Includes&Samples |
Win32_SerialPortConfiguration, ROOT\cimv2 - InstancesClass | Methods | Properties (29) | Qualifiers (5) | Instances (1) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Win32_SerialPortConfigurationThis section contains sample wmi instances of Win32_SerialPortConfiguration class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_SerialPortConfiguration.Name="COM1"Properties={ 'AbortReadWriteOnError' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'BaudRate' : 9600 //Long, 0x2580 'BinaryModeEnabled' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'BitsPerByte' : 8 //Long, 0x8 'Caption' : 'COM1' //String 'ContinueXMitOnXOff' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CTSOutflowControl' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Description' : 'COM1' //String 'DiscardNULLBytes' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'DSROutflowControl' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'DSRSensitivity' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'DTRFlowControlType' : 'ENABLE' //String 'EOFCharacter' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'ErrorReplaceCharacter' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'ErrorReplacementEnabled' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EventCharacter' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'IsBusy' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Name' : 'COM1' //String 'Parity' : 'NONE' //String 'ParityCheckEnabled' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'RTSFlowControlType' : 'ENABLE' //String 'SettingID' : null 'StopBits' : '1' //String, 0x1 'XOffCharacter' : 19 //Long, 0x13 'XOffXMitThreshold' : 512 //Long, 0x200 'XOnCharacter' : 17 //Long, 0x11 'XOnXMitThreshold' : 2048 //Long, 0x800 'XOnXOffInFlowControl' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'XOnXOffOutFlowControl' : 0 //Long, 0x0 } |