MSFT_OdbcDsnTask, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\MS_409

Class | Methods (6) | Properties | Qualifiers (4) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Task provider for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN).

MSFT_OdbcDsnTask methods

MSFT_OdbcDsnTask has 6 methods (6 Local)

AddMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}
GetMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}
RemoveByDsnObjectMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}
RemoveByNameMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}
SetByInputObjectMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}
SetByNameMSFT_OdbcDsnTaskuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of MSFT_OdbcDsnTask methods

Local methods (6) of MSFT_OdbcDsnTask class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'The name of the ODBC DSN to create. You cannot use wildcard characters.','In':True}
DriverNamestring1-{'Description':'The name of the ODBC driver for the new ODBC DSN. You cannot use wildcard characters.','In':True}
SetPropertyValuestring2-{'Description':'Specifies the property values of the new ODBC DSN. Format as an array of strings where each string is: =.','In':True}
PassThruboolean3-{'Description':'Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.','In':True}
Platformstring4-{'Description':'The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN you are adding. Possible values are '32-bit' or '64-bit'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.','In':True}
DsnTypestring5-{'Description':'The type of the ODBC DSN to add. Possible values are 'User' or 'System'.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn6-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Adds an ODBC DSN.'
Add method is in 1 class (MSFT_OdbcDsnTask) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Specifies one or more ODBC DSNs by DSN name. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all ODBC DSNs.','In':True}
DriverNamestring1-{'Description':'Gets only ODBC DSNs that are using the specified ODBC driver. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to return all ODBC DSNs.','In':True}
Platformstring2-{'Description':'The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to retrieve. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is 'All'. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.','In':True}
DsnTypestring3-{'Description':'The type of the ODBC DSN to retrieve. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'. The default is 'All'.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn4-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Retrieves one or more ODBC DSNs from the system.'
Get method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 19 namespaces
RemoveByDsnObject method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.','In':True}
InputObjectobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn1-{'Description':'Removes the ODBC DSNs represented by the specified ODBC DSN objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn2-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Removes one or more existing DSNs from the system.'
RemoveByDsnObject method is in 1 class (MSFT_OdbcDsnTask) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
RemoveByName method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.','In':True}
Namestring1-{'Description':'Specifies one or more ODBC DSNs to remove. You can use wildcard characters.','In':True}
DriverNamestring2-{'Description':'This cmdlet will remove the ODBC DSN using this driver only. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to remove all ODBC DSNs.','In':True}
Platformstring3-{'Description':'The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to remove. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.','In':True}
DsnTypestring4-{'Description':'The type of the ODBC DSN to remove. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn5-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Removes one or more existing DSNs from the system.'
RemoveByName method is in 1 class (MSFT_OdbcDsnTask) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
SetByInputObject method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.','In':True}
SetPropertyValuestring1-{'Description':'Specifies the property values of the ODBC DSN that you are modifying or adding. Format as an array of strings where each string is: =.','In':True}
RemovePropertyValuestring2-{'Description':'Specifies the property values of the ODBC DSN to be deleted. This is an array of keys to be removed.','In':True}
InputObjectobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn3-{'Description':'Modifies the ODBC DSNs represented by the specified ODBC DSN objects. Enter a variable that contains the objects, or type a command or expression that gets the objects.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn4-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Modifies one or more ODBC DSNs.'
SetByInputObject method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
SetByName method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Passes the object created by this cmdlet through the pipeline. By default, this cmdlet does not pass any objects through the pipeline.','In':True}
SetPropertyValuestring1-{'Description':'Specifies the property values of the ODBC DSN that you are modifying or adding. Format as an array of strings where each string is: =.','In':True}
RemovePropertyValuestring2-{'Description':'Specifies the property values of the ODBC DSN to be deleted. This is an array of keys to be removed.','In':True}
Namestring3-{'Description':'The name of the ODBC DSN to set. You can use wildcard characters.','In':True}
DriverNamestring4-{'Description':'This cmdlet will set the ODBC DSN using this driver only. You can use wildcard characters. The default is to set all ODBC DSNs.','In':True}
Platformstring5-{'Description':'The platform architecture of the ODBC DSN to set. Possible values are '32-bit', '64-bit' or 'All'. The default is '32-bit' on a 32-bit process and '64-bit' on a 64-bit process. This is the platform architecture on the remote machine if this command is executed in a remote CIM session.','In':True}
DsnTypestring6-{'Description':'The type of the ODBC DSN to set. Possible values are 'User', 'System' or 'All'.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:MSFT_OdbcDsn7-{'Description':'The output is an array of CIM objects of type MSFT_OdbcDsn, each of which represents an ODBC DSN.','Out':True}
Description'Modifies one or more ODBC DSNs.'
SetByName method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Wdac\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces

MSFT_OdbcDsnTask Qualifiers

Description'Task provider for ODBC Data Source Name (DSN).'

MSFT_OdbcDsnTask System properties


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