Includes&Samples |
CIM_CopyFileAction, ROOT\CIMV2Class | Childs (1) | Methods (1) | Properties (12) | Qualifiers (4) | Instances | Namespaces (2)Samples: VB Script | C# | VB.Net | Search on:Microsoft DescriptionThe CIM_CopyFileAction specifies files that exist on a computer system, and to move or copy those files to a new location. The to/from information for the copy is specified using either the CIM_ToDirectorySpecification/CIM_FromDirectorySpecification or the CIM_ToDirectoryAction/CIM_FromDirectoryAction associations. The first set is used when the source and/or the target are to exist before any actions are taken. The second set is used when the source and/or target are created as a part of a previous action. In the latter case, the action to create the directory must occur prior to the CIM_CopyFileAction object.CIM_CopyFileAction - child subclasses in ROOT\cimv2Number of classes:1
CIM_CopyFileAction methodsCIM_CopyFileAction has 1 methods (1 Derived)
CIM_CopyFileAction propertiesCIM_CopyFileAction has 12 properties (3 Local, 9 Derived)
Detailed description of CIM_CopyFileAction methodsDerived methods (1) of CIM_CopyFileAction class
Detailed description of CIM_CopyFileAction propertiesLocal properties (3) of CIM_CopyFileAction class
Derived properties (9) of CIM_CopyFileAction class
CIM_CopyFileAction Qualifiers
CIM_CopyFileAction System properties
Similar Classes to CIM_CopyFileActionNumber of classes:45
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