PS_BgpPeer, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess

Class | Methods (6) | Properties | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Management of BGP sessions with neighbors

PS_BgpPeer methods

PS_BgpPeer has 6 methods (6 Local)

AddPS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}
SetPS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}
StartPS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}
StopPS_BgpPeeruint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_BgpPeer methods

Local methods (6) of PS_BgpPeer class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Unique Name for the peering with specified BGP Neighbor.','In':True}
LocalIPAddressstring1-{'Description':'Local BGP Router?s peering IP Address. It can be of IPv4 or IPv6 address type.','In':True}
PeerIPAddressstring2-{'Description':'Neighbor BGP Router?s peering IP Address. It can be of IPv4 or IPv6 address type.','In':True}
LocalASNuint323-{'Description':'Local AS Number of the BGP Router instance for this peer.','In':True}
PeerASNuint324-{'Description':'Neighbor BGP Router?s AS Number.','In':True}
OperationModeuint325-{'Description':'BGP Router mode of operation 1. Peering Initiator as well as peering acceptor 2. Only acting as a passive peering request acceptor','In':True}
PeeringModeuint326-{'Description':'Enum parameter to configure peering mode for the given peer.','In':True}
HoldTimeSecuint167-{'Description':'Configured value of the HoldTime in seconds after which the BGP Session expires if no BGP message is received.','In':True}
Weightuint169-{'Description':'Administrative preference assigned to the routes received from this peer.','In':True}
MaxAllowedPrefixuint3210-{'Description':'Maximum number of allowed IPv4 / IPv6 network prefixes that can be learned from the given neighbor.','In':True}
PassThruboolean11-{'Description':'Indicates that cmdlet returns an output object.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring12-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpPeerConfig13-{'Description':'class BgpPeerConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PeerName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the BGP peer ipaddress LocalIPAddress Specifies the BGP router's local peering IP Address ipaddress PeerIPAddress Specifies the BGP peer's peering IP Address uint32 LocalASN Specifies the Local BGP router's AS Number for this peer uint32 PeerASN Specifies the BGP peer's AS Number string OperationMode Specifies the local BGP router's mode of operation for the peer boolean PeeringMode Specifies whether the BGP peering session start type is manual or automatic for the peer uint16 HoldTimeSec Specifies the value of timer after whose expiry, BGP peering session is automatically stopped. uint16 Weight Specifies the administrative preference assigned to this peer string ConnectivityStatus Specifies the connectivity status of the BGP peering session uint32 MaxAllowedPrefix Specifies the maximum number of allowed BGP prefixes that can be learned from the given BGP peer string IngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the incoming route advertisements string EngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the outgoing route advertisements }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpPeerConfig','Out':True}
Description'Add-BgpPeer cmdlet adds a new BGP peer.'
Add method is in 12 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'One or more of Peer Names for which the configuration information is to be retrieved.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring1-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpPeerConfig2-{'Description':'class BgpPeerConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PeerName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the BGP peer ipaddress LocalIPAddress Specifies the BGP router's local peering IP Address ipaddress PeerIPAddress Specifies the BGP peer's peering IP Address uint32 LocalASN Specifies the Local BGP router's AS Number for this peer uint32 PeerASN Specifies the BGP peer's AS Number string OperationMode Specifies the local BGP router's mode of operation for the peer boolean PeeringMode Specifies whether the BGP peering session start type is manual or automatic for the peer uint16 HoldTimeSec Specifies the value of timer after whose expiry, BGP peering session is automatically stopped. uint16 Weight Specifies the administrative preference assigned to this peer string ConnectivityStatus Specifies the connectivity status of the BGP peering session uint32 MaxAllowedPrefix Specifies the maximum number of allowed BGP prefixes that can be learned from the given BGP peer string IngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the incoming route advertisements string EngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the outgoing route advertisements }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpPeerConfig','Out':True}
Description'Get-BgpPeer cmdlet retrieves the BGP Peer configuration information for one or more BGP peers.'
