DnsServerDsStatistics, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\MS_409
| Methods | Properties (48)
| Qualifiers (3)
| Instances | Namespaces (2)
Samples: VB Script
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DescriptionDNS server statistics related to directory server processing
DnsServerDsStatistics propertiesDnsServerDsStatistics has 48 properties (48 Local)
Detailed description of DnsServerDsStatistics propertiesLocal properties (48) of DnsServerDsStatistics class▲ DsNodesAdded property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of new nodes added to the directory server' |
DsNodesAdded property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsNodesDeleted property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of nodes deleted from the directory server' |
DsNodesDeleted property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsNodesLoaded property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of valid DNS nodes found in the directory server and loaded in memory by the server' |
DsNodesLoaded property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsNodesModified property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of nodes modified in the directory server' |
DsNodesModified property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsNodesTombstoned property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of nodes tombstoned in the directory server' |
DsNodesTombstoned property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsRecordsAdded property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of records added to the directory server' |
DsRecordsAdded property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsRecordsLoaded property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of resource records loaded in memory by the server' |
DsRecordsLoaded property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsRecordsReplaced property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of records modified or replaced in the directory server' |
DsRecordsReplaced property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsSerialWrites property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of records that had matching data and hence were not written to the directory server' |
DsSerialWrites property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsTombstonesRead property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of nodes read from the directory server and found in a tombstoned state' |
DsTombstonesRead property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsTotalNodesRead property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The total number of DNS nodes read from the directory server' |
DsTotalNodesRead property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsTotalRecordsRead property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The total number of resource records read from the directory server' |
DsTotalRecordsRead property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsUpdateNodesRead property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of DNS nodes that were read from the directory server and contained updated information' |
DsUpdateNodesRead property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsUpdateRecordsRead property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of resource records that were read from the directory server and contained updated information' |
DsUpdateRecordsRead property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsUpdateSearches property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of zone update searches performed on the directory server' |
DsUpdateSearches property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsWriteSuppressed property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of records added to the directory server' |
DsWriteSuppressed property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ DsWriteType property |
CIMTYPE | 'object:DnsServerRecordRequest' |
Description | 'An array of 32-bit unsigned integers that keeps track of update requests for different DNS record types as specified DNS_RECORD_TYPE' |
DsWriteType property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ FailedDeleteDsEntries property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server failed to delete entries from the directory server' |
FailedDeleteDsEntries property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ FailedLdapAdd property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server failed to add entries to the directory server' |
FailedLdapAdd property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ FailedLdapModify property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server failed to modify records in the directory server' |
FailedLdapModify property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ FailedReadRecords property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server failed to read records from the directory server' |
FailedReadRecords property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapReconnects property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server attempted to reconnect to the directory server' |
LdapReconnects property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapSearchTime property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The cumulative time, in milliseconds, consumed by server-performed LDAP searches' |
LdapSearchTime property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapTimedWrites property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server performed a timed LDAP write operation' |
LdapTimedWrites property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteAverage property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The average time, in milliseconds, for all server performed timed LDAP write operations since the server was last restarted' |
LdapWriteAverage property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket0 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took less than 10 milliseconds' |
LdapWriteBucket0 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket1 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took between 10 and 100 milliseconds' |
LdapWriteBucket1 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket2 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took between 100 milliseconds and 1 second' |
LdapWriteBucket2 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket3 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took between 1 and 10 seconds' |
LdapWriteBucket3 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket4 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took between 10 and 100 seconds' |
LdapWriteBucket4 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteBucket5 property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of LDAP write-operations that took more than 100 seconds' |
LdapWriteBucket5 property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteMax property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The longest duration taken, in milliseconds, for any single server-performed timed LDAP write-operation' |
LdapWriteMax property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ LdapWriteTimeTotal property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The cumulative time, in milliseconds, consumed by server-performed timed LDAP write operations' |
LdapWriteTimeTotal property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ PollingPassesWithDsErrors property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of times the server hit failure while polling zones in the directory server' |
PollingPassesWithDsErrors property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateAdmin property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes modified as a result of administrator initiated changes' |
UpdateAdmin property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateAgingOff property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required aging to be disabled' |
UpdateAgingOff property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateAgingOn property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required aging to be enabled' |
UpdateAgingOn property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateAginRefresh property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required an aging information refresh' |
UpdateAginRefresh property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateAutoConfig property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes modified as a result of an auto-configure operation' |
UpdateAutoConfig property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateLists property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes with an updated list of record' |
UpdateLists property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateNodes property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required an update in the directory server' |
UpdateNodes property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdatePacket property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes modified as a result of update packets being received' |
UpdatePacket property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdatePacketPrecon property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes modified as a result of update packets being received with prerequisites' |
UpdatePacketPrecon property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateRecordChange property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required record changes' |
UpdateRecordChange property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateScavenge property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes modified as a result of a scavenging cycle' |
UpdateScavenge property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateSuppressed property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that did not require any write to the directory server' |
UpdateSuppressed property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateTombstones property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required tombstoning' |
UpdateTombstones property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
▲ UpdateWrites property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The number of in-memory nodes that required writing to the directory server' |
UpdateWrites property is in 1 class (DnsServerDsStatistics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces |
DnsServerDsStatistics QualifiersName | Value | ToInstance | ToSubclass | Overridable | Amended | Local |
AMENDMENT | True | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Description | 'DNS server statistics related to directory server processing' | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
LOCALE | 'MS_409' | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
DnsServerDsStatistics System propertiesName | Value | Origin | CIMType | Local | Array |
__PATH | '\\.\ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409:DnsServerDsStatistics' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__NAMESPACE | 'ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns\ms_409' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SERVER | '.' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DERIVATION | [] | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✓ |
__PROPERTY_COUNT | 48 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
__RELPATH | 'DnsServerDsStatistics' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DYNASTY | 'DnsServerDsStatistics' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SUPERCLASS | null | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__CLASS | 'DnsServerDsStatistics' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__GENUS | 1 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
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