PS_BgpRoutingPolicy, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess

Class | Methods (4) | Properties | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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BGP routing policy management

PS_BgpRoutingPolicy methods

PS_BgpRoutingPolicy has 4 methods (4 Local)

AddPS_BgpRoutingPolicyuint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_BgpRoutingPolicyuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_BgpRoutingPolicyuint32 {'out':True}
SetPS_BgpRoutingPolicyuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_BgpRoutingPolicy methods

Local methods (4) of PS_BgpRoutingPolicy class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'Indicates that cmdlet returns an output object.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring1-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant. ','In':True}
IgnorePrefixstring2-{'Description':'List of IPv4 / IPv6 Network Addresses which are not to be processed.','In':True}
Namestring3-{'Description':'Unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing Policy.','In':True}
MatchCommunitystring4-{'Description':'Community attribute values which are to be matched in route advertisements for further action.','In':True}
NewLocalPrefuint325-{'Description':'LOCAL-PREF attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
AddCommunitystring6-{'Description':'Community attribute values to be applied on the BGP Routes matching the specified criteria.','In':True}
Forceboolean7-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before adding the specified routing policy to policy store.','In':True}
NewMEDuint328-{'Description':'MULTI-EXIT-DISCRIMINATOR attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
PolicyTypeuint329-{'Description':'Type of BGP Routing Policy or the filtering action to be taken on the BGP routes matching the specified criteria. The valid inputs for this parameter are enumerations - ModifyAttribute, Allow or Deny','In':True}
NewNextHopstring10-{'Description':'NEXT-HOP attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
RemoveCommunitystring11-{'Description':'Community attribute values to be Removed from the selected BGP Routes.','In':True}
MatchPrefixstring12-{'Description':'List of IPv4 / IPv6 Network Addresses which are to be matched in the BGP route advertisements. The routes matching this criteria are processed further.','In':True}
MatchASNRangeuint3213-{'Description':'Range of AS Numbers which are to be matched with the ASN in AS-PATH in the BGP route advertisements. The routes matching this criteria are processed further.','In':True}
MatchNextHopstring14-{'Description':'NEXT-HOP attribute values which are to be matched in route advertisements for further action.','In':True}
ClearMEDboolean15-{'Description':'Switch parameter to remove MED value from the selected route advertisements.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpRoutingPolicyConfig16-{'Description':'class BgpRoutingPolicyConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PolicyName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the Routing policy string PolicyType Specifies the type of the routing policy string MatchPrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are to be selected for processing string IgnorePrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are not to be selected for processing uint32 MatchASNRange[] Specifies the lower and upper range of ASN values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing string MatchCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress MatchNextHop[] Specifies the list of IPAddresses, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress NewNextHop Specifies the IPAddress, that is to be set as Next-Hop for the selected routes uint32 NewLocalPref Specifies the Local-Pref value, that is to be set for the selected routes uint32 NewMED Specifies the MED value, that is to be set for the selected routes bool ClearMED Specifies whether the MED value is to be cleared / removed from the selected routes string AddCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be set for the selected routes string RemoveCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be removed from the selected routes }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpRoutingPolicyConfig','Out':True}
Description'Add-BgpRoutingPolicy cmdlet adds a new BGP routing policy to the policy store.'
Add method is in 12 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'List of Policy IDs that to be retrieved from the policy store.','In':True}
PolicyTypeuint321-{'Description':'Specifies the type of BGP routing policies to be retrieved from store.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring2-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpRoutingPolicyConfig3-{'Description':'class BgpRoutingPolicyConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PolicyName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the Routing policy string PolicyType Specifies the type of the routing policy string MatchPrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are to be selected for processing string IgnorePrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are not to be selected for processing uint32 MatchASNRange[] Specifies the lower and upper range of ASN values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing string MatchCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress MatchNextHop[] Specifies the list of IPAddresses, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress NewNextHop Specifies the IPAddress, that is to be set as Next-Hop for the selected routes uint32 NewLocalPref Specifies the Local-Pref value, that is to be set for the selected routes uint32 NewMED Specifies the MED value, that is to be set for the selected routes bool ClearMED Specifies whether the MED value is to be cleared / removed from the selected routes string AddCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be set for the selected routes string RemoveCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be removed from the selected routes }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpRoutingPolicyConfig','Out':True}
