PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess

Class | Methods (2) | Properties | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Represents IP address assignment configuration for VPN

PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment methods

PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment has 2 methods (2 Local)

SetByVpnIPAddressAssignmentPS_VpnIPAddressAssignmentuint32 {'out':True}
SetByVpnIPv6PrefixEntrypointPS_VpnIPAddressAssignmentuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment methods

Local methods (2) of PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment class

SetByVpnIPAddressAssignment method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Returns the VPN IP address assignment policy object. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output','In':True}
IPAddressRangestring1-{'Description':'Indicates the IP address range from which IP addresses are allocated to VPN clients. Consists of a start IP and an end IP. This parameter can be configured only if the IPAssignmentMethod parameter is specified to be StaticPool. If there are no pre-existing IPv4 address pools (see cmdlet description for more details) then it is mandatory to specify an address range','In':True}
ComputerNamestring2-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the machine on which the VPN server machine specific tasks should be executed','In':True}
IPAssignmentMethodstring3-{'Description':'Indicates the mechanism for IPv4 address assignment. Can take one of the following values 1. Dhcp 2. StaticPool When load balancing is active the IPv4 address assignment method cannot be configured to DHCP. Only static pool is supported','In':True,'ValueMap':['Dhcp', 'StaticPool'],'Values':['Dhcp', 'StaticPool']}
IPv6Prefixstring4-{'Description':'Specifies the IPv6 prefix used for IPv6 address assignment','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnIPAddressAssignment5-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. The IPv4 assignment method configured: DHCP or static pool 2. If static pool assignment is configured for IPv4 then the list of configured address pools. Each pool consists of a start IP address and an end IP address 3. IPv6 prefix configured ','EmbeddedInstance':'VpnIPAddressAssignment','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet does the following
1. Configure the IPv4 address assignment method
2. Configure the IPv6 prefix for IPv6 address assignment'
SetByVpnIPAddressAssignment method is in 1 class (PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 2 namespaces
SetByVpnIPv6PrefixEntrypoint method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the machine on which the VPN server machine specific tasks should be executed','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'Returns the VPN IP address assignment policy object. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output','In':True}
EntrypointNamestring2-{'Description':'Entrypoint refers to the identity of a site in a multisite deployment for which the IPv6 prefix needs to be configured. Entrypoint is not applicable to the IPv4 address assignment properties as these properties are always configured at the individual server level and not site level If an entrypoint is not specified in a multisite deployment then the entrypoint to which the server on which the cmdlet is executed belongs is used. The server could also be represented by using the ComputerName parameter If both entrypoint and ComputerName are specified and the ComputerName does not belong to the site represented by the entrypoint then the entrypoint takes precedence and the authentication type is configured for it ','In':True}
IPv6Prefixstring3-{'Description':'Specifies the IPv6 prefix used for IPv6 address assignment','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnIPAddressAssignment4-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. The IPv4 assignment method configured: DHCP or static pool 2. If static pool assignment is configured for IPv4 then the list of configured address pools. Each pool consists of a start IP address and an end IP address 3. IPv6 prefix configured ','EmbeddedInstance':'VpnIPAddressAssignment','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet does the following
1. Configure the IPv4 address assignment method
2. Configure the IPv6 prefix for IPv6 address assignment'
SetByVpnIPv6PrefixEntrypoint method is in 1 class (PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 2 namespaces

PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment Qualifiers

Description'Represents IP address assignment configuration for VPN'

PS_VpnIPAddressAssignment System properties


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