Includes&Samples |
Msvm_GuestServiceInterfaceComponentSettingData, ROOT\virtualization\v2 - InstancesClass | Methods | Properties (24) | Qualifiers (4) | Instances (1) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Msvm_GuestServiceInterfaceComponentSettingDataThis section contains sample wmi instances of Msvm_GuestServiceInterfaceComponentSettingData class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\virtualization\v2:Msvm_GuestServiceInterfaceComponentSettingData.InstanceID="Microsoft:3962E726-8A63-40BF-B283-45D72BFE89AA\\6C09BB55-D683-4DA0-8931-C9BF705F6480"Properties={ 'Address' : null 'AddressOnParent' : null 'AllocationUnits' : 'count' //String 'AutomaticAllocation' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'AutomaticDeallocation' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'Guest Service Interface' //String 'Connection' : null 'ConsumerVisibility' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'Description' : 'Microsoft Guest Service Interface Setting Data' //String 'ElementName' : 'Guest Service Interface' //String 'EnabledState' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'HostResource' : null 'InstanceID' : 'Microsoft:3962E726-8A63-40BF-B283-45D72BFE89AA\6C09BB55-D683-4DA0-8931-C9BF705F6480' //String 'Limit' : '1' //String, 0x1 'MappingBehavior' : null 'OtherResourceType' : 'Microsoft:Hyper-V:Guest Service Interface Component' //String 'Parent' : null 'PoolID' : null 'Reservation' : '1' //String, 0x1 'ResourceSubType' : null 'ResourceType' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'VirtualQuantity' : '1' //String, 0x1 'VirtualQuantityUnits' : 'count' //String 'Weight' : 0 //Long, 0x0 } |