MSFT_SMStorageVolume, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409

Class | Methods (6) | Properties (12) | Qualifiers (2) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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MSFT_SMStorageVolume methods

MSFT_SMStorageVolume has 6 methods (6 Local)

CreateCloneMSFT_SMStorageVolumeuint32 {'out':True}
CreateSnapshotMSFT_SMStorageVolumeuint32 {'out':True}
DeleteMSFT_SMStorageVolumeuint32 {'out':True}
ModifySizeMSFT_SMStorageVolumeuint32 {'out':True}
SetReadonlyMSFT_SMStorageVolumeUint32 {'out':True}
SetReadWriteMSFT_SMStorageVolumeUint32 {'out':True}

MSFT_SMStorageVolume properties

MSFT_SMStorageVolume has 12 properties (12 Local)

AccessMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
DataRedundancyMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
HealthStatusMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
HealthStatusDescriptionMSFT_SMStorageVolume8 [string]
IsSnapshotMSFT_SMStorageVolume11 [Boolean]
NoSinglePointOfFailureMSFT_SMStorageVolume11 [boolean]
OperationalStatusMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
PackageRedundancyMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
ParityLayoutMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]
StatusDescriptionMSFT_SMStorageVolume8 [string]
ThinlyProvisionedMSFT_SMStorageVolume11 [Boolean]
UsageMSFT_SMStorageVolume18 [uint16]

Detailed description of MSFT_SMStorageVolume methods

Local methods (6) of MSFT_SMStorageVolume class

CreateClone method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ElementNamestring0-{'Description':'End user relevant name for the element being created. If NULL, then a system supplied name is used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element.'}
TargetStorageVolumeref:MSFT_SMStorageVolume1-{'Description':'As an optional output, refers to the created target storage element (i.e., the replica). If a job is created, the target element may not be available immediately.'}
TargetPoolref:MSFT_SMPool2-{'Description':'The underlying storage for the target element (the replica) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific.'}
usernameString3-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString4-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
Jobref:MSFT_SMJob5-{'Description':'Reference to the job if 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started' is returned (MAY be null if job completed).'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus6-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Start a job to create an associated un-synced Clone of the StorageVolume. If 0 is returned, the call completed successfully and no Job was required. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a Job is started to create the Clone. A reference to the Job is returned in the Job parameter.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'StorageService: Method invocation failed', 'StorageService: Cannot modify volume instance', 'StorageService: Clone creation capability not supported', 'StorageService: Replication type not supported per reported capabilities', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
CreateClone method is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 5 namespaces
CreateSnapshot method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ElementNamestring0-{'Description':'End user relevant name for the element being created. If NULL, then a system supplied name is used. The value will be stored in the 'ElementName' property for the created element.'}
TargetStorageVolumeref:MSFT_SMStorageVolume1-{'Description':'As an optional output, refers to the created target storage element (i.e., the replica). If a job is created, the target element may not be available immediately.'}
TargetPoolref:MSFT_SMPool2-{'Description':'The underlying storage for the target element (the replica) will be drawn from TargetPool if specified, otherwise the allocation is implementation specific.'}
usernameString3-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString4-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
Jobref:MSFT_SMJob5-{'Description':'Reference to the job if 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started' is returned (MAY be null if job completed).'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus6-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Start a job to create an associated un-synced snapshot of the StorageVolume. If 0 is returned, the call completed successfully and no Job was required. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a Job is started to create the snapshot. A reference to the Job is returned in the Job parameter.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'StorageService: Method invocation failed', 'StorageService: Cannot modify volume instance', 'StorageService: Snapshot capability not supported', 'StorageService: Replication type not supported per reported capabilities', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
CreateSnapshot method is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
Delete method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
usernameString0-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString1-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
Jobref:MSFT_SMJob2-{'Description':'Reference to the job if 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started' is returned (MAY be null if job completed).'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus3-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Start a job to delete an element previously created from a StoragePool. The freed space is returned to the source StoragePool. If 0 is returned, the function completed successfully. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a Job is started to delete the element. A reference to the Job is returned in the Job parameter.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'In Use', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'StorageService: Unable to delete an UnMasked StorageVolume', 'StorageService: Delete capability not supported', 'StorageService: Synchronization detach failed', 'StorageService: Failed to return item to resource pool', 'StorageService: Element not present', 'StorageService: Failed to return to storage pool', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
Delete method is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 11 namespaces
ModifySize method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
NewSizeuint640-{'Description':'As an input parameter NewSize specifies the new size. As an output parameter Size specifies the Newsize achieved.','Units':'Bytes'}
usernameString1-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString2-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
Jobref:MSFT_SMJob3-{'Description':'Reference to the job if 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started' is returned (MAY be null if job completed).'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus4-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Start a job to modify the size of a StorageVolume. If 0 is returned, the call completed successfully. If 4096/0x1000 is returned, a Job is started to modify the size of the storage volume. A reference to the Job is returned in the Job parameter.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'In Use', 'Method Parameters Checked - Job Started', 'Size Not Supported', 'StorageService: Method invocation failed', 'StorageService: Get instance failed', 'StorageService: Volume modification capability not supported', 'StorageService: NewSize is equal to original size', 'StorageService: Capacity Reduction Not Supported', 'StorageService: Capacity Expansion Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
ModifySize method is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
SetReadonly method
ReturnUint32 {'out':True}
usernameString0-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString1-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus2-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Changes the device access of the StorageVolume to Readable - Access will be set to 1.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Invalid logical unit ID', 'Invalid permission', 'StorageService: Cannot modify volume instance', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
SetReadonly method is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
SetReadWrite method
ReturnUint32 {'out':True}
usernameString0-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
passwordString1-{'Description':'If the username and password parameters are supplied, they are used to authenticate with the SMI-S provider. Else the storage service attempts to obtain these credentials from the configuration provider.'}
ExtendedStatusobject:MSFT_SMExtendedStatus2-{'Description':'Extended status information with details about the results of the method invocation.'}
Description'Changes the device access of the StorageVolume to ReadWrite - Access will be set to 3.'
Values['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Invalid logical unit ID', 'Invalid permission', 'StorageService: Cannot modify volume instance', 'StorageService CIM Error: Failed', 'StorageService CIM Error: Access denied', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid namespace', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid parameter', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid class', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has children', 'StorageService CIM Error: Class has instances', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid superclass', 'StorageService CIM Error: Already exists', 'StorageService CIM Error: No such property', 'StorageService CIM Error: Type mismatch', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query language not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid query', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not available', 'StorageService CIM Error: Method not found', 'StorageService CIM Error: Unexpected response', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid response destination', 'StorageService CIM Error: Namespace not empty', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid enumeration context', 'StorageService CIM Error: Invalid operation timeout', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull has been abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Pull cannot be abandoned', 'StorageService CIM Error: Filtered enumeration not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Continuation on error not supported', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server limits exceeded', 'StorageService CIM Error: Server is shutting down', 'StorageService CIM Error: Query feature not supported', 'StorageService: Generic Failure', 'StorageService: Invalid connection credentials', 'StorageService: SSL connection failure']
SetReadWrite method is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

