__Provider, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\HardwareManagement\MS_409, c# samples

Class | Childs (1) | Methods | Properties (1) | Qualifiers (1) | Instances | Namespaces (142)
Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft

c# Code samples

The class __Provider is abstract and serves only as a base for new classes. You cannot create instances of abstract class, see derived classes.

WMI query - sample windows WQL with C#, Name property of __Provider

Short C# sample code to get the abstract class __Provider and its properties.
See in another language: VBScript, VB.Net.
	//Project -> Add reference -> System.Management
	//using System.Management;
	//set the class name and namespace
	string NamespacePath = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\Microsoft\\Windows\\HardwareManagement\\MS_409";
	string ClassName = "__Provider";
	//Create ManagementClass
	ManagementClass mClass = new ManagementClass(NamespacePath + ":" + ClassName);
	// List the properties in the __Provider class
	PropertyDataCollection lproperties = mClass.Properties;
	// display the properties  
	Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Property Names in {0}: ",ClassName));
	foreach (PropertyData property in lproperties)
	    Console.WriteLine("name: {0}, Origin: {1}", property.Name, property.Origin );

WMI query - list of class instances

List of all instances of __Provider class in C#.
See in another language: VBScript, VB.Net.
	//Project -> Add reference -> System.Management
	//using System.Management;
	//set the class name and namespace
	string NamespacePath = "\\\\.\\ROOT\\Microsoft\\Windows\\HardwareManagement\\MS_409";
	string ClassName = "__Provider";
	//Create ManagementClass
	ManagementClass oClass = new ManagementClass(NamespacePath + ":" + ClassName);
	//Get all instances of the class and enumerate them
	foreach (ManagementObject oObject in oClass.GetInstances())
		//access a property of the Management object
		Console.WriteLine("Name : {0}", oObject["Name"]);
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