A Cluster is composed of two or more ComputerSystems, operating together. A ComputerSystem may participate in multiple Clusters.
When first establishing or bringing up a Cluster, only one ComputerSystem may be defined as participating in it. Therfore, the cardinality of the association for the ComputerSystem reference is Min(1).
CIM_ParticipatingCS - child subclasses in ROOT\MSCluster\ms_409
'RoleOfNode indicates whether the Cluster nodes are peers (value = 2), connected in a master-slave/primary-secondary relationship (values = 3 for primary, 4 for secondary), available in a standby configuration (5) or of some other (1) or unknown (0) relationship. In a System/390 environment, the nodes are identified as "Base Plex" (value=6) or "Enhanced Plex" (value=7).'
'A Cluster is composed of two or more ComputerSystems, operating together. A ComputerSystem may participate in multiple Clusters.
When first establishing or bringing up a Cluster, only one ComputerSystem may be defined as participating in it. Therfore, the cardinality of the association for the ComputerSystem reference is Min(1).'