CIM_ManagedSystemElement, ROOT\MicrosoftDNS
| Childs (1)
| Methods | Properties (5)
| Qualifiers (4)
| Instances (40)
| Namespaces (24)
Samples: VB Script
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| Search on:Microsoft
Description The ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy. Membership Criteria: Any distinguishable component of a system is a candidate for inclusion in this class.Examples: Software components, such as files; and devices, such as disk drives and controllers, and physical components such as chips and cards.
CIM_ManagedSystemElement - child subclasses in ROOT\MicrosoftDNS Number of classes:1
Class name Childs Properties Methods Class Instances Child Instances Abstract Singleton
CIM_LogicalElement 3 5 0 - 40 ✓ -
CIM_ManagedSystemElement properties CIM_ManagedSystemElement has 5 properties (5 Local )
Name Origin CIMType
Caption CIM_ManagedSystemElement 8 [string]
Description CIM_ManagedSystemElement 8 [string]
InstallDate CIM_ManagedSystemElement 101 [datetime]
Name CIM_ManagedSystemElement 8 [string]
Status CIM_ManagedSystemElement 8 [string]
Detailed description of CIM_ManagedSystemElement properties Local properties (5) of CIM_ManagedSystemElement class
▲ InstallDate propertyCIMTYPE 'datetime' Description 'A datetime value indicating when the object was installed. A lack of a value does not indicate that the object is not installed.' MappingStrings ['MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5'] read True InstallDate property is in 37 classes of ROOT\MicrosoftDNS and in 23 namespaces
▲ Name propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The Name property defines the label by which the object is known. When subclassed, the Name property can be overridden to be a Key property.' read True Name property is in 44 classes of ROOT\MicrosoftDNS and in 142 namespaces
CIM_ManagedSystemElement Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
Abstract True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Description 'The ManagedSystemElement class is the base class for the system element hierarchy. Membership Criteria: Any distinguishable component of a system is a candidate for inclusion in this class.Examples: Software components, such as files; and devices, such as disk drives and controllers, and physical components such as chips and cards.'
✗ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓
Locale 1033 ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
UUID '{8502C517-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
CIM_ManagedSystemElement System properties Name Value Origin CIMType Local Array
__PATH '\\.\ROOT\MicrosoftDNS:CIM_ManagedSystemElement' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__NAMESPACE 'ROOT\MicrosoftDNS' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SERVER '.' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__RELPATH 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DYNASTY 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SUPERCLASS null ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__CLASS 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__GENUS 1 ___SYSTEM 3 ✗ ✗
Similar Classes to CIM_ManagedSystemElement Number of classes:1
Class name Childs Properties Methods Class Instances Child Instances Abstract Singleton
CIM_LogicalElement 3 5 0 - 40 ✓ -
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