DfsrConflictInfo, ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409
| Methods (1)
| Properties (13)
| Qualifiers (3)
| Instances | Namespaces (2)
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DescriptionThis class provides details about the files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder due to conflicting updates
DfsrConflictInfo methodsDfsrConflictInfo has 1 methods (1 Local) Name | Origin | Return |
Delete | DfsrConflictInfo | uint32 {'out':True} |
DfsrConflictInfo propertiesDfsrConflictInfo has 13 properties (13 Local)
Detailed description of DfsrConflictInfo methodsLocal methods (1) of DfsrConflictInfo class▲ Delete method |
Return | uint32 {'out':True} |
Description | 'Delete this conflict from the conflict directory along with its record in the manifest.' |
Delete method is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 11 namespaces |
Detailed description of DfsrConflictInfo propertiesLocal properties (13) of DfsrConflictInfo class▲ ConflictFileCount property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'If the conflict is a folder, then this attribute gives the total number of files and folders under the conflicted parent folder.' |
DisplayName | 'Conflict File Count' |
ConflictFileCount property is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces |
▲ ConflictSizeInBytes property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint64' |
Description | 'The size of the file or folder, in bytes' |
DisplayName | 'Conflict Size in Bytes' |
ConflictSizeInBytes property is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces |
▲ ConflictTime property |
CIMTYPE | 'datetime' |
Description | 'The time stamp when the conflict was detected' |
DisplayName | 'Conflict Time' |
ConflictTime property is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces |
▲ ConflictType property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint8' |
Description | 'The nature of the conflict' |
DisplayName | 'Conflict Type' |
Values | ['Name Conflict', 'Remote Update Local Update Conflict', 'Remote Update Local Delete Conflict', 'Local Delete Remote Update Conflict', 'Remote File Delete', 'Remote File Does Not Exist At Initial Sync'] |
ConflictType property is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces |
▲ FileAttributes property |
CIMTYPE | 'uint32' |
Description | 'The attributes of the file or folder' |
DisplayName | 'File Attributes' |
FileAttributes property is in 1 class (DfsrConflictInfo) of ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces |
DfsrConflictInfo QualifiersName | Value | ToInstance | ToSubclass | Overridable | Amended | Local |
AMENDMENT | True | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
Description | 'This class provides details about the files and folders that were moved to the Conflict and Deleted folder due to conflicting updates' | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
LOCALE | 1033 | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ | ✗ | ✓ |
DfsrConflictInfo System propertiesName | Value | Origin | CIMType | Local | Array |
__PATH | '\\.\ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409:DfsrConflictInfo' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__NAMESPACE | 'ROOT\MicrosoftDfs\ms_409' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SERVER | '.' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DERIVATION | [] | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✓ |
__PROPERTY_COUNT | 13 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
__RELPATH | 'DfsrConflictInfo' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__DYNASTY | 'DfsrConflictInfo' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__SUPERCLASS | null | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__CLASS | 'DfsrConflictInfo' | ___SYSTEM | 8 | ✗ | ✗ |
__GENUS | 1 | ___SYSTEM | 3 | ✗ | ✗ |
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