SSLBinding, ROOT\WebAdministration
| Methods (1)
| Properties (12)
| Qualifiers (9)
| Instances (4)
| Namespaces (2)
Samples: VB Script
| C#
| VB.Net
| Search on:Microsoft
Description Represents a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding.
SSLBinding methods SSLBinding has 1 methods (1 Local )
Name Origin Return Create SSLBinding
SSLBinding properties SSLBinding has 12 properties (12 Local )
Detailed description of SSLBinding methods Local methods (1) of SSLBinding class ▲ Create methodReturn Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers IPAddress string 0 ✓ - {'In':True} Port uint32 1 ✓ - {'In':True} CertificateHash string 2 ✓ - {'In':True} StoreName string 3 ✓ - {'In':True}
bypass_getobject True Constructor True Description 'Creates an SSL binding.' Implemented True Static True Create method is in 6 classes of ROOT\WebAdministration and in 15 namespaces
Detailed description of SSLBinding properties Local properties (12) of SSLBinding class
▲ CertificateCheckMode propertyCIMTYPE 'sint32' Description 'A read/write sint32 enumeration that configures client certificate checking.' read True ValueMap ['1', '2', '4', '65536'] Values ['DisableClientCertRevocationCheck', 'AlwaysUseCachedCRL', 'EnableRevocationFreshnessTimeSetting', 'DisableClientCertUsageCheck'] write True CertificateCheckMode property is in 2 classes of ROOT\WebAdministration and in 2 namespaces
▲ RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout propertyCIMTYPE 'DateTime' Description 'A read/write datetime value that specifies a timeout interval, in milliseconds, after which the certificate revocation list (CRL) on the certificate client is updated by the CRL from the remote location.' read True SUBTYPE 'interval' write True RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout property is in 3 classes of ROOT\WebAdministration and in 3 namespaces
▲ SslAlwaysNegoClientCert propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'A read/write Boolean value that specifies how SSL client connections will be negotiated. True if the server will immediately negotiate a client certificate; otherwise, false.' read True write True SslAlwaysNegoClientCert property is in 2 classes of ROOT\WebAdministration and in 3 namespaces
▲ SslUseDsMapper propertyCIMTYPE 'boolean' Description 'A read/write Boolean value. True if the Microsoft Active Directory certificate mapper is used for client certificate authentication; otherwise, false.' read True write True SslUseDsMapper property is in 2 classes of ROOT\WebAdministration and in 3 namespaces
SSLBinding Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
Description 'Represents a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) binding.' ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
DisplayName 'SSL Binding' ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dynamic True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
factory_clsid '{df0ff250-71e6-42a1-b736-4057545dba98}' ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓
Locale 1033 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
provider 'WebAdministrationProvider' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
SupportsCreate True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
SupportsDelete True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
SupportsUpdate True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
SSLBinding System properties Name Value Origin CIMType Local Array
__PATH '\\.\ROOT\WebAdministration:SSLBinding' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__NAMESPACE 'ROOT\WebAdministration' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SERVER '.' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DERIVATION ['Object'] ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✓
__RELPATH 'SSLBinding ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DYNASTY 'Object ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SUPERCLASS 'Object ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__CLASS 'SSLBinding ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__GENUS 1 ___SYSTEM 3 ✗ ✗
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