PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess

Class | Methods (2) | Properties | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Represents the servers in a load balancing cluster

PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode methods

PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode has 2 methods (2 Local)

AddPS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNodeuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNodeuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode methods

Local methods (2) of PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
RemoteAccessServerstring0-{'Description':'The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) or name of the Remote Access server to be added to the load balanced cluster.','In':True}
InternalInterfacestring1-{'Description':'Name of the corporate network facing interface of the specified server. If name is not specified then cmdlet tries to detect the internal interface automatically. For a single network adapter configuration the same name is specified for both the internal and internet interfaces','In':True}
InternetInterfacestring2-{'Description':'Name of the Internet facing interface of the specified server. If name is not specified then cmdlet tries to detect the Internet interface automatically. For a single network adapter configuration the same name is specified for both the internal and Internet interfaces','In':True}
VpnIPAddressRangestring3-{'Description':'This parameter must be specified if VPN is enabled. The parameter indicates the IP address range for allocation to VPN clients. The range should not overlap with ranges configured on other servers in the cluster. In a cluster, only static pool address assignment can be used. DHCP is not supported.','In':True}
ComputerNamestring4-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the Remote Access server computer specific tasks should be executed. If ComputerName is specified it represents the cluster to which the server is added','In':True}
Forceboolean5-{'Description':'Switch parameter used to suppress user confirmation prompts for the following conditions. When suppressed the cmdlet assumes user confirmation for the following changes 1. If self-signed Network Location Server certificate is found on all other nodes in the cluster then a self-signed certificate is created for this node 2. If self-signed SSL (IPTTPS) certificate is found on all other nodes in the cluster then a self-signed certificate is created for this node','In':True}
PassThruboolean6-{'Description':'Returns the load balancer server object. ','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode7-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. The IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the node that was added to the cluster 2. The load balancing status of the node 3. IPv4 address ranges configured on the node for VPN static pool address assignment','EmbeddedInstance':'RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode','Out':True}
Description'Adds a server to the load balancing cluster.'
Add method is in 12 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 17 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
RemoteAccessServerstring0-{'Description':'The address (IPv4 or IPv6) or name of the server that will be removed from the load balanced cluster.','In':True}
ComputerNamestring1-{'Description':'The address (IPv4 or IPv6) or name of the computer on which the cmdlet runs.','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'Returns the address of the server that was removed from the cluster. ','In':True}
Forceboolean3-{'Description':'Turns off the option to allow a user to override a setting using the prompt that confirms user approval for an action(ShouldContinue prompt). The removal of the server will complete without prompting for user approval. ','In':True}
cmdletOutputstring4-{'Description':'The address ( IPv4 or IPv6) or name of the server that was removed from the cluster.','Out':True}
Description'Removes a server from the load balancing cluster.'
Remove method is in 13 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 18 namespaces

PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode Qualifiers

Description'Represents the servers in a load balancing cluster'

PS_RemoteAccessLoadBalancerNode System properties


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