Msvm_MetricService provides the ability to manage metrics. For each metric that the service manages, there shall be an instance of Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement that associates the Msvm_MetricService to the instance of Msvm_BaseMetricDefinition that defines the metric, where the value of the Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement.ElementAffects property is 5 "Manages". The capabilities of the Msvm_MetricService instance are advertised through an instance of Msvm_MetricServiceCapabilities associated with the Msvm_MetricService instance through Msvm_ElementCapabilities.
{'Description':'An optional parameter for monitoring progress of the operation, which is used if the method could not be executed synchronously. If the operation is executing asynchronously, the return value is 4096.'}
'Modifies the setting data for the service.'
['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in use', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
'Msvm_MetricService provides the ability to manage metrics. For each metric that the service manages, there shall be an instance of Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement that associates the Msvm_MetricService to the instance of Msvm_BaseMetricDefinition that defines the metric, where the value of the Msvm_ServiceAffectsElement.ElementAffects property is 5 "Manages". The capabilities of the Msvm_MetricService instance are advertised through an instance of Msvm_MetricServiceCapabilities associated with the Msvm_MetricService instance through Msvm_ElementCapabilities.'