Includes&Samples |
Win32_LaunchCondition, ROOT\cimv2 - InstancesClass | Methods (1) | Properties (10) | Qualifiers (6) | Instances (26) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of Win32_LaunchConditionThis section contains sample wmi instances of Win32_LaunchCondition class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="VersionNT AND ((VersionNT >= 502) OR ((VersionNT = 501) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 1)) OR ((VersionNT = 500) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 4))){95120000-00B9-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Microsoft Application Error Reporting requires Windows 2000 SP4 or later, Windows XP SP1 or later, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Vista.' //String 'CheckID' : 'VersionNT AND ((VersionNT >= 502) OR ((VersionNT = 501) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 1)) OR ((VersionNT = 500) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 4))){95120000-00B9-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'VersionNT AND ((VersionNT >= 502) OR ((VersionNT = 501) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 1)) OR ((VersionNT = 500) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 4)))' //String 'Description' : 'Microsoft Application Error Reporting requires Windows 2000 SP4 or later, Windows XP SP1 or later, Windows Server 2003 or Windows Vista.' //String 'Name' : 'VersionNT AND ((VersionNT >= 502) OR ((VersionNT = 501) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 1)) OR ((VersionNT = 500) AND (ServicePackLevel >= 4)))' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{C3F6F200-6D7B-4879-B9EE-700C0CE1FCDA}"Properties={ 'Caption' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{C3F6F200-6D7B-4879-B9EE-700C0CE1FCDA}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="NOT NEWERPRODUCTVERSIONDETECTED{E5748D30-7E6D-3A8E-BFE6-C1D02C6DDABB}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'A newer version of this product is already installed.' //String 'CheckID' : 'NOT NEWERPRODUCTVERSIONDETECTED{E5748D30-7E6D-3A8E-BFE6-C1D02C6DDABB}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'NOT NEWERPRODUCTVERSIONDETECTED' //String 'Description' : 'A newer version of this product is already installed.' //String 'Name' : 'NOT NEWERPRODUCTVERSIONDETECTED' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(VersionNT64){E5748D30-7E6D-3A8E-BFE6-C1D02C6DDABB}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'This package is not applicable to your system architecture. Please choose the appropriate package for your system.' //String 'CheckID' : '(VersionNT64){E5748D30-7E6D-3A8E-BFE6-C1D02C6DDABB}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(VersionNT64)' //String 'Description' : 'This package is not applicable to your system architecture. Please choose the appropriate package for your system.' //String 'Name' : '(VersionNT64)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{020CDFE0-C127-4047-B571-37C82396B662}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{020CDFE0-C127-4047-B571-37C82396B662}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{6476DB81-F263-4C04-8574-AAD31136C304}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{6476DB81-F263-4C04-8574-AAD31136C304}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{49D665A2-4C2A-476E-9AB8-FCC425F526FC}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{49D665A2-4C2A-476E-9AB8-FCC425F526FC}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){49D665A2-4C2A-476E-9AB8-FCC425F526FC}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'CheckID' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){49D665A2-4C2A-476E-9AB8-FCC425F526FC}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'Description' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'Name' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{E62D73B2-78F3-4009-BA70-79B14B3BC4F0}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{E62D73B2-78F3-4009-BA70-79B14B3BC4F0}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{6292D514-17A4-403F-98F9-E150F10C043D}"Properties={ 'Caption' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{6292D514-17A4-403F-98F9-E150F10C043D}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(ADDEPLOY = 1 OR NOVSUI = 1 OR VSEXTUI = 1 OR ADVERTISED =1 OR ProductState >= 1){D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'To install this product, please run Setup.exe. For other installation options, see the Installation section of ReadMe.htm.' //String 'CheckID' : '(ADDEPLOY = 1 OR NOVSUI = 1 OR VSEXTUI = 1 OR ADVERTISED =1 OR ProductState >= 1){D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(ADDEPLOY = 1 OR NOVSUI = 1 OR VSEXTUI = 1 OR ADVERTISED =1 OR ProductState >= 1)' //String 'Description' : 'To install this product, please run Setup.exe. For other installation options, see the Installation section of ReadMe.htm.' //String 'Name' : '(ADDEPLOY = 1 OR NOVSUI = 1 OR VSEXTUI = 1 OR ADVERTISED =1 OR ProductState >= 1)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(NOT BASELINE OR ProductState > 1){D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'The Visual Studio Shell Prerequisites requirements to install [LocProductName] for this system have not been met. Please run the Visual Studio Shell Prerequisites setup.' //String 'CheckID' : '(NOT BASELINE OR ProductState > 1){D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(NOT BASELINE OR ProductState > 1)' //String 'Description' : 'The Visual Studio Shell Prerequisites requirements to install [LocProductName] for this system have not been met. Please run the Visual Studio Shell Prerequisites setup.' //String 'Name' : '(NOT BASELINE OR ProductState > 1)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'You must be an administrator on this machine in order to install this product.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{D64B6984-242F-32BC-B008-752806E5FC44}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'You must be an administrator on this machine in order to install this product.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{83F2B8F4-5CF3-4BE9-9772-9543EAE4AC5F}"Properties={ 'Caption' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{83F2B8F4-5CF3-4BE9-9772-9543EAE4AC5F}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : '[AdminMessage]' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{366CD715-2FF4-40B4-A8B4-A05E5D21A945}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{366CD715-2FF4-40B4-A8B4-A05E5D21A945}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{3204DE95-97D2-4261-A286-98A262E171D4}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{3204DE95-97D2-4261-A286-98A262E171D4}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="NOT Version9X AND VersionNT >= 500{9201FC66-1329-424A-9647-13E35EF71860}"Properties={ 'Caption' : '[ProductName] requires Windows 2000 or above.' //String 'CheckID' : 'NOT Version9X AND VersionNT >= 500{9201FC66-1329-424A-9647-13E35EF71860}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'NOT Version9X AND VersionNT >= 500' //String 'Description' : '[ProductName] requires Windows 2000 or above.' //String 'Name' : 'NOT Version9X AND VersionNT >= 500' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{AB8DE9BA-19E1-446A-BCFA-6B3DA9751E21}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{AB8DE9BA-19E1-446A-BCFA-6B3DA9751E21}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){AB8DE9BA-19E1-446A-BCFA-6B3DA9751E21}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'CheckID' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){AB8DE9BA-19E1-446A-BCFA-6B3DA9751E21}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'Description' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'Name' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{0EEBDCCA-EF5D-4896-9FEA-D7D410A57E8A}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{0EEBDCCA-EF5D-4896-9FEA-D7D410A57E8A}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{8C06D6DB-A391-4686-B050-99CC522A7843}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{8C06D6DB-A391-4686-B050-99CC522A7843}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{59DE4D1C-690E-4397-8A44-B684934E863C}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{59DE4D1C-690E-4397-8A44-B684934E863C}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{327E9C0D-1687-414F-923E-F5979E549548}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{327E9C0D-1687-414F-923E-F5979E549548}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{1C30FE7E-8A8C-4492-89D6-10CB20C3B0EB}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{1C30FE7E-8A8C-4492-89D6-10CB20C3B0EB}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="Privileged{A106FA6F-E94C-44C9-8A0F-C34BD82C9FE6}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'CheckID' : 'Privileged{A106FA6F-E94C-44C9-8A0F-C34BD82C9FE6}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : 'Privileged' //String 'Description' : 'Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, as the current user is not in the administrator group.' //String 'Name' : 'Privileged' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:Win32_LaunchCondition.CheckID="(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){A106FA6F-E94C-44C9-8A0F-C34BD82C9FE6}"Properties={ 'Caption' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'CheckID' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601){A106FA6F-E94C-44C9-8A0F-C34BD82C9FE6}' //String 'CheckMode' : null 'Condition' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'Description' : 'Installation of this product failed because it is not supported on this operating system. For information on supported configurations, see the product documentation.' //String 'Name' : '(VersionNT = 600 AND ServicePackLevel >= 2) OR (VersionNT >= 601)' //String 'SoftwareElementID' : null 'SoftwareElementState' : null 'TargetOperatingSystem' : null 'Version' : null } |