PS_VpnConnection, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\MS_409

Class | Methods (6) | Properties (32) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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GCW profile management class

PS_VpnConnection methods

PS_VpnConnection has 6 methods (6 Local)

AddPS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}
NewByThirdPartyPS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}
SetPS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}
SetByThirdPartyPS_VpnConnectionuint32 {'out':True}

PS_VpnConnection properties

PS_VpnConnection has 32 properties (32 Local)

PS_VpnConnection11 [boolean]
ApplicationIDPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
AuthenticationMethodPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
ConnectionStatusPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
CustomConfigurationPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
DnsConfigPS_VpnConnection13 [object:PS_VpnConnectionTriggerDnsConfiguration]
DnsSuffixPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
DnsSuffixSearchListPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
EapConfigXmlStreamPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
EncryptionLevelPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
GuidPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
IdleDisconnectSecondsPS_VpnConnection19 [uint32]
IsAutoTriggerEnabledPS_VpnConnection11 [boolean]
L2tpIPsecAuthPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
L2tpPskPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
MachineCertificateEKUFilterPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
MachineCertificateIssuerFilterPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
PS_VpnConnection8 [string]
NapStatePS_VpnConnection8 [string]
PlugInApplicationIDPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
ProfileTypePS_VpnConnection8 [string]
ProvisioningAuthorityPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
ProxyPS_VpnConnection13 [object:PS_VpnConnectionProxy]
RememberCredentialPS_VpnConnection11 [boolean]
RoutesPS_VpnConnection13 [object:PS_VpnConnectionRoute]
ServerAddressPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
ServerListPS_VpnConnection13 [object:PS_VpnServerAddress]
SplitTunnelingPS_VpnConnection11 [boolean]
TrustedNetworkPS_VpnConnection8 [string]
TunnelTypePS_VpnConnection8 [string]
UseWinlogonCredentialPS_VpnConnection11 [boolean]
VpnConfigurationXmlPS_VpnConnection8 [string]