Detailed description of MSFT_SMStorageVolume properties

Local properties (12) of MSFT_SMStorageVolume class

Access property
Description'Access describes whether the media is readable (value=1), writeable (value=2), or both (value=3). "Unknown" (0) and "Write Once" (4) can also be defined.'
Values['Unknown', 'Readable', 'Writeable', 'Read/Write Supported', 'Write Once']
Access property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 15 namespaces
DataRedundancy property
Description'Number of complete copies of data currently maintained.'
DataRedundancy property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
HealthStatus property
Description'Indicates the current status of the LUN (StorageVolume). Various operational statuses are defined.'
Values['Healthy', 'Warning', 'Unhealthy']
HealthStatus property is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces
HealthStatusDescription property
Description'Indicates the current status of the LUN (StorageVolume) in a string format.'
HealthStatusDescription property is in 5 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
IsSnapshot property
Description'True if the volume is a snapshot volume.'
IsSnapshot property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 5 namespaces
NoSinglePointOfFailure property
Description'Indicates whether or not there exists no single point of failure.'
NoSinglePointOfFailure property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
OperationalStatus property
Description'Indicates the current SMIS status of the LUN (StorageVolume). Various operational statuses are defined.'
Values['OK', 'Degraded', 'Error', 'Starting', 'Dormant']
OperationalStatus property is in 8 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 18 namespaces
PackageRedundancy property
Description'How many physical packages can currently fail without data loss. For example, in the storage domain, this might be disk spindles.'
PackageRedundancy property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 4 namespaces
ParityLayout property
Description'ParityLayout specifies whether a parity-based storage organization is using rotated or non-rotated parity. When used in a goal setting instance, ParityLayout is the desired value. It MUST be set to NULL if the scoping StorageCapablities indicates that it is not supported in this context. If the property is supported, and is part of StorageSettingWithHints it MAY be set to NULL. If used it will constrain the effects of Hint selections. When used in a Setting instance associated to a Volume, this property indicates the specific value that the Volume was created with.'
Values['Non-rotated Parity', 'Rotated Parity']
ParityLayout property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 6 namespaces
StatusDescription property
Description'Indicates the current SMIS status of the LUN (StorageVolume) in a string format.'
StatusDescription property is in 4 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
ThinlyProvisioned property
Description'True if the volume is thinly provisioned.'
ThinlyProvisioned property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMStorageVolume) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
Usage property
Description'Indicates the intended usage or any restrictions that may have been imposed on the usage of this component. For example, an element may be reserved for use by the block server. In that case the Usage of the element is marked as "Reserved for the ComputerSystem". In the case of "Other", see OtherUsageDescription for more information. In the value map, the "Element Component" indicates a StorageVolume or LogicalDisk that is only available as an EmbeddedInstance. The storage that it represents may also be represented as another StorageExent that is a component of another LogicalElement. Use the method GetElementsBasedOnUsage to locate such volumes or logical disks.'
Values['Other', 'Unrestricted', 'Reserved for ComputerSystem (the block server)', 'Reserved by Replication Services', 'Reserved by Migration Services', 'Local Replica Source', 'Remote Replica Source', 'Local Replica Target', 'Remote Replica Target', 'Local Replica Source or Target', 'Remote Replica Source or Target', 'Delta Replica Target', 'Element Component', 'Reserved as Pool Contributor', 'Composite Volume Member', 'Composite LogicalDisk Member', 'Reserved for Sparing', 'DMTF Reserved', 'Vendor Reserved']
Usage property is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 12 namespaces

MSFT_SMStorageVolume Qualifiers


MSFT_SMStorageVolume System properties

online utility - toplist