PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\MS_409

Class | Methods (2) | Properties | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Public keys of DNSSEC signed zones

PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey methods

PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey has 2 methods (2 Local)

ExportByDnsKeyPS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKeyuint32 {'out':True}
ExportByDsKeyPS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKeyuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey methods

Local methods (2) of PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey class

ExportByDnsKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ZoneNamestring0-{'Description':'Name of the primary zone from which DnsSec public keys will be exported.','In':True}
Pathstring1-{'Description':'Absolute path used to place the keyset file, the file name will be automatically created according to the zone name','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
UnAuthenticatedboolean3-{'Description':'If specified, even if the admin does not have permissions to run the cmdlets on the remote server, the provider would query for DNSKEY and export the required data.','In':True}
Forceboolean4-{'Description':'If specified, overrides default confirmation before performing the operation','In':True}
NoClobberboolean5-{'Description':'If specified, does not overwrite if the file already exists','In':True}
ComputerNamestring6-{'Description':'DNS server name which is authoritative for the Signed zone','In':True}
Description'Exports DS or DNSKEY information of a DNSSEC signed zone.'
ExportByDnsKey method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ExportByDsKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ZoneNamestring0-{'Description':'Name of the primary zone from which DnsSec public keys will be exported.','In':True}
UnAuthenticatedboolean1-{'Description':'If specified, even if the admin does not have permissions to run the cmdlets on the remote server, the provider would query for DNSKEY and export the required data.','In':True}
ComputerNamestring2-{'Description':'DNS server name which is authoritative for the Signed zone','In':True}
Forceboolean3-{'Description':'If specified, overrides default confirmation before performing the operation','In':True}
NoClobberboolean4-{'Description':'If specified, does not overwrite if the file already exists','In':True}
PassThruboolean5-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Pathstring6-{'Description':'Absolute path used to place the keyset file, the file name will be automatically created according to the zone name','In':True}
DigestTypestring7-{'Description':'Algorithm used to create DS record. One or more of the following: "Sha1", "Sha256", "Sha384" are allowed','In':True,'Values':['Sha1', 'Sha256', 'Sha384']}
Description'Exports DS or DNSKEY information of a DNSSEC signed zone.'
ExportByDsKey method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey Qualifiers

Description'Public keys of DNSSEC signed zones'

PS_DnsServerDnsSecPublicKey System properties


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