This class represents the association between an operating system and the autochk settings that apply to the disks on the machine.Note that the setting is associated to operating system rather than computer system since there can be one or more operating systems installed on the machine, each with its own autochk settings.
Win32_OperatingSystemAutochkSetting properties
Win32_OperatingSystemAutochkSetting has 2 properties (2 Derived)
'The Element reference represents the role of the CIM_ManagedSystemElement object of the CIM_ElementSetting association. Role: The associated managed system element provides the element that implements the element setting.'
'The CIM_Setting reference represents the role of the CIM_Setting object of the CIM_ElementSetting association. Role: The associated setting provides the setting that implements the element setting.'
'This class represents the association between an operating system and the autochk settings that apply to the disks on the machine.Note that the setting is associated to operating system rather than computer system since there can be one or more operating systems installed on the machine, each with its own autochk settings.'
Win32_OperatingSystemAutochkSetting System properties