Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration, ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409
| Methods | Properties (8)
| Qualifiers (3)
| Instances | Namespaces (2)
Samples: VB Script
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| Search on:Microsoft
Description Represents the configuration of a network adapter within the guest operating system.
Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration properties Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration has 8 properties (8 Local )
Name Origin CIMType
DefaultGateways Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 8 [string]
DHCPEnabled Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 11 [boolean]
DNSServers Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 8 [string]
InstanceID Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 8 [string]
IPAddresses Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 8 [string]
IPAddressOrigins Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 18 [UINT16]
ProtocolIFType Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 18 [uint16]
Subnets Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration 8 [string]
Detailed description of Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration properties Local properties (8) of Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration class ▲ DefaultGateways propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The default IP gateways configured on the network adapter within the guest operating system. The maximum number of default IP gateways that may be configured on a single network adapter is five.' DefaultGateways property is in 2 classes of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
▲ InstanceID propertyCIMTYPE 'string' Description 'The unique identifier for this object.' key True InstanceID property is in 1 class (Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 21 namespaces
▲ IPAddressOrigins propertyCIMTYPE 'UINT16' Description 'The source of the IP addresses configured on the network adapter within the guest operating system.' IPAddressOrigins property is in 1 class (Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration) of ROOT\virtualization\v2\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
AMENDMENT True ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Description 'Represents the configuration of a network adapter within the guest operating system.' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
LOCALE 1033 ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
Msvm_GuestNetworkAdapterConfiguration System properties
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