Description'Get-BgpRoutingPolicy cmdlet retrieves the configuration information of one or more BGP routing policies from the policy store.'
Get method is in 28 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'List of BGP routing policies to be removed from policy store.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring1-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before removing the specified routing policies from policy store.','In':True}
Description'Remove-BgpRoutingPolicy cmdlet removes one or more routing policies from the policy store.'
Remove method is in 13 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 18 namespaces
Set method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing Policy which is to be modified.','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'Indicates that cmdlet returns an output object.','In':True}
PolicyTypeuint322-{'Description':'Type of BGP Routing Policy or the filtering action to be taken on the BGP routes matching the specified criteria. The valid inputs for this parameter are enumerations - ModifyAttribute, Allow or Deny','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring3-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
Forceboolean4-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before modifying the policy.','In':True}
AddCommunitystring5-{'Description':'Community attribute values to be applied on the BGP Routes matching the specified criteria.','In':True}
RemoveCommunitystring6-{'Description':'Community attribute values to be Removed from the selected BGP Routes.','In':True}
RemovePolicyClausestring7-{'Description':'Specified all the Match/Set policy clauses that are to be removed from the specified routing policy.','In':True}
MatchASNRangeuint328-{'Description':'Range of AS Numbers which are to be matched with the ASN in AS-PATH in the BGP route advertisements. The routes matching this criteria are processed further.','In':True}
IgnorePrefixstring9-{'Description':'List of IPv4 / IPv6 Network Addresses which are not to be processed.','In':True}
MatchCommunitystring10-{'Description':'Community attribute values which are to be matched in route advertisements for further action.','In':True}
MatchPrefixstring11-{'Description':'List of IPv4 / IPv6 Network Addresses which are to be matched in the BGP route advertisements. The routes matching this criteria are processed further.','In':True}
MatchNextHopstring12-{'Description':'NEXT-HOP attribute values which are to be matched in route advertisements for further action.','In':True}
ClearMEDboolean13-{'Description':'Switch parameter to remove MED value from the selected route advertisements.','In':True}
NewLocalPrefuint3214-{'Description':'LOCAL-PREF attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
NewMEDuint3215-{'Description':'MULTI-EXIT-DISCRIMINATOR attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
NewNextHopstring16-{'Description':'NEXT-HOP attribute of all the selected routes is set to this value.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpRoutingPolicyConfig17-{'Description':'class BgpRoutingPolicyConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PolicyName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the Routing policy string PolicyType Specifies the type of the routing policy string MatchPrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are to be selected for processing string IgnorePrefix[] Specifies the list of prefixes, routes to which are not to be selected for processing uint32 MatchASNRange[] Specifies the lower and upper range of ASN values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing string MatchCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress MatchNextHop[] Specifies the list of IPAddresses, routes containing which are to be selected for processing ipaddress NewNextHop Specifies the IPAddress, that is to be set as Next-Hop for the selected routes uint32 NewLocalPref Specifies the Local-Pref value, that is to be set for the selected routes uint32 NewMED Specifies the MED value, that is to be set for the selected routes bool ClearMED Specifies whether the MED value is to be cleared / removed from the selected routes string AddCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be set for the selected routes string RemoveCommunity[] Specifies the list of community attribute values, that are to be removed from the selected routes }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpRoutingPolicyConfig','Out':True}
Description'Set-BgpRoutingPolicy cmdlet modifies the routing policy configuration for the specified BGP routing Policy ID.'
Set method is in 18 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 20 namespaces

PS_BgpRoutingPolicy Qualifiers

Description'BGP routing policy management'

PS_BgpRoutingPolicy System properties


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