{'Description':' Type Name Description
uint32 Solicits Number of solicits received by server
uint32 Advertises Number of advertises sent by server
uint32 PendingAdvertises Number of advertises sent by server which are not yet acknowledged
uint32 Confirms Number of confirms sent by server
uint32 Declines Number of declines received by server
uint32 Informs Number of informs received by server
uint32 Rebinds Number of rebinds received by server
uint32 Releases Number of releases received by server
uint32 Renews Number of renews received by server
uint32 Replies Number of replies sent by server
uint32 Requests Number of requests received by server
DateTime ServerStartTime Server start time. Output format will be as per the time zone of the user and the culture setting.
uint32 TotalScopes Total Number of scopes on server
uint32 TotalAddresses Total addresses across all scopes on the server
uint32 AddressesInUse Addresses in use across all scopes on the server
uint32 AddressesAvailable Addresses available across all scopes on the server
real32 PercentageInUse Percentage of addresses in use
real32 PercentagePendingAdvertises Percentage of addresses sent by the server which are not yet acknowledged
real32 PercentageAvailable Percentage of addresses available