Includes&Samples |
Msvm_Processor, ROOT\virtualization\v2 - InstancesClass | Methods (8) | Properties (52) | Qualifiers (4) | Instances (4) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Msvm_ProcessorThis section contains sample wmi instances of Msvm_Processor class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\virtualization\v2:Msvm_Processor.CreationClassName="Msvm_Processor",DeviceID="Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\\0\\0",SystemCreationClassName="Msvm_ComputerSystem",SystemName="W2012SDC"Properties={ 'AdditionalAvailability' : null 'AddressWidth' : null 'Availability' : null 'AvailableRequestedStates' : null 'Caption' : 'Processor' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'CPUStatus' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'Msvm_Processor' //String 'CurrentClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'DataWidth' : null 'Description' : 'A logical processor of the hypervisor running on the host computer system.' //String 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DeviceID' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\0' //String 'ElementName' : 'Logical Processor 0' //String 'EnabledDefault' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'EnabledState' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'ErrorCleared' : null 'ErrorDescription' : null 'ExternalBusClockSpeed' : 200 //Long, 0xC8 'Family' : null 'HealthState' : 5 //Long, 0x5 'IdentifyingDescriptions' : ['Performance Counter Set'] //Variant() 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'LastErrorCode' : null 'LoadPercentage' : 39 //Long, 0x27 'LoadPercentageHistory' : [39, 39, 43, 32, 42, 39, 42, 30, 42, 43, 19, 11, 29, 32, 38, 50, 36, 48, 53, 28, 26, 25, 29, 33, 57, 39, 31, 30, 28, 22, 16, 33, 38, 31, 30, 26, 30, 14, 33, 51, 34, 54, 49, 54, 51, 34, 29, 45, 47, 42, 23, 25, 31, 43, 56, 47, 31, 44, 26, 24, 34, 20, 40, 33, 55, 26, 30, 36, 22, 51, 32, 26, 31, 20, 48, 45, 40, 40, 34, 48, 30, 29, 43, 45, 59, 44, 18, 44, 45, 24, 28, 36, 15, 27, 25, 69, 30, 13, 34, 33] //Variant() 'MaxClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'MaxQuiesceTime' : null 'Name' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\0' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : [2] //Variant() 'OtherEnabledState' : null 'OtherFamilyDescription' : null 'OtherIdentifyingInfo' : ['\\.\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(Hv LP 0)\*'] //Variant() 'PowerManagementCapabilities' : null 'PowerManagementSupported' : null 'PowerOnHours' : null 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'RequestedState' : 12 //Long, 0xC 'Role' : 'Central Processor' //String 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'StatusDescriptions' : ['OK'] //Variant() 'StatusInfo' : null 'Stepping' : null 'SystemCreationClassName' : 'Msvm_ComputerSystem' //String 'SystemName' : '.' //String 'TimeOfLastStateChange' : null 'TotalPowerOnHours' : null 'TransitioningToState' : null 'UniqueID' : null 'UpgradeMethod' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\virtualization\v2:Msvm_Processor.CreationClassName="Msvm_Processor",DeviceID="Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\\0\\1",SystemCreationClassName="Msvm_ComputerSystem",SystemName="W2012SDC"Properties={ 'AdditionalAvailability' : null 'AddressWidth' : null 'Availability' : null 'AvailableRequestedStates' : null 'Caption' : 'Processor' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'CPUStatus' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'Msvm_Processor' //String 'CurrentClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'DataWidth' : null 'Description' : 'A logical processor of the hypervisor running on the host computer system.' //String 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DeviceID' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\1' //String 'ElementName' : 'Logical Processor 1' //String 'EnabledDefault' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'EnabledState' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'ErrorCleared' : null 'ErrorDescription' : null 'ExternalBusClockSpeed' : 200 //Long, 0xC8 'Family' : null 'HealthState' : 5 //Long, 0x5 'IdentifyingDescriptions' : ['Performance Counter Set'] //Variant() 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'LastErrorCode' : null 'LoadPercentage' : 43 //Long, 0x2B 'LoadPercentageHistory' : [43, 42, 33, 28, 27, 19, 30, 24, 37, 33, 30, 20, 24, 33, 28, 30, 32, 52, 45, 25, 27, 32, 19, 20, 30, 50, 19, 16, 24, 51, 24, 18, 28, 21, 33, 29, 23, 20, 19, 28, 26, 28, 39, 32, 39, 20, 34, 54, 42, 21, 40, 33, 66, 21, 53, 28, 29, 22, 25, 11, 53, 24, 44, 35, 53, 53, 43, 43, 51, 67, 62, 36, 12, 29, 44, 26, 37, 49, 35, 45, 30, 26, 35, 30, 51, 37, 23, 32, 28, 49, 74, 29, 60, 59, 33, 43, 34, 62, 38, 21] //Variant() 'MaxClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'MaxQuiesceTime' : null 'Name' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\1' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : [2] //Variant() 'OtherEnabledState' : null 'OtherFamilyDescription' : null 'OtherIdentifyingInfo' : ['\\.