{'Description':'If set to TRUE, this instructs the physical disk to enable its indication LED. The indication LED should remain enabled until a second call to Maintenance is made with this parameter specified as FALSE.','In':True}
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
Maintenance method is in 1 class (MSFT_PhysicalDisk) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage and in 3 namespaces
{'Description':'ExtendedStatus allows the storage provider to return extended (implementation specific) error information.','EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_StorageExtendedStatus','Out':True}
'This method resets the health and operational status of the physical disk. Exact behavior of this method is dependent on whether this physical disk belongs to a concrete pool. If it is a member of a concrete pool, the health and operational statuses should be reset to 1 - 'Healthy', and 1 - 'OK', respectively. If any additional errors are detected after Reset, the health and operational statuses should reflect these new errors. If the physical disk is not a member of a concrete pool, then this method should not only reset the health and operational statuses, but it should return the disk into a state where it is usable as storage for a concrete pool. For example: If a physical disk had become missing and then has reappeared (after it has been replaced) this physical disk is expected to be in the primordial pool only with an operational status indicating its data is either split or unrecognized. Calling Reset should clear the physical disk of any data, remove any remaining ties to its former concrete pool, and return the disk to a healthy, usable state.'
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
{'Description':'This field describes the intended usage of this physical disk within a concrete pool. Storage pools are required to follow the assigned policy for a physical disk. 1 - 'Auto-Select': This physical disk should only be used for data storage. 2 - 'Manual-Select': This physical disk should only be used if manually selected by an administrator at the time of virtual disk creation. A manual-select disk is selected using the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter to CreateVirtualDisk. 3 - 'Hot Spare': This physical disk should be used as a hot spare. 4 - 'Retired': This physical disk should be retired from use. At a minimum, no new allocations should go to this disk. If the virtual disks that reside on this disk are repaired, the data should be moved to another active physical disk.','In':True,'Required':True,'ValueMap':['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],'Values':['Auto-Select', 'Manual-Select', 'Hot Spare', 'Retired', 'Journal']}
['Success', 'Not Supported', 'Unspecified Error', 'Timeout', 'Failed', 'Invalid Parameter', 'Access denied', 'There are not enough resources to complete the operation.', 'Cannot connect to the storage provider.', 'The storage provider cannot connect to the storage subsystem.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its health or operational status does not permit it.', 'The storage pool could not complete the operation because its configuration is read-only.']
'This field indicates the sum of used space on this physical disk. This should include usage from all storage pools and other data stored on the disk.'
'FriendlyName is a user-friendly name of the physical disk. The initial value should be set by the storage provider or subsystem, and can be modified by the user at any point in the object's lifetime.'
'This field indicates the logical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: a 4K native disk should report 4096, while a 512 emulated disk should report 512.'
'This field represents the name of the company responsible for the hardware backing the physical disk. This manufacturer information must match what is reported by the disk's SCSI inquiry data.'
'If CannotPoolReason contains 1 - 'Other', this field contains the string representing the vendor defined reason why this physical disk cannot be added to a concrete pool. This property must be NULL if CannotPoolReason does not contain 1 - 'Other'.'
OtherCannotPoolReasonDescription property is in 1 class (MSFT_PhysicalDisk) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Storage and in 3 namespaces
'This field indicates the physical sector size of the physical disk in bytes. For example: for 4K native and 512 emulated disks, the value should be 4096.'
'This field is a string representation of the physical disk's serial number. This information must match what is reported by the disk's SCSI inquiry data.'
'This field describes the intended usage of this physical disk within a concrete pool. Storage pools are required to follow the assigned policy for a physical disk. 1 - 'Auto-Select': This physical disk should only be used for data storage. 2 - 'Manual-Select': This physical disk should only be used if manually selected by an administrator at the time of virtual disk creation. A manual-select disk is selected using the PhysicalDisksToUse parameter to CreateVirtualDisk. 3 - 'Hot Spare': This physical disk should be used as a hot spare. 4 - 'Retired': This physical disk should be retired from use. At a minimum, no new allocations should go to this disk. If the virtual disks that reside on this disk are repaired, the data should be moved to another active physical disk.'
'ObjectId is a mandatory property that is used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of a class. ObjectIds must be unique within the scope of the management server (which is hosting the provider). The ObjectId is created and maintained for use of the Storage Management Providers and their clients to track instances of objects. If an object is visible through two different paths (for example: there are two separate Storage Management Providers that point to the same storage subsystem) then the same object may appear with two different ObjectIds. For determining if two object instances are the same object, refer to the UniqueId property.'
'PassThroughIds is a comma-separated list of all implementation specific keys. It is used by storage management applications to access the vendor proprietary object model. This field should be in the form: key1='value1',key2='value2'.'
'UniqueId is a mandatory property that is used to uniquely identify a logical instance of a storage subsystem's object. This value must be the same for an object viewed by two or more provider instances (even if they are running on seperate management servers). UniqueId can be any globally unique, opaque value unless otherwise specified by a derived class.'