CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation, ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409

Class | Methods | Properties (2) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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An association between a service access point and how it is implemented in software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one software feature, operating in conjunction. And, any software feature may provide more than one service access point. a When many software features are associated with single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the access point. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service access point object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.

CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation properties

CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation has 2 properties (2 Derived)

AntecedentCIM_Dependency102 [ref:CIM_SoftwareFeature]
DependentCIM_Dependency102 [ref:CIM_ServiceAccessPoint]

Detailed description of CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation properties

Derived properties (2) of CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation class

Antecedent property
Description'The antecedent software feature.'
Antecedent property is in 97 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 15 namespaces
Dependent property
Description'The dependent service access point.'
Dependent property is in 97 classes of ROOT\CIMV2\ms_409 and in 15 namespaces

CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation Qualifiers

Description' An association between a service access point and how it is implemented in software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one software feature, operating in conjunction. And, any software feature may provide more than one service access point. a When many software features are associated with single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the access point. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the service access point object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations. '

CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation System properties

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