Msvm_Keyboard, ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409

Class | Methods (7) | Properties (4) | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Represents a keyboard device.Keyboards are logical devices that are always present in a virtual system, and thus are not allocated through a resource pool. One instance is always present in a virtual computer system.

Msvm_Keyboard methods

Msvm_Keyboard has 7 methods (7 Local)

IsKeyPressedMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
PressKeyMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
ReleaseKeyMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
TypeCtrlAltDelMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
TypeKeyMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
TypeScancodesMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}
TypeTextMsvm_Keyboarduint32 {'out':True}

Msvm_Keyboard properties

Msvm_Keyboard has 4 properties (4 Local)

LayoutMsvm_Keyboard8 [string]
NumberOfFunctionKeysMsvm_Keyboard18 [uint16]
PasswordMsvm_Keyboard18 [uint16]
UnicodeSupportedMsvm_Keyboard11 [boolean]

Detailed description of Msvm_Keyboard methods

Local methods (7) of Msvm_Keyboard class

IsKeyPressed method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
keyCodeuint320-{'Description':'The virtual key code of the key to query.','In':True}
keyStateboolean1-{'Description':'The current down state of the key. A TRUE value means the key is down.','Out':True}
Description'Retrieves the key state of a key.
The IsKeyPressed method will always return FALSE for the VK_MENU (18), VK_CONTROL (17),and VK_SHIFT (16) keys because these are not real keys on a keyboard. These virtual key codes are always mapped to VK_LMENU (164), VK_LCONTROL (162), and VK_LSHIFT (160), respectively, by the PressKey and ReleaseKey methods.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates a failure to query the key state.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
IsKeyPressed method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
PressKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
keyCodeuint320-{'Description':'The virtual key code of the key to press.','In':True}
Description'Simulates a key press. When successful the key will be in the down state.
The PressKey method maps references to the VK_MENU (18), VK_CONTROL (17), and VK_SHIFT (16) to VK_LMENU (164), VK_LCONTROL (162), and VK_LSHIFT (160), respectively, because the VK_MENU, VK_CONTROL, and VK_SHIFT virtual key codes do not represent real keys on a keyboard.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates a failure to modify the key state.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
PressKey method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ReleaseKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
keyCodeuint320-{'Description':'The virtual key code of the key to release.','In':True}
Description'Simulates a key release. When successful, the key will be in the up state.
The ReleaseKey method maps references to the VK_MENU (18), VK_CONTROL (17), and VK_SHIFT (16) to VK_LMENU (164), VK_LCONTROL (162), and VK_LSHIFT (160), respectively, because the VK_MENU, VK_CONTROL, and VK_SHIFT virtual key codes do not represent real keys on a keyboard.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates a failure to modify the key state.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
ReleaseKey method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TypeCtrlAltDel method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Description'Simulates a CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates a failure to send.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
TypeCtrlAltDel method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TypeKey method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
keyCodeuint320-{'Description':'The virtual key code of the key to press.','In':True}
Description'Simulates a press-release key sequence.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A non-zero value indicates a failure to modify the key state.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
TypeKey method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TypeScancodes method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Scancodesuint80-{'Description':'An array containing the scancodes to type.','In':True}
Description'Simulates a key sequence using scancodes.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
TypeScancodes method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
TypeText method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
asciiTextstring0-{'Description':'The series of ASCII text characters to type.','In':True}
Description'Simulates a series of typed ASCII characters. This routine may not be used to simulate the input of non-ASCII characters.
Return value: A return value of zero indicates success. A return value of one indicates a failure because of non-translatable characters in the input string. All other non-zero value indicates a failure to modify the key state.'
Values['Completed with No Error', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Failed', 'Access Denied', 'Not Supported', 'Status is unknown', 'Timeout', 'Invalid parameter', 'System is in used', 'Invalid state for this operation', 'Incorrect data type', 'System is not available', 'Out of memory']
TypeText method is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Detailed description of Msvm_Keyboard properties

Local properties (4) of Msvm_Keyboard class

Layout property
Description'A free-form string indicating the format and layout of the keyboard. This property is set to "00000409".'
Layout property is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
NumberOfFunctionKeys property
Description'The number of function keys on the keyboard. This property is set to 12.'
NumberOfFunctionKeys property is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
Password property
Description'Indicates whether a hardware-level password is enabled at the keyboard, preventing local input. This property is set to 5 (Not Implemented).'
Password property is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 20 namespaces
UnicodeSupported property
Description'Indicates if the keyboard supports unicode.'
UnicodeSupported property is in 1 class (Msvm_Keyboard) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Msvm_Keyboard Qualifiers

Description'Represents a keyboard device.Keyboards are logical devices that are always present in a virtual system, and thus are not allocated through a resource pool. One instance is always present in a virtual computer system.'

Msvm_Keyboard System properties

__DERIVATION['CIM_UserDevice', 'CIM_LogicalDevice', 'CIM_EnabledLogicalElement', 'CIM_LogicalElement', 'CIM_ManagedSystemElement', 'CIM_ManagedElement']___SYSTEM8
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