MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator, ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409

Class | Methods (29) | Properties (4) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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BranchCache task orchestrator

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator methods

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator has 29 methods (29 Local)

Add_BCDataCacheExtensionByPercentageMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Add_BCDataCacheExtensionBySizeBytesMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Clear_BCCacheMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Disable_BCMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Disable_BCDowngradingMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Disable_BCServeOnBatteryMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCDistributedMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCDowngradingMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCHostedClientByServerNamesMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCHostedClientByUseSCPMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCHostedServerMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCLocalMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Enable_BCServeOnBatteryMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Export_BCCachePackageByExportDataCacheMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Export_BCCachePackageByStagingPathMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Export_BCSecretKeyMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Import_BCCachePackageMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Import_BCSecretKeyMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Publish_BCFileHashesMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Publish_BCWebHashesMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByDataCacheExtensionMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByPathMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Reset_BCMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCAuthenticationMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCCacheByCacheMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCCacheByPathMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCDataCacheEntryMaxAgeMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCMinSMBLatencyMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}
Set_BCSecretKeyMSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestratoruint32 {'out':True}

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator properties

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator has 4 properties (4 Derived)

CaptionCIM_ManagedElement8 [string]
DescriptionCIM_ManagedElement8 [string]
ElementNameCIM_ManagedElement8 [string]
InstanceIDCIM_ManagedElement8 [string]

Detailed description of MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator methods

Local methods (29) of MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator class

