The Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent event class defines the successful activation and initialization of the provider cache entry. WMI caches provider registration objects to decrease overallexecution time. The substem will drop cache entries either through the cache ageing process, through loss of RPC connectivity, through user control or due to some change in the provider's registration.
Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent properties
Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent has 17 properties (8 Local, 9 Derived)
'The Clsid property, if applicable, defines the COM CLSID associated with server implementation. Note: decoupled providers do not have an associated COM CLSID.'
'The Synchronisation property, if applicable, defines the server synchronisation model, can take on one of the following values: 0 - Ignored 1 - None 2 - Supported 3 - Required 4 - RequiresNew 5 - Unknown'
'The ThreadingModel property, if applicable, defines the server threading model, can take one of the following values: 0 - Apartment 1 - Both 2 - Free 3 - Neutral 4 - Unknown'
'If the provider registration specifies per locale initialization, then the Locale property defines the client locale associated with specific instantiation of a provider.'
'If the provider registration specifies per user initialization, then the User property defines the client principal identity associated with specific instantiation of a provider.'
'The Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent event class defines the successful activation and initialization of the provider cache entry. WMI caches provider registration objects to decrease overallexecution time. The substem will drop cache entries either through the cache ageing process, through loss of RPC connectivity, through user control or due to some change in the provider's registration.'
Msft_WmiProvider_LoadOperationEvent System properties