in 6 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_msDS_ValueTypeReferenceBL property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'ms-DS-Value-Type-Reference-BL' |
system | True |
DS_msDS_ValueTypeReferenceBL property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_nTSecurityDescriptor property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'NT-Security-Descriptor' |
not_null | True |
system | True |
DS_nTSecurityDescriptor property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_objectCategory property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'Object-Category' |
indexed | True |
not_null | True |
system | True |
DS_objectCategory property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_otherWellKnownObjects property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'Other-Well-Known-Objects' |
system | True |
DS_otherWellKnownObjects property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_partialAttributeDeletionList property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Partial-Attribute-Deletion-List' |
system | True |
DS_partialAttributeDeletionList property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_partialAttributeSet property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Partial-Attribute-Set' |
system | True |
DS_partialAttributeSet property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_pekKeyChangeInterval property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'sint64' |
cn | 'Pek-Key-Change-Interval' |
system | True |
DS_pekKeyChangeInterval property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_proxiedObjectName property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DN_WIth_Binary' |
cn | 'Proxied-Object-Name' |
system | True |
DS_proxiedObjectName property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_replPropertyMetaData property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Repl-Property-Meta-Data' |
system | True |
DS_replPropertyMetaData property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_replUpToDateVector property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'object:Uint8Array' |
cn | 'Repl-UpToDate-Vector' |
system | True |
DS_replUpToDateVector property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_rIDManagerReference property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'string' |
cn | 'RID-Manager-Reference' |
system | True |
DS_rIDManagerReference property is in 3 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
▲ DS_showInAdvancedViewOnly property |
attributeSyntax | '' |
CIMTYPE | 'boolean' |
cn | 'Show-In-Advanced-View-Only' |
system | True |
DS_showInAdvancedViewOnly property is in 504 classes of ROOT\directory\LDAP and in 1 namespace |
ds_domaindns QualifiersName | Value | ToInstance | ToSubclass | Overridable | Amended | Local |
cn | 'Domain-DNS' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
defaultObjectCategory | 'domainDNS' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
defaultSecurityDescriptor | 'D:(OA;;CR;1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;S-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-498)(A;;RP;;;WD)(OA;;CR;1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;ED)(OA;;CR;1131f6ab-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;ED)(OA;;CR;1131f6ac-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;ED)(OA;;CR;1131f6aa-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;BA)(OA;;CR;1131f6ab-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;BA)(OA;;CR;1131f6ac-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;BA)(A;;RPLCLORC;;;AU)(A;;RPWPCRLCLOCCRCWDWOSW;;;DA)(A;CI;RPWPCRLCLOCCRCWDWOSDSW;;;BA)(A;;RPWPCRLCLOCCDCRCWDWOSDDTSW;;;SY)(A;CI;RPWPCRLCLOCCDCRCWDWOSDDTSW;;;EA)(A;CI;LC;;;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;037088f8-0ae1-11d2-b422-00a0c968f939;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;59ba2f42-79a2-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d3cf;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;bc0ac240-79a9-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;4c164200-20c0-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;5f202010-79a5-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(OA;;RP;c7407360-20bf-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529;;RU)(OA;CIIO;RPLCLORC;;bf967a9c-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(A;;RPRC;;;RU)(OA;CIIO;RPLCLORC;;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;RU)(A;;LCRPLORC;;;ED)(OA;CIIO;RP;037088f8-0ae1-11d2-b422-00a0c968f939;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;59ba2f42-79a2-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d3cf;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;bc0ac240-79a9-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;4c164200-20c0-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;CIIO;RP;5f202010-79a5-11d0-9020-00c04fc2d4cf;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;CIIO;RPLCLORC;;4828CC14-1437-45bc-9B07-AD6F015E5F28;RU)(OA;;RP;b8119fd0-04f6-4762-ab7a-4986c76b3f9a;;RU)(OA;;RP;b8119fd0-04f6-4762-ab7a-4986c76b3f9a;;AU)(OA;CIIO;RP;b7c69e6d-2cc7-11d2-854e-00a0c983f608;bf967aba-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;ED)(OA;CIIO;RP;b7c69e6d-2cc7-11d2-854e-00a0c983f608;bf967a9c-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;ED)(OA;CIIO;RP;b7c69e6d-2cc7-11d2-854e-00a0c983f608;bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;ED)(OA;CIIO;WP;ea1b7b93-5e48-46d5-bc6c-4df4fda78a35;bf967a86-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;PS)(OA;;CR;1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;DD)(OA;;CR;89e95b76-444d-4c62-991a-0facbeda640c;;ED)(OA;;CR;1131f6ad-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;BA)(OA;;CR;89e95b76-444d-4c62-991a-0facbeda640c;;BA)(OA;;CR;e2a36dc9-ae17-47c3-b58b-be34c55ba633;;S-1-5-32-557)(OA;;CR;280f369c-67c7-438e-ae98-1d46f3c6f541;;AU)(OA;;CR;ccc2dc7d-a6ad-4a7a-8846-c04e3cc53501;;AU)(OA;;CR;05c74c5e-4deb-43b4-bd9f-86664c2a7fd5;;AU)(OA;;CR;1131f6ae-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;ED)(OA;;CR;1131f6ae-9c07-11d1-f79f-00c04fc2dcd2;;BA)(OA;CIIO;CRRPWP;91e647de-d96f-4b70-9557-d63ff4f3ccd8;;PS)(OA;CIOI;RPWP;3f78c3e5-f79a-46bd-a0b8-9d18116ddc79;;PS)S:(AU;SA;WDWOWP;;;WD)(AU;SA;CR;;;BA)(AU;SA;CR;;;DU)(OU;CISA;WP;f30e3bbe-9ff0-11d1-b603-0000f80367c1;bf967aa5-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;WD)(OU;CISA;WP;f30e3bbf-9ff0-11d1-b603-0000f80367c1;bf967aa5-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2;WD)' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
dynamic | True | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
governsID | '1.2.840.113556.1.5.67' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
ldapDisplayName | 'domainDNS' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
objectClassCategory | 1 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
provider | 'Microsoft|DSLDAPInstanceProvider|V1.0' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
rDNAttID | 'dc' | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
systemOnly | False | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
ds_domaindns System propertiesName | Value | Origin | CIMType | Local | Array |
__PATH | '\\.\ROOT\directory\LDAP:ds_domaindns' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__NAMESPACE | 'ROOT\directory\LDAP' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SERVER | '.' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DERIVATION | ['ads_domaindns', 'ds_domain', 'ds_top', 'DS_LDAP_Root_Class'] | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✓ |
__PROPERTY_COUNT | 174 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
__RELPATH | 'ds_domaindns' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DYNASTY | 'DS_LDAP_Root_Class' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SUPERCLASS | 'ads_domaindns' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__CLASS | 'ds_domaindns' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__GENUS | 1 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
Similar Classes to ds_domaindnsNumber of classes:1 Class name | Childs | Properties | Methods | Class Instances | Child Instances | Abstract | Singleton |
ads_domaindns | 1 | 174 | 0 | - | 1 | ✓ | - |