Win32_VideoConfiguration, ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409

Class | Methods | Properties (30) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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The Win32_VideoConfiguration class is not active in releases after Windows 2000. It will not return any instances as there is no provider backing it. The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a configuration of a video subsystem. This class has been deprecated in favor of the properties contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes

Win32_VideoConfiguration properties

Win32_VideoConfiguration has 30 properties (27 Local, 3 Derived)

ActualColorResolutionWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
AdapterChipTypeWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
Win32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
AdapterDACTypeWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
AdapterDescriptionWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
AdapterRAMWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
AdapterTypeWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
BitsPerPixelWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
CaptionCIM_Setting8 [string]
ColorPlanesWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
ColorTableEntriesWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
DescriptionCIM_Setting8 [string]
DeviceSpecificPensWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
DriverDateWin32_VideoConfiguration101 [datetime]
HorizontalResolutionWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
InfFilenameWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
InfSectionWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
InstalledDisplayDriversWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
MonitorManufacturerWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
MonitorTypeWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
Win32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
PixelsPerXLogicalInchWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
PixelsPerYLogicalInchWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
RefreshRateWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
ScanModeWin32_VideoConfiguration8 [string]
ScreenHeightWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
ScreenWidthWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
SettingIDCIM_Setting8 [string]
SystemPaletteEntriesWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]
VerticalResolutionWin32_VideoConfiguration19 [uint32]

Detailed description of Win32_VideoConfiguration properties

Local properties (27) of Win32_VideoConfiguration class

ActualColorResolution property
Description'The ActualColorResolution property indicates the current color depth of the video display.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
Units'bits per pixel'
ActualColorResolution property is in 1 class (Win32_VideoConfiguration) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterChipType property
Description'The AdapterChipType property contains the name of the adapter chip.
Example: s3
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterChipType property is in 1 class (Win32_VideoConfiguration) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterCompatibility property
Description'The AdapterCompatibility property specifies the name of the manufacturer of the adapter. This name can be used to compare the compatibility of this device with the needs of the computer system.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterCompatibility property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterDACType property
Description'The AdapterDACType property indicates the name of the digital-to-analog chip (DAC) used in the adapter.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterDACType property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterDescription property
Description'The AdapterDescription property contains a description or descriptive name of the video adapter.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterDescription property is in 1 class (Win32_VideoConfiguration) of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterRAM property
Description'The AdapterRAM property indicates the memory size of the video adapter.
Example: 16777216
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterRAM property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
AdapterType property
Description'The AdapterType property indicates the type of video adapter.
Character Set: Alphanumeric
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
AdapterType property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
BitsPerPixel property
Description'The BitsPerPixel property indicates the actual number of bits per pixel representing the display. This may be scaled to the current video setting (represented by the ActualColorResolution property) of the user.
Example: 8
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
BitsPerPixel property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
ColorPlanes property
Description'The ColorPlanes property indicates the current number of color planes used in the video display. A color plane is another way to represent pixel colors; instead of assigning a single RGB value to each a pixel, color planes separate the graphic into each of the primary color components (red green blue), and store them in their own planes. This allows for greater color depths on 8 and 16 bit video systems. Present graphics systems have the bitwidth large enough to store color depth information, making only one color plane necessary.
Example: 1
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
ColorPlanes property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ColorTableEntries property
Description'The ColorTableEntries property indicates the number of color indexes in a color table for a video display. This property is used if the device has a color depth of no more than 8 bits per pixel. For devices with greater color depths, -1 is returned.
Example: 256
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
ColorTableEntries property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
DeviceSpecificPens property
Description'The DeviceSpecificPens property indicates the current number of device-specific pens. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF means the device does not support pens. Pens are used to draw lines and theborders of polygonal objects.
Example: 3
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
DeviceSpecificPens property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
DriverDate property
Description'The DriverDate property indicates the date and time the current video driver was installed.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
DriverDate property is in 4 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 5 namespaces
HorizontalResolution property
Description'The HorizontalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the horizontal direction (X axis) of the display.
Example: 1024
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
HorizontalResolution property is in 6 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
InfFilename property
Description'The InfFilename property specifies the path to the .inf file of the video driver.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
InfFilename property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
InfSection property
Description'The InfSection property indicates the section of the .inf file where the Win32 video information resides.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
InfSection property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
InstalledDisplayDrivers property
Description'The InstalledDisplayDrivers property indicates the name of the installed video driver.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
InstalledDisplayDrivers property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
MonitorManufacturer property
Description'The MonitorManufacturer property indicates the name of the manufacturer of the display device.
Example: NEC
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
MonitorManufacturer property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
MonitorType property
Description'The MonitorType property indicates the model name of the display device.
Example: NEC 5FGp
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
MonitorType property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Name property
Description'The Name property contains an identifying name for the video configuration class.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
Name property is in 306 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
PixelsPerXLogicalInch property
Description'The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal direction) of the display.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
PixelsPerXLogicalInch property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
PixelsPerYLogicalInch property
Description'The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical direction) of the display.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
PixelsPerYLogicalInch property is in 2 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
RefreshRate property
Description'The RefreshRate property indicates the refresh rate of the video configuration. A value of 0 or 1 indicates a default rate is being used.
Example: 72
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
RefreshRate property is in 4 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ScanMode property
Description'The ScanMode property determines whether the display device is interlaced.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
Values['Non Interlaced', 'Interlaced']
ScanMode property is in 4 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ScreenHeight property
Description'The ScreenHeight property specifies the height of the physical screen.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
ScreenHeight property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
ScreenWidth property
Description'The ScreenWidth property specifies the width of the physical screen.
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
ScreenWidth property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 3 namespaces
SystemPaletteEntries property
Description'The SystemPaletteEntries property indicates the current number of color index entries reserved for system use. This value is only valid for display settings that use an indexed palette . Indexed palettes are not used for color depths greater than 8 bits per pixel. If the color depth is more than 8 bits per pixel, this value is set to NULL.
Example: 20
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
SystemPaletteEntries property is in 3 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
VerticalResolution property
Description'The VerticalResolution property indicates the current number of pixels in the vertical direction (Y axis) of the display.
Example: 768
This property has been deprecated in favor of a corresponding property(s) contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor and//or CIM_VideoControllerResolution'
VerticalResolution property is in 6 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Derived properties (3) of Win32_VideoConfiguration class

Caption property
Description'A short textual description (one-line string) of the CIM_Setting object.'
Caption property is in 273 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 37 namespaces
Description property
Description'A textual description of the CIM_Setting object.'
Description property is in 329 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 142 namespaces
SettingID property
Description'The identifier by which the CIM_Setting object is known.'
SettingID property is in 36 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 10 namespaces

Win32_VideoConfiguration Qualifiers

Description'The Win32_VideoConfiguration class is not active in releases after Windows 2000. It will not return any instances as there is no provider backing it.
The Win32_VideoConfiguration class represents a configuration of a video subsystem. This class has been deprecated in favor of the properties contained in the Win32_VideoController, Win32_DesktopMonitor, and CIM_VideoControllerResolution classes'

Win32_VideoConfiguration System properties


Similar Classes to Win32_VideoConfiguration

Number of classes:10
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