Msvm_MetricService provides the ability to manage metrics. For each metric that the service manages, there shall be an instance of Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement that associates the Msvm_MetricService to the instance of Msvm_BaseMetricDefinition that defines the metric, where the value of the Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement.ElementAffects property is 5 "Manages". The capabilities of the Msvm_MetricService instance are advertised through an instance of Msvm_MetricServiceCapabilities associated with the Msvm_MetricService instance through Msvm_ElementCapabilities.
{'Description':'An optional parameter for monitoring progress of the operation, which is used if the method could not be executed synchronously. If the operation is executing asynchronously, the return value is 4096.'}
['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in use', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
{'Description':'Point in time when sampling for the metrics is to be started. A value of 99990101000000.000000+000 shall indicate that sampling should start at the next time it is synchronized to the full hour. Sampling is synchronized to the full hour if seconds since midnight modulo sample interval in seconds is equal to 0.','Required':True}
{'Description':'Preferred sample interval time. In order to get correlatable metrics, it is recommended that the sample interval be chosen in a way that 3600 modulo sample interval time in seconds is equal to 0. It is the responsibility of the CIM metric service implementation to decide whether the requested sample interval time is honored. The CIM client can check whether or not the metric providers are honoring the requested sample interval time by retrieving related BaseMetricDefinition instances and checking the contents of the "CIM_BaseMetricDefinition.SampleInterval" property.','Required':True}
{'Description':'Boolean that when set to TRUE requests that gathering of all metrics associated to the metric service is re-started with this method call.','Required':True}
{'Description':'The Definition parameter identifies a CIM_BaseMetricDefinition for which metrics will be returned.','Required':True}
{'Description':'The Range parameter identifies how the instances are selected. The algorithm for ordering value instances is metric definition specific.','ValueMap':['2', '3', '..', '32768..65535'],'Values':['Minimum', 'Maximum', 'DMTF Reserved', 'Vendor Specific']}
{'Description':'The Count parameter identifies the maximum number of instances to to be returned by the method.'}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, the Values parameter contains references to instances of CIM_BaseMetricValue, filteredaccording to the values of the input parameters.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetrics.ManagedElements']}
{'Description':'The state requested for the element. This information will be placed into the RequestedState property of the instance if the return code of the RequestStateChange method is 0 ('Completed with No Error'), or 4096 (0x1000) ('Job Started'). Refer to the description of the EnabledState and RequestedState properties for the detailed explanations of the RequestedState values.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.RequestedState'],'ValueMap':['2', '3', '4', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '..', '32768..65535'],'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Shut Down', 'Offline', 'Test', 'Defer', 'Quiesce', 'Reboot', 'Reset', 'DMTF Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved']}
{'Description':'May contain a reference to the ConcreteJob created to track the state transition initiated by the method invocation.'}
{'Description':'A timeout period that specifies the maximum amount of time that the client expects the transition to the new state to take. The interval format must be used to specify the TimeoutPeriod. A value of 0 or a null parameter indicates that the client has no time requirements for the transition. If this property does not contain 0 or null and the implementation does not support this parameter, a return code of 'Use Of Timeout Parameter Not Supported' shall be returned.'}
{'Description':'The Subject parameter identifies an instance of CIM_ManagedElement for which the method returns references to instances of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition that define metrics that are being captured for the CIM_ManagedElement.'}
{'Description':'The Definition parameter identifies an instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefintion. The method returns references to instances of CIM_ManagedElement for which metrics defined by the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition are available to be collected.'}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, the ManagedElements[] parameter may contain references to CIM_ManagedElements for which the metric identified by Definition parameter is available for collection.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetrics.DefinitionList']}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, the DefinitionList parameter may contain references to instances of CIM_BaseMetricDefinitions that define metrics available for collection for the CIM_ManagedElement identified by the Subject parameter.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetrics.ManagedElements']}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, each array index of the MetricNames parameter shall contain the value of the Name property for the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition referenced by the corresponding array index of the DefinitionList parameter.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetrics.DefinitionList']}
{'Description':'The MetricCollectionEnabled parameter indicates whether a metric is being collected for a managed element.','ValueMap':['2', '3', '4', '..', '32768..65535'],'Values':['Enable', 'Disable', 'Reserved', 'DMTF Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved']}
{'Description':'The Subject parameter identifies a CIM class for which the method returns references to instances of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition that define metrics that are available to be captured for all instances of the class.','Required':True}
{'Description':'The Definition parameter identifies an instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition. The method returns references to instances of CIM_ManagedElement for which metrics defined by the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition are available to be collected.'}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, the DefinitionList parameter may contain references to instances of CIM_BaseMetricDefinitions that define metrics available for collection for the CIM_ManagedElement identified by the Subject parameter.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetricsByClass.ManagedElements']}
{'ArrayType':'Indexed','Description':'Upon successful completion of the method, each array index of the MetricNames parameter shall contain the value of the Name property for the instance of CIM_BaseMetricDefinition referenced by the corresponding array index of the DefinitionList parameter.','ModelCorrespondence':['CIM_MetricService.ShowMetricsByClass.DefinitionList']}
{'Description':'The MetricCollectionEnabled parameter indicates whether a metric is being collected for all instances of a class of managed elements.','ValueMap':['2', '3', '4', '..', '32768..65535'],'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled', 'Reserved', 'DMTF Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved']}
'Msvm_MetricService provides the ability to manage metrics. For each metric that the service manages, there shall be an instance of Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement that associates the Msvm_MetricService to the instance of Msvm_BaseMetricDefinition that defines the metric, where the value of the Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement.ElementAffects property is 5 "Manages". The capabilities of the Msvm_MetricService instance are advertised through an instance of Msvm_MetricServiceCapabilities associated with the Msvm_MetricService instance through Msvm_ElementCapabilities.'