Includes&Samples |
MSFT_Printer, ROOT\StandardCimv2 - InstancesClass | Methods (5) | Properties (37) | Qualifiers (6) | Instances (2) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of MSFT_PrinterThis section contains sample wmi instances of MSFT_Printer class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\StandardCimv2:MSFT_Printer.ComputerName="",Name="Microsoft XPS Document Writer",Type=0Properties={ 'BranchOfficeOfflineLogSizeMB' : null 'Caption' : null 'Comment' : '' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'ComputerName' : '' //String 'Datatype' : 'RAW' //String 'DefaultJobPriority' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Description' : null 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DisableBranchOfficeLogging' : null 'DriverName' : 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4' //String 'ElementName' : null 'HealthState' : null 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'JobCount' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'KeepPrintedJobs' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Location' : '' //String 'Name' : 'Microsoft XPS Document Writer' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : null 'PermissionSDDL' : null 'PortName' : 'PORTPROMPT:' //String 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'PrinterStatus' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'PrintProcessor' : 'winprint' //String 'Priority' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Published' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'RenderingMode' : null 'SeparatorPageFile' : '' //String 'Shared' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'ShareName' : '' //String 'StartTime' : 60 //Long, 0x3C 'Status' : null 'StatusDescriptions' : null 'Type' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'UntilTime' : 60 //Long, 0x3C } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\StandardCimv2:MSFT_Printer.ComputerName="",Name="Fax",Type=0Properties={ 'BranchOfficeOfflineLogSizeMB' : null 'Caption' : null 'Comment' : '' //String 'CommunicationStatus' : null 'ComputerName' : '' //String 'Datatype' : 'RAW' //String 'DefaultJobPriority' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Description' : null 'DetailedStatus' : null 'DisableBranchOfficeLogging' : null 'DriverName' : 'Microsoft Shared Fax Driver' //String 'ElementName' : null 'HealthState' : null 'InstallDate' : null 'InstanceID' : null 'JobCount' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'KeepPrintedJobs' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Location' : '' //String 'Name' : 'Fax' //String 'OperatingStatus' : null 'OperationalStatus' : null 'PermissionSDDL' : null 'PortName' : 'SHRFAX:' //String 'PrimaryStatus' : null 'PrinterStatus' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'PrintProcessor' : 'winprint' //String 'Priority' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Published' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'RenderingMode' : null 'SeparatorPageFile' : '' //String 'Shared' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'ShareName' : '' //String 'StartTime' : 60 //Long, 0x3C 'Status' : null 'StatusDescriptions' : null 'Type' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'UntilTime' : 60 //Long, 0x3C } |