'The supported connection type for this endpoint. The connection type may be needed before the port(s) are associated and also is used in some SCSI commands.'
'An enumeration of the types of links. When set to 1 ("Other"), the related property OtherLinkTechnology contains a string description of the type of link.'
'The specific mode currently enabled for the port. If the port is logged in, this will be the negotiated port type, otherwise the configured port type will be reported. Fiber Channel: The values: "N" = Node Port, "NL" = Node Port supporting FC arbitrated loop, "NX" = Port may negotiate to become either a node port (N) or a node port supporting FC arbitrated loop (NL), "E" = Expansion Port connecting fabric elements (for example, FC switches), "F" = Fabric (element) Port, "FL" = Fabric (element) Port supporting FC arbitrated loop, "FX" = Port may negotiate to become a fabric port (F), or a fabric port supporting FC arbitrated loop (FL). "B" = Bridge port, and "G" = Port may negotiate to become either an expansion port (E), or a fabric port (F), "GL" = Port may negotiate to become an expansion port (E), a fabric port (F), or a fabric port supporting FC arbitrated loop (FL). PortTypes are defined in the ANSI X3 standards.'
'For iSCSI, each SCSIProtocolEndpoint MUST act as either a target or an initiator endpoint. Other transports allow a SCSI PE to act as both an initiator and target endpoint. This property indicates which role this ProtocolEndpoint implements.'
['Unknown', 'Initiator', 'Target', 'Both Initiator and Target']
Role property is in 1 class (MSFT_SMEndpoint) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage\SM\ms_409 and in 11 namespaces
'The current bandwidth of the Port in Bits per Second. For ports that vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this property should contain the nominal bandwidth.'
'In some circumstances, a LogicalPort might be identifiable as a front end or back end port. An example of this situation would be a storage array that might have back end ports to communicate with disk drives and front end ports to communicate with hosts. If there is no restriction on the use of the port, then the value should be set to 'not restricted'.'