Add_BCDataCacheExtensionByPercentage method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Percentageuint320-{'Description':'Specifies the new size (in terms of disk percentage) of this cache file.','In':True}
Pathstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the cache file to operate on.','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the newly created cache extension should be output','In':True}
Forceboolean3-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Adds a new republication cache file to increase the amount of storage available on a hosted cache server.'
Add_BCDataCacheExtensionByPercentage method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Add_BCDataCacheExtensionBySizeBytes method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
SizeBytesuint640-{'Description':'Specifies the new size of this cache file.','In':True}
Pathstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the cache file to operate on.','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the newly created cache extension should be output','In':True}
Forceboolean3-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Adds a new republication cache file to increase the amount of storage available on a hosted cache server.'
Add_BCDataCacheExtensionBySizeBytes method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Clear_BCCache method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Deletes all data in all cache files. '
Clear_BCCache method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Disable_BC method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Disables the BranchCache service. '
Disable_BC method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Disable_BCDowngrading method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Disables downgrading, so that the client will no longer request the specified version of content information from servers.'
Disable_BCDowngrading method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Disable_BCServeOnBattery method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'A client may be configured to not listen for content discovery requests in distributed cache mode when operating on battery.'
Disable_BCServeOnBattery method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCDistributed method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Enables BranchCache and configures a machine to operate in distributed cache mode.'
Enable_BCDistributed method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCDowngrading method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Versionuint320-{'Description':'Specifies whether or not the client should operate in a downgraded mode and which version should be used.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Client may be instructed to operate in a downgraded mode, in which it will issue specified version requests to content servers.'
Enable_BCDowngrading method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCHostedClientByServerNames method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ServerNamesstring0-{'Description':'Names of the hosted cache servers to use.','In':True}
UseVersionuint321-{'Description':'Version of the offer protocol to use when contacting this hosted cache server.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Configures BranchCache to operate in hosted cache client mode. '
Enable_BCHostedClientByServerNames method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCHostedClientByUseSCP method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
UseSCPboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the client should locate hosted cache servers using service connection points.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Configures BranchCache to operate in hosted cache client mode. '
Enable_BCHostedClientByUseSCP method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCHostedServer method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
RegisterSCPboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the hosted cache server should register a service connection point','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Configures BranchCache to operate in hosted cache server mode. '
Enable_BCHostedServer method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCLocal method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Enables the BranchCache service in local caching mode.'
Enable_BCLocal method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Enable_BCServeOnBattery method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Forceboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Configures a client to listen for content discovery requests in distributed cache mode when operating on battery.'
Enable_BCServeOnBattery method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Export_BCCachePackageByExportDataCache method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ExportDataCacheboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates the contents of the local data cache will be included in the package','In':True}
Destinationstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the path to the data package','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Exports a cache package'
Export_BCCachePackageByExportDataCache method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Export_BCCachePackageByStagingPath method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
StagingPathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the location of the cache files to be packaged','In':True}
Destinationstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the path to the data package','In':True}
OutputReferenceFilestring2-{'Description':'Specifies the path where an output reference file should be generated','In':True}
Forceboolean3-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Exports a cache package'
Export_BCCachePackageByStagingPath method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Export_BCSecretKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Filenamestring0-{'Description':'Path of the file that will contain the key information.','In':True}
FilePassphrasestring1-{'Description':'Passphrase used to encrypt the file containing the key information.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Exports a secret key to a file.'
Export_BCSecretKey method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Import_BCCachePackage method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Pathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the cache package to import','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Imports a cache package'
Import_BCCachePackage method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Import_BCSecretKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Filenamestring0-{'Description':'Path of the file containing the key information to import.','In':True}
FilePassphrasestring1-{'Description':'Passphrase for the file containing the key information.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Imports the cryptographic key used in the generation of segment secrets.'
Import_BCSecretKey method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Publish_BCFileHashes method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Pathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the file or folder to be hashed','In':True}
UseVersionuint321-{'Description':'Specifies the version of the BranchCache hashing scheme to use','In':True}
StageDataboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the hashes should be saved to a staging area for future export','In':True}
StagingPathstring3-{'Description':'Specifies a temporary folder to output staging data to','In':True}
ReferenceFilestring4-{'Description':'Specifies a reference file from a previous execution','In':True}
Recurseboolean5-{'Description':'Specifies the operation should be applied to subfolders','In':True}
Forceboolean6-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Creates hashes for file content'
Publish_BCFileHashes method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Publish_BCWebHashes method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Pathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the file or folder to be hashed','In':True}
UseVersionuint321-{'Description':'Specifies the version of the BranchCache hashing scheme to use','In':True}
StageDataboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the hashes should be saved to a staging area for future export','In':True}
StagingPathstring3-{'Description':'Specifies a temporary folder to output staging data to','In':True}
ReferenceFilestring4-{'Description':'Specifies a reference file from a previous execution','In':True}
Recurseboolean5-{'Description':'Specifies the operation should be applied to subfolders','In':True}
Forceboolean6-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Creates hashes for web content'
Publish_BCWebHashes method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByDataCacheExtension method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
DataCacheExtensionobject:MSFT_NetBranchCacheDataCacheExtension0-{'Description':'The cache extension which should be removed','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Deletes a cache file.'
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByDataCacheExtension method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByPath method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Pathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the cache file to operate on. ','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Deletes a cache file.'
Remove_BCDataCacheExtensionByPath method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Reset_BC method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ResetFWRulesOnlyboolean0-{'Description':'If True, resets only the Windows firewall rules.','In':True}
ResetPerfCountersOnlyboolean1-{'Description':'If True, resets only the Performance Counters.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Resets BranchCache to a default configuration.'
Reset_BC method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCAuthentication method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Modeuint320-{'Description':'Specifies the authentication mode. ','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Specifies the authentication scheme for clients.'
Set_BCAuthentication method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCCacheByCache method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Cacheobject:MSFT_NetBranchCacheCache0-{'Description':'The cache which should be modified','In':True}
MoveTostring1-{'Description':'Specifies the new location on disk for this this cache file.','In':True}
Percentageuint322-{'Description':'Specifies the new size (in terms of disk percentage) of this cache file.','In':True}
SizeBytesuint643-{'Description':'Specifies the new size of this cache file.','In':True}
Defragmentboolean4-{'Description':'Indicates the cache should be defragmented','In':True}
PassThruboolean5-{'Description':'Indicates the modified cache should be output','In':True}
Forceboolean6-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Modifies the cache file configuration.'
Set_BCCacheByCache method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCCacheByPath method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Pathstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the cache file to operate on.','In':True}
MoveTostring1-{'Description':'Specifies the new location on disk for this this cache file.','In':True}
Percentageuint322-{'Description':'Specifies the new size (in terms of disk percentage) of this cache file.','In':True}
SizeBytesuint643-{'Description':'Specifies the new size of this cache file.','In':True}
Defragmentboolean4-{'Description':'Indicates the cache should be defragmented','In':True}
PassThruboolean5-{'Description':'Indicates the modified cache should be output','In':True}
Forceboolean6-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Modifies the cache file configuration.'
Set_BCCacheByPath method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCDataCacheEntryMaxAge method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
TimeDaysuint320-{'Description':'The maximum number of days a cache entry is valid in the data cache.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation.','In':True}
Description'Sets the maximum age of an entry in the data cache.'
Set_BCDataCacheEntryMaxAge method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCMinSMBLatency method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
LatencyMillisecondsuint320-{'Description':'Minimum latency that must exist between client and server before BranchCache should be used.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Sets the minimum latency that must exist between client and server before transparent caching functions are utilized.'
Set_BCMinSMBLatency method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces
Set_BCSecretKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Passphrasestring0-{'Description':'Passphrase to use in the computation of the server secret key.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates the operation should not prompt for confirmation','In':True}
Description'Sets the cryptographic key used in the generation of segment secrets.'
Set_BCSecretKey method is in 1 class (MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator) of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces

Detailed description of MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator properties

Derived properties (4) of MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator class

Caption property
Description'The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.'
Caption property is in 153 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 37 namespaces
Description property
Description'The Description property provides a textual description of the object.'
Description property is in 154 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 142 namespaces
ElementName property
Description'A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.
Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.'
ElementName property is in 153 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 21 namespaces
InstanceID property
Description'InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below.
To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm:
Where and are separated by a colon (:), and where must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the _ structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between and .
is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance.
If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm must be used with the set to CIM.'
InstanceID property is in 153 classes of ROOT\StandardCimv2\MS_409 and in 21 namespaces

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator Qualifiers

Description'BranchCache task orchestrator'

MSFT_NetBranchCacheOrchestrator System properties

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