Includes&Samples |
Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics, ROOT\cimv2 - InstancesClass | Methods | Properties (11) | Qualifiers (12) | Instances (40) | Namespaces (1)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatisticsThis section contains sample wmi instances of Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="628"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 14 //Long, 0xE 'CredentialHandles' : 947 //Long, 0x3B3 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '628' //String, 0x274 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="532"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '532' //String, 0x214 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="784"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '784' //String, 0x310 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1004"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1004' //String, 0x3EC 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="800"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '800' //String, 0x320 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="80"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 1686 //Long, 0x696 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '80' //String, 0x50 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1180"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 6 //Long, 0x6 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1180' //String, 0x49C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="628#1"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'CredentialHandles' : 628 //Long, 0x274 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '628#1' //String 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1500"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 15 //Long, 0xF 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1500' //String, 0x5DC 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="448"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '448' //String, 0x1C0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1704"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'CredentialHandles' : 32 //Long, 0x20 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1704' //String, 0x6A8 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1820"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'CredentialHandles' : 19 //Long, 0x13 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1820' //String, 0x71C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1804"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 8 //Long, 0x8 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1804' //String, 0x70C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1912"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'CredentialHandles' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1912' //String, 0x778 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="2032"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 43 //Long, 0x2B 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '2032' //String, 0x7F0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1612"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'CredentialHandles' : 7376 //Long, 0x1CD0 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1612' //String, 0x64C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="880"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'CredentialHandles' : 21 //Long, 0x15 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '880' //String, 0x370 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="376"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '376' //String, 0x178 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="2748"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 16 //Long, 0x10 'CredentialHandles' : 97 //Long, 0x61 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '2748' //String, 0xABC 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="3432"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 6 //Long, 0x6 'CredentialHandles' : 32 //Long, 0x20 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '3432' //String, 0xD68 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="588"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 32 //Long, 0x20 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '588' //String, 0x24C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="3032"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 37 //Long, 0x25 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '3032' //String, 0xBD8 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="2228"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'CredentialHandles' : 20 //Long, 0x14 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '2228' //String, 0x8B4 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="5044"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '5044' //String, 0x13B4 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="4300"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 17 //Long, 0x11 'CredentialHandles' : 75544 //Long, 0x12718 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '4300' //String, 0x10CC 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="4912"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'CredentialHandles' : 40 //Long, 0x28 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '4912' //String, 0x1330 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="3844"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 6 //Long, 0x6 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '3844' //String, 0xF04 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="2544"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 3 //Long, 0x3 'CredentialHandles' : 174 //Long, 0xAE 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '2544' //String, 0x9F0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="2696"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'CredentialHandles' : 42256 //Long, 0xA510 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '2696' //String, 0xA88 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="3992"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 336 //Long, 0x150 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '3992' //String, 0xF98 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="620"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 13 //Long, 0xD 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '620' //String, 0x26C 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="5380"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '5380' //String, 0x1504 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="5328"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'CredentialHandles' : 4731 //Long, 0x127B 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '5328' //String, 0x14D0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="1788"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 4 //Long, 0x4 'CredentialHandles' : 11837 //Long, 0x2E3D 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '1788' //String, 0x6FC 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="4976"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 13 //Long, 0xD 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '4976' //String, 0x1370 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="6768"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 4 //Long, 0x4 'CredentialHandles' : 21 //Long, 0x15 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '6768' //String, 0x1A70 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="6864"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 7 //Long, 0x7 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '6864' //String, 0x1AD0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="6880"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 9 //Long, 0x9 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '6880' //String, 0x1AE0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="340"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 2 //Long, 0x2 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '340' //String, 0x154 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Lsa_SecurityPerProcessStatistics.Name="7040"Properties={ 'Caption' : null 'ContextHandles' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'CredentialHandles' : 1 //Long, 0x1 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '7040' //String, 0x1B80 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603634029750000' //String } |