Detailed description of PS_VpnConnection methods

Local methods (6) of PS_VpnConnection class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be created.','In':True}
ServerAddressstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, friendly name, IPv4, or IPv6 address.','In':True}
TunnelTypestring2-{'Description':'Specifies the type of tunnel used for the VPN connection. Options include PPTP, L2TP (for L2TP/IPSec), SSTP, IKEv2 and Automatic (IKEv2, L2TP)','In':True,'Values':['Pptp', 'L2tp', 'Ikev2', 'Sstp']}
AllUserConnectionboolean3-{'Description':'Specifies that the VPN connection should be added to the AllUserConnection phone book entries.','In':True}
RememberCredentialboolean4-{'Description':'Specifies whether the credentials supplied at the time of first successful connection should be stored in the cache.','In':True}
IdleDisconnectSecondsuint325-{'Description':'Idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected','In':True}
DnsSuffixstring6-{'Description':'DNS suffix of the VPN connection','In':True}
SplitTunnelingboolean7-{'Description':'Specifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. If this parameter is not specified, split tunneling is disabled.','In':True}
Forceboolean8-{'Description':'If L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel. ','In':True}
PassThruboolean9-{'Description':'Returns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. ','In':True}
L2tpPskstring10-{'Description':'Specifies the value of Pre-Shared Key to be used for L2TP authentication. If this parameter is not specified, by default a certificate will be used for L2TP.','In':True}
UseWinlogonCredentialboolean11-{'Description':'Specifies that MSCHAPv2 should be used as the authentication method, and Windows logon credentials should be used automatically when connecting with the VPN connection profile.','In':True}
EapConfigXmlStreamstring12-{'Description':'Specifies the contents of the EAP XML configuration file (including the EAP method ID).','In':True}
AuthenticationMethodstring13-{'Description':'Specifies the authentication method to be used for the VPN connection. Available methods include PAP, CHAP, MSCHAPv2, and EAP.','In':True,'Values':['Pap', 'Chap', 'MsChapv2', 'Eap']}
EncryptionLevelstring14-{'Description':'Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection.','In':True,'Values':['NoEncryption', 'Optional', 'Required', 'Maximum']}
MachineCertificateIssuerFilteruint815-{'Description':'Certificate issuer filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selection','In':True}
MachineCertificateEKUFilterstring16-{'Description':'EKU filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selection','In':True}
ServerListobject:VpnServerAddress17-{'Description':'List of VPN servers the VPN client can connect to','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnConnection18-{'Description':'VpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection ','Out':True}
Description'Adds a VPN connection to the Connection Manager phonebook. '
Add method is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be retrieved.','In':True}
AllUserConnectionboolean1-{'Description':'Specifies that the VPN connection should be retrieved from the AllUserConnection phone book entries.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnCommonConfig2-{'Description':'VpnCommonConfig consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix Inbox GCW profile consist of following additional fields: AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection 3rd Party profile consist of following additional fields: PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. ','Out':True}
Description'Retrieves the VPN connection profile specified by the parameters.'
Get method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 19 namespaces
NewByThirdParty method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be created.','In':True}
ServerAddressstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, friendly name, IPv4, or IPv6 address.','In':True}
RememberCredentialboolean2-{'Description':'Specifies whether the credentials supplied at the time of first successful connection should be stored in the cache.','In':True}
SplitTunnelingboolean3-{'Description':'Specifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. If this parameter is not specified, split tunneling is disabled.','In':True}
PassThruboolean4-{'Description':'Returns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. ','In':True}
Forceboolean5-{'Description':'If L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel. ','In':True}
ServerListobject:VpnServerAddress6-{'Description':'List of VPN servers the VPN client can connect to','In':True}
DnsSuffixstring7-{'Description':'DNS suffix of the VPN connection','In':True}
IdleDisconnectSecondsuint328-{'Description':'Idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected','In':True}
PlugInApplicationIDstring9-{'Description':'Identifier for the third party application','In':True}
CustomConfigurationstring10-{'Description':'Used by Third Party VPN plugins to specify custom configuration','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:ThirdPartyVpnConnection11-{'Description':'ThirdPartyVpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. ','Out':True}
Description'Adds a Third Party VPN connection to the Connection Manager phonebook. '
NewByThirdParty method is in 1 class (PS_VpnConnection) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be removed.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Forces the removal of the VPN profile from the phonebook.','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'Returns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. ','In':True}
AllUserConnectionboolean3-{'Description':'Specifies that the VPN connection should be removed from the AllUserConnection phone book entries.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnCommonConfig4-{'Description':'VpnCommonConfig consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix Inbox GCW profile consist of following additional fields: AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection 3rd Party profile consist of following additional fields: PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. ','Out':True}
Description'Removes the specified VPN connection profile. '
Remove method is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 18 namespaces
Set method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ServerAddressstring0-{'Description':'Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, IPv4, or IPv6 address.','In':True}
AllUserConnectionboolean1-{'Description':'Specifies that the VPN connection being modified is in the AllUserConnection phone book entries. ','In':True}
SplitTunnelingboolean2-{'Description':'Specifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. ','In':True}
RememberCredentialboolean3-{'Description':'Specifies whether the credentials supplied at the time of first successful connection should be stored in the cache.','In':True}
