Includes&Samples |
CIM_DataFile, ROOT\cimv2 - InstancesClass | Childs (4) | Methods (14) | Properties (33) | Qualifiers (6) | Instances (80) | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft Instances of CIM_DataFileThis section contains sample wmi instances of CIM_DataFile class with their properties from Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter Evaluation. Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\$recycle.bin\\s-1-5-18\\desktop.ini"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-18\desktop.ini' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20141001230014.762470-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-18\desktop.ini' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-18\desktop.ini' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'ini' //String 'FileName' : 'desktop' //String 'FileSize' : '129' //String, 0x81 'FileType' : 'Configuration Settings' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20141001230014.762470-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20141001230014.762470-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20141001230014.762470-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-18\desktop.ini' //String 'Path' : '\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-18\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\$recycle.bin\\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\\desktop.ini"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\desktop.ini' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926222220.929491-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\desktop.ini' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\desktop.ini' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'ini' //String 'FileName' : 'desktop' //String 'FileSize' : '129' //String, 0x81 'FileType' : 'Configuration Settings' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926222220.929491-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926222220.929491-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926222220.929491-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\desktop.ini' //String 'Path' : '\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-1002\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\$recycle.bin\\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\\desktop.ini"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\desktop.ini' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926193426.952017-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\desktop.ini' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\desktop.ini' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'ini' //String 'FileName' : 'desktop' //String 'FileSize' : '129' //String, 0x81 'FileType' : 'Configuration Settings' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926193426.952017-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926193426.952017-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926193426.952017-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\desktop.ini' //String 'Path' : '\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21-4251975986-251742880-3643873951-500\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bcd"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : null 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bcd' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203117.617102-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bcd' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bcd' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : '' //String 'FileName' : 'bcd' //String 'FileSize' : '24576' //String, 0x6000 'FileType' : 'File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203117.617102-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20141112140749.491586-480' //String 'LastModified' : '20141112140749.491586-480' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bcd' //String 'Path' : '\boot\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bcd.log"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : null 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'log' //String 'FileName' : 'bcd' //String 'FileSize' : '20480' //String, 0x5000 'FileType' : 'Text Document' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log' //String 'Path' : '\boot\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bcd.log1"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log1' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log1' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bcd~1.log' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'LOG1' //String 'FileName' : 'BCD' //String 'FileSize' : '0' //String, 0x0 'FileType' : 'LOG1 File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log1' //String 'Path' : '\boot\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bcd.log2"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log2' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log2' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bcd~2.log' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'LOG2' //String 'FileName' : 'BCD' //String 'FileSize' : '0' //String, 0x0 'FileType' : 'LOG2 File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926203117.648357-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bcd.log2' //String 'Path' : '\boot\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bg-bg\\bootmgr.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bg-bg\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.773353-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bg-bg\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bg-bg\bootmg~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'bootmgr.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '77152' //String, 0x12D60 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.773353-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.773353-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222103.018132-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bg-bg\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\bg-bg\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\bootstat.dat"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 18809343 //Long, 0x11F01FF 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\bootstat.dat' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203117.242103-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\bootstat.dat' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\bootstat.dat' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'dat' //String 'FileName' : 'bootstat' //String 'FileSize' : '65536' //String, 0x10000 'FileType' : 'dat File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'InstallDate' : '20140926203117.242103-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203117.242103-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20140926203117.242103-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : null 'Name' : 'c:\boot\bootstat.dat' //String 'Path' : '\boot\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Version' : null 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\cs-cz\\bootmgr.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.788977-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\bootmg~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'bootmgr.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '76128' //String, 0x12960 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.788977-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.788977-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222102.424393-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\cs-cz\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\cs-cz\\memtest.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.804603-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\memtes~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'memtest.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '45408' //String, 0xB160 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.804603-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.804603-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222107.768096-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\cs-cz\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\cs-cz\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\da-dk\\bootmgr.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\bootmg~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'bootmgr.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '75616' //String, 0x12760 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222102.752512-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\da-dk\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\da-dk\\memtest.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\memtes~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'memtest.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '45408' //String, 0xB160 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.820227-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222107.158721-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\da-dk\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\da-dk\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\de-de\\bootmgr.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\de-de\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\de-de\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\de-de\bootmg~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'bootmgr.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '78688' //String, 0x13360 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222107.814971-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\de-de\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\de-de\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\de-de\\memtest.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\de-de\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\de-de\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\de-de\memtes~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'EncryptionMethod' : null 'Extension' : 'mui' //String 'FileName' : 'memtest.exe' //String 'FileSize' : '45920' //String, 0xB360 'FileType' : 'mui File' //String 'FSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_FileSystem' //String 'FSName' : 'NTFS' //String 'Hidden' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'InstallDate' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'InUseCount' : null 'LastAccessed' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'LastModified' : '20130821222110.174346-420' //String 'Manufacturer' : 'Microsoft Corporation' //String 'Name' : 'c:\boot\de-de\memtest.exe.mui' //String 'Path' : '\boot\de-de\' //String 'Readable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Status' : 'OK' //String 'System' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'Version' : '6.3.9600.16384' //String 'Writeable' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF } Instance \\W2012SDC\ROOT\cimv2:CIM_DataFile.Name="c:\\boot\\el-gr\\bootmgr.exe.mui"Properties={ 'AccessMask' : 17957033 //Long, 0x11200A9 'Archive' : True //Boolean, 0xFFFFFFFF 'Caption' : 'c:\boot\el-gr\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Compressed' : False //Boolean, 0x0 'CompressionMethod' : null 'CreationClassName' : 'CIM_LogicalFile' //String 'CreationDate' : '20140926203116.835852-420' //String 'CSCreationClassName' : 'Win32_ComputerSystem' //String 'CSName' : '.' //String 'Description' : 'c:\boot\el-gr\bootmgr.exe.mui' //String 'Drive' : 'c:' //String 'EightDotThreeFileName' : 'c:\boot\el-gr\bootmg~1.mui' //String 'Encrypted' : False //Boolean, 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