\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(Hv LP 1)\*'] //Variant() 'PowerManagementCapabilities' : null 'PowerManagementSupported' : null 'PowerOnHours' : null 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'RequestedState' : 12 //Long, 0xC 'Role' : 'Central Processor' //String 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'StatusDescriptions' : ['OK'] //Variant() 'StatusInfo' : null 'Stepping' : null 'SystemCreationClassName' : 'Msvm_ComputerSystem' //String 'SystemName' : '.' //String 'TimeOfLastStateChange' : null 'TotalPowerOnHours' : null 'TransitioningToState' : null 'UniqueID' : null 'UpgradeMethod' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\virtualization\v2:Msvm_Processor.CreationClassName="Msvm_Processor",DeviceID="Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\\0\\2",SystemCreationClassName="Msvm_ComputerSystem",SystemName="W2012SDC"Properties={ 'AdditionalAvailability' : null 'AddressWidth' : null 'Availability' : null 'AvailableRequestedStates' : null 'Caption' : 'Processor' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'CPUStatus' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'Msvm_Processor' //String 'CurrentClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'DataWidth' : null 'Description' : 'A logical processor of the hypervisor running on the host computer system.' //String 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DeviceID' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\2' //String 'ElementName' : 'Logical Processor 2' //String 'EnabledDefault' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'EnabledState' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'ErrorCleared' : null 'ErrorDescription' : null 'ExternalBusClockSpeed' : 200 //Long, 0xC8 'Family' : null 'HealthState' : 5 //Long, 0x5 'IdentifyingDescriptions' : ['Performance Counter Set'] //Variant() 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'LastErrorCode' : null 'LoadPercentage' : 25 //Long, 0x19 'LoadPercentageHistory' : [25, 24, 27, 30, 35, 17, 22, 23, 31, 40, 17, 20, 25, 21, 21, 26, 37, 27, 34, 19, 34, 26, 13, 20, 18, 40, 15, 15, 19, 17, 23, 21, 28, 28, 25, 19, 33, 17, 13, 22, 17, 27, 34, 36, 44, 15, 20, 31, 39, 8, 17, 23, 32, 42, 69, 60, 71, 62, 26, 11, 32, 33, 20, 44, 22, 56, 44, 42, 67, 66, 36, 51, 9, 21, 41, 27, 26, 33, 26, 35, 14, 41, 29, 26, 38, 31, 14, 26, 21, 11, 12, 34, 10, 29, 26, 26, 37, 29, 66, 43] //Variant() 'MaxClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'MaxQuiesceTime' : null 'Name' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\2' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : [2] //Variant() 'OtherEnabledState' : null 'OtherFamilyDescription' : null 'OtherIdentifyingInfo' : ['\\.\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(Hv LP 2)\*'] //Variant() 'PowerManagementCapabilities' : null 'PowerManagementSupported' : null 'PowerOnHours' : null 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'RequestedState' : 12 //Long, 0xC 'Role' : 'Central Processor' //String 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'StatusDescriptions' : ['OK'] //Variant() 'StatusInfo' : null 'Stepping' : null 'SystemCreationClassName' : 'Msvm_ComputerSystem' //String 'SystemName' : '.' //String 'TimeOfLastStateChange' : null 'TotalPowerOnHours' : null 'TransitioningToState' : null 'UniqueID' : null 'UpgradeMethod' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\virtualization\v2:Msvm_Processor.CreationClassName="Msvm_Processor",DeviceID="Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\\0\\3",SystemCreationClassName="Msvm_ComputerSystem",SystemName="W2012SDC"Properties={ 'AdditionalAvailability' : null 'AddressWidth' : null 'Availability' : null 'AvailableRequestedStates' : null 'Caption' : 'Processor' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'CPUStatus' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'Msvm_Processor' //String 'CurrentClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'DataWidth' : null 'Description' : 'A logical processor of the hypervisor running on the host computer system.' //String 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DeviceID' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\3' //String 'ElementName' : 'Logical Processor 3' //String 'EnabledDefault' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'EnabledState' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'ErrorCleared' : null 'ErrorDescription' : null 'ExternalBusClockSpeed' : 200 //Long, 0xC8 'Family' : null 'HealthState' : 5 //Long, 0x5 'IdentifyingDescriptions' : ['Performance Counter Set'] //Variant() 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'LastErrorCode' : null 'LoadPercentage' : 65 //Long, 0x41 'LoadPercentageHistory' : [65, 72, 73, 63, 51, 26, 60, 57, 53, 37, 43, 30, 53, 67, 64, 64, 55, 70, 66, 74, 37, 32, 20, 43, 34, 64, 37, 37, 56, 23, 30, 34, 29, 55, 24, 42, 28, 36, 18, 24, 28, 45, 64, 65, 52, 27, 74, 80, 77, 65, 91, 92, 50, 85, 57, 54, 34, 56, 99, 98, 56, 95, 71, 98, 57, 19, 47, 52, 33, 53, 46, 58, 100, 92, 78, 62, 90, 75, 69, 80, 78, 73, 73, 63, 71, 67, 73, 83, 100, 74, 51, 76, 62, 56, 89, 59, 75, 71, 53, 86] //Variant() 'MaxClockSpeed' : 2813 //Long, 0xAFD 'MaxQuiesceTime' : null 'Name' : 'Microsoft:B637F347-6A0E-4DEC-AF52-BD70CB80A21D\0\3' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : [2] //Variant() 'OtherEnabledState' : null 'OtherFamilyDescription' : null 'OtherIdentifyingInfo' : ['\\.\Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processor(Hv LP 3)\*'] //Variant() 'PowerManagementCapabilities' : null 'PowerManagementSupported' : null 'PowerOnHours' : null 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'RequestedState' : 12 //Long, 0xC 'Role' : 'Central Processor' //String 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'StatusDescriptions' : ['OK'] //Variant() 'StatusInfo' : null 'Stepping' : null 'SystemCreationClassName' : 'Msvm_ComputerSystem' //String 'SystemName' : '.' //String 'TimeOfLastStateChange' : null 'TotalPowerOnHours' : null 'TransitioningToState' : null 'UniqueID' : null 'UpgradeMethod' : null } |