'Max number of concurrent Jet DB sessions. Every volume has its own DB and therefore this parameter is defined per-volume. While we don't expect users to edit this value, we might want to tweak it for customers who host large number of content sets on one volume, pumping up the number of sessions on that volume will improve the performance hence the overall scalability of FRS.'
'Maximum number of Jet Sessions'
MaxJetSessions property is in 1 class (DfsrVolumeConfig) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
'The minimum size of the update sequence number (USN) journal to allocate on the volume, in megabytes. If no USN journal exists, the DFS Replication service creates a new journal with the specified size; otherwise, the service increases the existing USN journal to this minimum size. The DFS Replication service will not change the existing USN journal size if the existing the size is already larger than the new minimum size.'
'Minimum USN Journal Size in MB'
MinNtfsJournalSizeInMb property is in 1 class (DfsrVolumeConfig) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces