PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409

Class | Methods (5) | Properties | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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RemoteAccess settings per Routing Domain Configuration

PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain methods

PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain has 5 methods (5 Local)

DisablePS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomainuint32 {'out':True}
EnablePS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomainuint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomainuint32 {'out':True}
SetByCustomPolicyPS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomainuint32 {'out':True}
SetByEncryptionTypePS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomainuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain methods

Local methods (5) of PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain class

Disable method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Name of Routing Domain','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'Switch parameter used to suppress user confirmation prompts for the following conditions. When suppressed the cmdlet assumes user confirmation for disabling Routing for the Routing Domain.','In':True}
PassThruboolean2-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Typeuint323-{'Description':'Specifies the RemoteAccess component to disable.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RoutingDomainConfiguration4-{'Description':'RoutingDomainConfiguration object','Out':True}
Description'Disables RemoteAccess for specified Routing Domain'
Disable method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 19 namespaces
Enable method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Name of Routing Domain for which RRAS routing is enabled.','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Typeuint322-{'Description':'Specifies the RemoteAccess component to enable.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RoutingDomainConfiguration3-{'Description':'RoutingDomainConfiguration object','Out':True}
Description'The Enable-RemoteAccessRoutingDomain cmdlet enables VPN/ S2S for the specified tenant on multi-tenant GW'
Enable method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 25 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Name of the routing domain','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnRoutingDomainConfig1-{'Description':'VpnRoutingDomainConfig output object','Out':True}
Description'Retrieves Routing Domain Configuration for specified name. If No name is specified information of all RDIDs is retrieved.'
Get method is in 28 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 19 namespaces
SetByCustomPolicy method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Name of the routing domain','In':True}
IdleDisconnectSecuint321-{'Description':'A value that specifies the time, in seconds, after which an idle connection is terminated. Unless the idle time-out is disabled, the entire connection is terminated if the connection is idle for the specified interval.','In':True}
InterimAccountingPeriodSecuint322-{'Description':'Periodicity in seconds @ which interim accounting will be logged.','In':True}
IPAddressRangestring3-{'Description':'Indicates the IP address range from which IP addresses are allocated to VPN clients. Consists of a start IP and an end IP. This parameter can be configured only if the IPAssignmentMethod parameter is specified to be StaticPool.If there are no pre-existing IPv4 address pools (see cmdlet description for more details) then it is mandatory to specify an address range','In':True}
IPv6Prefixstring4-{'Description':'Specifying this parameter enables IPv6 address assignment for VPN and specifies the prefix to use for the addressing.If Null is specified, IPv6 is disabled for all connections of the tenant.','In':True}
SaLifeTimeSecuint325-{'Description':'Lifetime of a security association (SA) in seconds, after which the SA is no longer valid .','In':True}
NetBiosIPAddressstring6-{'Description':'Specifies the NetBios Server IP addresses for VPN clients.','In':True}
MaximumVpnConnectionsuint327-{'Description':'Max number of VPN connections allowed','In':True}
TenantNamestring8-{'Description':'Specify Tenants','In':True}
PassThruboolean9-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Forceboolean10-{'Description':'If specified, overrides the default confirmation before performing the operation.','In':True}
EnableQoSuint3211-{'Description':'Specifies whether QoS is enabled on the interface','In':True}
TxBandwidthKbpsuint6412-{'Description':'Specifies Transmit bandwidth limit for the Interface in kbps.','In':True}
RxBandwidthKbpsuint6413-{'Description':'Specifies Receive bandwidth limit for the Interface in kbps.','In':True}
CustomPolicyboolean15-{'Description':'Specifies custom IKE IPSEC policies.','In':True}
AuthenticationTransformConstantuint3216-{'Description':'Auth transform plumbed in Ipsec policy.','In':True}
CipherTransformConstantuint3217-{'Description':'Cipher plumbed in Ipsec policy.','In':True}
EncryptionMethoduint3218-{'Description':'Encryption Method Plumbed in IKE policy.','In':True}
IntegrityCheckMethoduint3219-{'Description':'Integrity method plumbed in IPsec policy.','In':True}
PfsGroupuint3220-{'Description':'PFS Group plumbed in Ipsec policy.','In':True}
SaRenegotiationDataSizeKBuint3221-{'Description':'Number of Kilobytes that are allowed to transfer using a SA. After that the SA will be renegotiated ','In':True}
DHGroupuint3222-{'Description':'DH Group Plumbed in Ipsec policy.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnRoutingDomainConfig23-{'Description':'VpnRoutingDomainConfig object','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet configures S2S VPN settings for a specified Routing Domain Configuration'
SetByCustomPolicy method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 4 namespaces
SetByEncryptionType method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Namestring0-{'Description':'Name of the routing domain','In':True}
InterimAccountingPeriodSecuint321-{'Description':'Periodicity in seconds @ which interim accounting will be logged.','In':True}
IPAddressRangestring2-{'Description':'Indicates the IP address range from which IP addresses are allocated to VPN clients. Consists of a start IP and an end IP. This parameter can be configured only if the IPAssignmentMethod parameter is specified to be StaticPool.If there are no pre-existing IPv4 address pools (see cmdlet description for more details) then it is mandatory to specify an address range','In':True}
IPv6Prefixstring3-{'Description':'Specifying this parameter enables IPv6 address assignment for VPN and specifies the prefix to use for the addressing.If Null is specified, IPv6 is disabled for all connections of the tenant.','In':True}
NetBiosIPAddressstring4-{'Description':'Specifies the NetBios Server IP addresses for VPN clients.','In':True}
MaximumVpnConnectionsuint325-{'Description':'Max number of VPN connections allowed','In':True}
TenantNamestring6-{'Description':'Specifies Tenants','In':True}
PassThruboolean7-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Forceboolean8-{'Description':'If specified, overrides the default confirmation before performing the operation.','In':True}
EnableQoSuint329-{'Description':'Specifies whether QoS is enabled on the interface','In':True}
TxBandwidthKbpsuint6410-{'Description':'Specifies Transmit bandwidth limit for the Interface in kbps.','In':True}
RxBandwidthKbpsuint6411-{'Description':'Specifies Receive bandwidth limit for the Interface in kbps.','In':True}
DnsIPAddressstring12-{'Description':'Specifies the DnsServer IP addresses for VPN clients','In':True}
EncryptionTypestring13-{'Description':'Specifies the type of Encryption','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:VpnRoutingDomainConfig14-{'Description':'VpnRoutingDomainConfig object','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet configures S2S VPN settings for a specified Routing Domain Configuration'
SetByEncryptionType method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 2 namespaces

PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain Qualifiers

Description'RemoteAccess settings per Routing Domain Configuration'

PS_RemoteAccessRoutingDomain System properties


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