Get method is in 28 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'List of BGP Peer IDs that are to be deleted.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring1-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before removing a BGP neighbor.','In':True}
Description'Remove-BgpPeer cmdlet removes one or more peers from the BGP router.'
Remove method is in 13 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 18 namespaces
Set method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Peer Name for which the configuration is to be modified.','In':True}
LocalIPAddressstring1-{'Description':'Local BGP Router?s peering IP Address. It can be of IPv4 or IPv6 address type.','In':True}
PeerIPAddressstring2-{'Description':'Neighbor BGP Router?s peering IP Address. It can be of IPv4 or IPv6 address type.','In':True}
LocalASNuint323-{'Description':'Local AS Number of the BGP Router instance for this peer.','In':True}
PeerASNuint324-{'Description':'Neighbor BGP Router?s AS Number.','In':True}
OperationModeuint325-{'Description':'BGP Router mode of operation 1. Peering Initiator as well as peering acceptor 2. Only acting as a passive peering request acceptor','In':True}
PeeringModeuint326-{'Description':'Enum parameter to configure peering mode for the given peer.','In':True}
HoldTimeSecuint167-{'Description':'Configured value of the HoldTime in seconds after which the BGP Session expires if no BGP message is received.','In':True}
Weightuint169-{'Description':'Administrative preference assigned to the routes received from this peer.','In':True}
MaxAllowedPrefixuint3210-{'Description':'Maximum number of allowed IPv4 / IPv6 network prefixes that can be learned from the given neighbor.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring11-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
PassThruboolean12-{'Description':'Indicates that cmdlet returns an output object.','In':True}
Forceboolean13-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before modifying the configuration for peer.','In':True}
ClearPrefixLimitboolean14-{'Description':'Clears the Maximum limit on prefixes to be learned from the peer. It resets the prefix learning to unlimited number.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:BgpPeerConfig15-{'Description':'class BgpPeerConfig { string RoutingDomain Specifies the alphanumeric ID of the Routing Domain / Tenant. string PeerName Specifies the unique alphanumeric ID of the BGP peer ipaddress LocalIPAddress Specifies the BGP router's local peering IP Address ipaddress PeerIPAddress Specifies the BGP peer's peering IP Address uint32 LocalASN Specifies the Local BGP router's AS Number for this peer uint32 PeerASN Specifies the BGP peer's AS Number string OperationMode Specifies the local BGP router's mode of operation for the peer boolean PeeringMode Specifies whether the BGP peering session start type is manual or automatic for the peer uint16 HoldTimeSec Specifies the value of timer after whose expiry, BGP peering session is automatically stopped. uint16 Weight Specifies the administrative preference assigned to this peer string ConnectivityStatus Specifies the connectivity status of the BGP peering session uint32 MaxAllowedPrefix Specifies the maximum number of allowed BGP prefixes that can be learned from the given BGP peer string IngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the incoming route advertisements string EngressPolicyList[] Specifies the list of policies that are to be applied to the outgoing route advertisements }','EmbeddedInstance':'BgpPeerConfig','Out':True}
Description'Set-BgpPeer cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified BGP peer.'
Set method is in 18 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 20 namespaces
Start method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
RoutingDomainstring0-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
Namestring1-{'Description':'List of Peer IDs for which the BGP routing session is to be started.','In':True}
Description'Start-BgpPeer cmdlet starts the BGP routing session for one or more peers.'
Start method is in 1 class (PS_BgpPeer) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 13 namespaces
Stop method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'List of Peer IDs for which the BGP routing session is to be stopped.','In':True}
RoutingDomainstring1-{'Description':'User-defined unique alphanumeric ID for the Routing domain / Tenant.','In':True}
Forceboolean2-{'Description':'Indicates no confirmation prompt before stopping the BGP session for the specified list of Peers.','In':True}
Description'Stop-BgpPeer cmdlet stops the BGP routing session for one or more peers.'
Stop method is in 1 class (PS_BgpPeer) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess and in 11 namespaces

PS_BgpPeer Qualifiers

Description'Management of BGP sessions with neighbors'

PS_BgpPeer System properties


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