TunnelTypestring4-{'Description':'Specifies the type of tunnel used for the VPN connection. Options include PPTP, L2TP (for L2TP/IPSec), SSTP, IKEv2 and Automatic (IKEv2, L2TP)','In':True,'Values':['Pptp', 'L2tp', 'Sstp', 'Ikev2', 'Automatic']}
PassThruboolean5-{'Description':'Returns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. ','In':True}
Forceboolean6-{'Description':'If L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel.','In':True}
L2tpPskstring7-{'Description':'Specifies the value of Pre-Shared Key to be used for L2TP authentication. If this parameter is not specified, by default a certificate will be used for L2TP.','In':True}
AuthenticationMethodstring8-{'Description':'Specifies the authentication method to be used for the VPN connection. Available methods include PAP, CHAP, MSCHAPv2, and EAP.','In':True,'Values':['Pap', 'Chap', 'MsChapv2', 'Eap', 'MachineCertificate']}
EapConfigXmlStreamstring9-{'Description':'Specifies the contents of the EAP XML configuration file (including the EAP method ID).','In':True}
Namestring10-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be modified. ','In':True}
UseWinlogonCredentialboolean11-{'Description':'Specifies that MSCHAPv2 should be used as the authentication method, and Windows logon credentials should be used automatically when connecting with the VPN connection profile.','In':True}
EncryptionLevelstring12-{'Description':'Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection.','In':True,'Values':['NoEncryption', 'Optional', 'Required', 'Maximum', 'Custom']}
MachineCertificateEKUFilterstring13-{'Description':'EKU filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selection','In':True}
MachineCertificateIssuerFilteruint814-{'Description':'Certificate issuer filter for IKEv2 machine certificate selection','In':True}
ServerListobject:VpnServerAddress15-{'Description':'List of VPN servers the VPN client can connect to','In':True}
IdleDisconnectSecondsuint3216-{'Description':'Idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected','In':True}
DnsSuffixstring17-{'Description':'DNS suffix of the VPN connection','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnConnection18-{'Description':'VpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix AllUserConnection (boolean) Specifies that the VPN connection is in AllUserConnection phone book entries. TunnelType (string) Specifies the VPN Tunnel Type in the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Automatic, Pptp, L2tp, Sstp, Ikev2 AuthenticationMethod (string[]) Specifies the authentication method set configured for the VPN Connection profile. Available values: Pap, Chap, MsChapv2, Eap EncryptionLevel (string) Specifies the encryption level for the VPN connection profile. Available values: NoEncrytpion, Optional, Required, Maximum L2tpIPsecAuth (string) Specifies whether the L2TP/IPSec authentication uses a certificate or Pre-Shared key. Available values: Certificate, Psk EapConfigXmlStream (XML) Specifies the contents of the XML file containing the EAP Configuration for the VPN connection profile. NapState (string) Specifies the NAP status for PEAP authentication method. Available values: Success, NotNapCapable, NoConnection, Error MachineCertifiacateEKUFilter (string[]) Specifies the EKU filters for Machine certificate selection MachineCertificateIssuerFilter (X509Certificate2) Specifies the Certificate Issuer filter for machine certificate selection ','Out':True}
Description'Modifies an existing VPN connection profile. '
Set method is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 20 namespaces
SetByThirdParty method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile to be created.','In':True}
ServerAddressstring1-{'Description':'Specifies the address of the remote VPN server to which the client will connect. Can be specified as a URL, friendly name, IPv4, or IPv6 address.','In':True}
RememberCredentialboolean2-{'Description':'Specifies whether the credentials supplied at the time of first successful connection should be stored in the cache.','In':True}
SplitTunnelingboolean3-{'Description':'Specifies that split tunnel should be enabled for the VPN connection profile. If this parameter is not specified, split tunneling is disabled.','In':True}
PassThruboolean4-{'Description':'Returns the VpnConnection object that contains the VpnConnection configuration settings. ','In':True}
Forceboolean5-{'Description':'If L2TP is used, enforces supplying the Pre-Shared Key value over unsecure channel. ','In':True}
ServerListobject:VpnServerAddress6-{'Description':'List of VPN servers the VPN client can connect to','In':True}
DnsSuffixstring7-{'Description':'DNS suffix of the VPN connection','In':True}
IdleDisconnectSecondsuint328-{'Description':'Idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected','In':True}
PlugInApplicationIDstring9-{'Description':'Identifier for the third party application','In':True}
CustomConfigurationstring10-{'Description':'Used by Third Party VPN plugins to specify custom configuration','In':True}
ThirdPartyVpnboolean11-{'Description':'Switch parameter to denote that the cmdlet is being executed for a third party profile','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:ThirdPartyVpnConnection12-{'Description':'ThirdPartyVpnConnection consists of the following fields: Name (string) Specifies the name of the VPN connection profile. ServerAddress (string) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. RememberCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the credentials for the VPN Connection are stored in cache after first successful connection. SplitTunneling (boolean) Specifies whether split tunneling is enabled or disabled. UseWinlogonCredential (boolean) Specifies whether the Windows logon user credentials should be automatically for VPN connection profile. Guid (Guid) Specifies the read-only GUID that represents the phone-book entry ConnectionStatus (string) Specifies the connection status of the VPN connection profile. Available values: Connected, NotConnected, Connecting, Limited, Dormant IdleDisconnectSeconds (uint32) Specifies the idle time before the VPN connection is disconnected ServerList (VpnServerAddress[]) Specifies the address of the Remote VPN Server. Routes (MSFT_NetRoute[]) Specifies the route to be plumbed. VpnTrigger (VpnConnectionTrigger) Specifies Trigger properties of VPN connection. DnsSuffix (string) Specifies the connection specific DNS suffix PlugInApplicationID (string) Specifies Identifier for the third party application. CustomConfiguration (string) Specifies custom configuration used by Third Party VPN plugins. ','Out':True}
Description'Adds a Third Party VPN connection to the Connection Manager phonebook. '
SetByThirdParty method is in 1 class (PS_VpnConnection) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Detailed description of PS_VpnConnection properties

