Used in the GetSummaryInformation method in the Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService class to quickly retrieve common information related to a virtual system or snapshot.
Msvm_SummaryInformation properties
Msvm_SummaryInformation has 36 properties (36 Local)
'The identifier of the physical graphics processing unit (GPU) allocated to this virtual machine (VM). This property only applies to VMs that use RemoteFX.'
AllocatedGPU property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The current application health status for the virtual system. This property may be one of the following values: "OK"; "Application Critical"; "Disabled".For more information, see the documentation for the StatusDescriptions property of the Msvm_HeartbeatComponent class. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
['OK', 'Application Critical', 'Disabled']
ApplicationHealth property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'An array of Msvm_ConcreteJob instances representing any asynchronous operations related to the virtual system which are currently executing. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
AsynchronousTasks property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The name of the guest operating system, if available. If this information is not available, the value of this property is NULL. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
GuestOperatingSystem property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The current health state for the virtual system. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
HealthState property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 15 namespaces
'The current heartbeat status for the virtual system. This property may be one of the following values: "OK"; "Error"; "No Contact"; or "Lost Communication". For more information, see the documentation for the StatusDescriptions property of the Msvm_HeartbeatComponent class. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
Heartbeat property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'Indicates whether or not the memory of the one or more of the virtual non-uniform memory access (NUMA) nodes of the virtual machine spans multiple physical NUMA nodes of the hosting computer system.'
MemorySpansPhysicalNumaNodes property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'The current memory usage of the virtual system. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
MemoryUsage property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'A string that describes the enabled or disabled state of the element when the EnabledState property is set to 1 ("Other"). This property must be set to null when EnabledState is any value other than 1.'
OtherEnabledState property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 11 namespaces
'The current processor usage of the virtual system. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
ProcessorLoad property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'An array of the previous 100 samples of the processor usage for the virtual system. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
ProcessorLoadHistory property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'Globally unique identifier of provider that identifies the endpoint provider. For Hyper-V host to another Hyper-V host, provider id is fixed as 22391CDC-272C-4DDF-BA88-9BEFB1A0975C. In case of external provider this is CLSID of provider COM class object.'
ReplicationProviderId property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'An array of Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData instances representing the snapshots for the virtual system. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
Snapshots property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'Reference to the CIM_ComputerSystem instance representing the test replica virtual system for the virtual machine. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
'The amount of time since the virtual system was last booted. This property is not valid for instances of Msvm_SummaryInformation representing a virtual system snapshot.'
UpTime property is in 1 class (Msvm_SummaryInformation) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
'Used in the GetSummaryInformation method in the Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService class to quickly retrieve common information related to a virtual system or snapshot.'