'A ConformanceWarningSettings value that lists the WS-I (Web Services Interoperability Organization) profiles that are used to validate the Web services.'
'A WebServicesProtocolSettings value that specifies the transmission protocols that ASP.NET can use to decrypt data sent from a client browser in the HTTP request.'
'A SoapExtensionImporterTypesSettings value that specifies the SOAP extensions to run when a service description for a Web service in the scope of the configuration file is accessed to create a proxy class.'
'A SoapExtensionReflectorTypesSettings value that specifies the SOAP extensions to run when a service description is generated for all Web services in the scope of the configuration file.'
'A SoapServerProtocolFactory value that sets a System.Web.Services.Configuration.TypeElement object that corresponds to the protocol that is used to call the Web service.'
SoapServerProtocolFactory property is in 1 class (WebServicesSection) of ROOT\WebAdministration\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
'A SoapTransportImporterTypesInfo value that contains SoapTransportImporterTypeElement instances that import SOAP transmission protocols into Web services.'
'A WsdlHelpGeneratorInfo value that specifies the Web service Help page (an .aspx file) that is displayed to a browser when the user browses to an .asmx page.'
WsdlHelpGenerator property is in 1 class (WebServicesSection) of ROOT\WebAdministration\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Derived properties (3) of WebServicesSection class