Local properties (32) of PS_VpnConnection class

AllUserConnection property
Description'Flag to represent All User VPN Connection profile or Single user profile.'
AllUserConnection property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ApplicationID property
Description'Unique identifier for an application.'
ApplicationID property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces
AuthenticationMethod property
Description'This parameter contains the Authentication method configured for the current VPN connection profile.'
Values['Pap', 'Chap', 'MsChapv2', 'Eap', 'MachineCertificate']
AuthenticationMethod property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 7 namespaces
ConnectionStatus property
Description'This property reflects the current connection status of the VPN connection.'
Values['Connected', 'NotConnected', 'Connecting', 'Limited', 'Dormant']
ConnectionStatus property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 5 namespaces
CustomConfiguration property
Description'Used by Third Party VPN plugins to specify custom configuration.'
CustomConfiguration property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
DnsConfig property
Description'Specifies Trigger DNS Configurations.'
DnsConfig property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
DnsSuffix property
Description'Specifies the DNS Suffix.'
DnsSuffix property is in 7 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
DnsSuffixSearchList property
Description'Dns Suffix search list for the auto-triggered VPN connection.'
DnsSuffixSearchList property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
EapConfigXmlStream property
Description'This is an XML Stream containing the detailed EAP Configuration for the VPN profile.'
EapConfigXmlStream property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
EncryptionLevel property
Description'This parameter is to specify the Encryption level to be used with the current VPN connection.'
Values['NoEncryption', 'Optional', 'Required', 'Maximum', 'Custom']
EncryptionLevel property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
Guid property
Description'The read-only GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that represents this phone-book entry.'
Guid property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 14 namespaces
IdleDisconnectSeconds property
Description'A value that specifies the time, in seconds, after which an idle connection is terminated. Unless the idle time-out is disabled, the entire connection is terminated if the connection is idle for the specified interval.'
IdleDisconnectSeconds property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 8 namespaces
IsAutoTriggerEnabled property
Description'This flag indicates whether the VPN Connection is auto-trigger enabled.'
IsAutoTriggerEnabled property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
L2tpIPsecAuth property
Description'This parameter specifies whether the L2TP IPSec Authentication method is Machine Certificate or Pre Shared Key.'
Values['Certificate', 'Psk']
L2tpIPsecAuth property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
L2tpPsk property
Description'Specifies the value of Pre-Shared Key to be used for L2TP authentication. If this parameter is not specified, by default a certificate will be used for L2TP.'
L2tpPsk property is in 1 class (PS_VpnConnection) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
MachineCertificateEKUFilter property
Description'Array of Certificate EKU Filter, EKU Name for standard EKU else EKU OID.'
MachineCertificateEKUFilter property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
MachineCertificateIssuerFilter property
Description'Root Certificate Issuer Filter.'
MachineCertificateIssuerFilter property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Name property
Description'Name of the current VPN Connection profile.'
Name property is in 11 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
NapState property
Description'This property reflects the NAP (Health) status of the connection if it is configured to use PEAP authentication method and is currently connected to the Remote VPN Server.'
Values['Success', 'NotNapCapable', 'NoConnection', 'Error']
NapState property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
PlugInApplicationID property
Description'Identifier for the third party application.'
PlugInApplicationID property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ProfileType property
Description'This parameter contains the Vpn Connection Profile Type'
Values['Inbox', 'ThirdParty']
ProfileType property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ProvisioningAuthority property
Description'Provisioning Authority of the VPN Profile.'
ProvisioningAuthority property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Proxy property
Description'Proxy settings of the VPN connection.'
Proxy property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
RememberCredential property
Description'This flag shall store the credentials for the VPN Connection to the credman after first successful connection.'
RememberCredential property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Routes property
Description'Specifies the routes to be plumbed.'
Routes property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ServerAddress property
Description'Address of the Remote VPN Server.'
ServerAddress property is in 6 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ServerList property
Description'Specifies the VPN Server List.'
ServerList property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
SplitTunneling property
Description'This flag specifies whether Split Tunneling has to be enabled or disabled.'
SplitTunneling property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TrustedNetwork property
Description'Trusted network DNS suffixes for the auto-triggered VPN connection.'
TrustedNetwork property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TunnelType property
Description'This parameter contains the PPP Tunnel Type configured in the RAS config blob. This tunnel is decided after first successful connection.'
Values['Pptp', 'L2tp', 'Sstp', 'Ikev2', 'Automatic']
TunnelType property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
UseWinlogonCredential property
Description'This flag is only used for MsChapv2/EAP-MsChapv2 Authentication Methods. It indicated whether the User Winlogon Credentials are to be automatically used for connection using the current VPN connection profile.'
UseWinlogonCredential property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
VpnConfigurationXml property
Description'An XML representation of this instance, which can be used as input for MSFT_VpnConnection::Set'
VpnConfigurationXml property is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\Client\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

PS_VpnConnection Qualifiers

Description'GCW profile management class'

PS_VpnConnection System properties


Similar Classes to PS_VpnConnection

Number of classes:16
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