Includes&Samples |
Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_SMBBandwidthLimits, ROOT\cimv2 - InstancesClass | Methods | Properties (31) | Qualifiers (12) | Instances (2) | Namespaces (1)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_SMBBandwidthLimitsThis section contains sample wmi instances of Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_SMBBandwidthLimits class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_SMBBandwidthLimits.Name="*"Properties={ 'AvgBytesPerRead' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerRead_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerWrite' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerWrite_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgDataBytesPerRequest' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgDataBytesPerRequest_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgDataQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgReadQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgsecPerDataRequest' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerDataRequest_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerRead' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerRead_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerWrite' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerWrite_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgWriteQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Caption' : null 'CurrentDataQueueLength' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'DataBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'DataRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '2746789' //String, 0x29E9A5 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '*' //String 'ReadBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'ReadRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '243021849280' //String 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603921937257005' //String 'WriteBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'WriteRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_PerfRawData_Counters_SMBBandwidthLimits.Name="_Total"Properties={ 'AvgBytesPerRead' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerRead_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerWrite' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgBytesPerWrite_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgDataBytesPerRequest' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgDataBytesPerRequest_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgDataQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgReadQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'AvgsecPerDataRequest' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerDataRequest_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerRead' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerRead_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerWrite' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgsecPerWrite_Base' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'AvgWriteQueueLength' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Caption' : null 'CurrentDataQueueLength' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'DataBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'DataRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Description' : null 'Frequency_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Frequency_PerfTime' : '2746789' //String, 0x29E9A5 'Frequency_Sys100NS' : '10000000' //String, 0x989680 'Name' : '_Total' //String 'ReadBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'ReadRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 'Timestamp_Object' : '0' //String, 0x0 'Timestamp_PerfTime' : '243021849280' //String 'Timestamp_Sys100NS' : '130603921937257005' //String 'WriteBytesPersec' : '0' //String, 0x0 'WriteRequestsPersec' : 0 //Long, 0x0 } |