PS_RemoteAccessRadius, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409

Class | Methods (4) | Properties | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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Represents the configuration of the accounting and authentication RADIUS servers

PS_RemoteAccessRadius methods

PS_RemoteAccessRadius has 4 methods (4 Local)

AddPS_RemoteAccessRadiusuint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_RemoteAccessRadiusuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_RemoteAccessRadiusuint32 {'out':True}
SetPS_RemoteAccessRadiusuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_RemoteAccessRadius methods

Local methods (4) of PS_RemoteAccessRadius class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ServerNamestring0-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the external RADIUS server. ','In':True}
SharedSecretstring1-{'Description':'Shared secret between the VPN server and the specified external RADIUS server. Note that the secret is specified in clear text','In':True}
ComputerNamestring2-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the Remote Access server computer specific tasks should be executed. If ComputerName is specified when adding a RADIUS server for authentication then it is added for the VPN server represented by ComputerName','In':True}
Portuint163-{'Description':'Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting requests. The default value is 1813 for accounting and 1812 for authentication and OTP','In':True}
Scoreuint84-{'Description':'Indicates the initial score. The default value is 30','In':True}
Timeoutuint325-{'Description':'The value is specified in seconds. The default value is 5 seconds','In':True}
Purposestring6-{'Description':'A mandatory parameter that indicates the purpose for which the external RADIUS server is being added. Can be one of the following 1. Authentication 2. Accounting 3. Otp ','In':True,'Values':['Authentication', 'Accounting', 'Otp']}
AccountingOnOffMsgstring7-{'Description':'Indicates whether the sending of accounting on/off messages should be enabled or disabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled By default it is disabled This parameter is applicable only when the RADIUS server is being added for Remote Access accounting','In':True,'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled']}
MsgAuthenticatorstring8-{'Description':'Indicates whether usage of message authenticator should be enabled or disabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled By default it is disabled This parameter is applicable only when the RADIUS server is being added for VPN authentication','In':True,'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled']}
EntrypointNamestring9-{'Description':'Entrypoint refers to the identity of a site in a multisite deployment. It is applicable only to RADIUS server configuration for VPN authentication. It is not applicable to RADIUS accounting and OTP and hence is ignored when a user tries to add a RADIUS server for these purposes When the parameter is specified it indicates that the RADIUS server for VPN authentication should be added for that site. If an entrypoint is not specified in a multisite deployment then the entrypoint to which the server on which the cmdlet is executed belongs is used. The server could also be represented by using the ComputerName parameter If both entrypoint and ComputerName are specified and the ComputerName doesnt belong to the site represented by the entrypoint then the entrypoint takes precedence and the RADIUS server is added to it','In':True}
PassThruboolean10-{'Description':'Returns the Remote Access RADIUS server object. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RemoteAccessRadiusServer11-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the Radius server that was added 2. Purpose for which the server was added ? VPN authentication, accounting or OTP 3. Radius initial score 4. Radius timeout in seconds 5. Radius port no. 6. Radius shared secret: this property is never populated for security reasons and will always show as blank 7. Status of accounting on/off messages: if the Radius server was added for authentication or OTP then this property is always blank 8. Status of message authenticator: if the Radius server was added for accounting or OTP then this property is always blank ','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet adds a new external RADIUS server for one of the following purposes
1. VPN authentication
2. Accounting for DirectAccess and VPN
3. OTP authentication for DirectAccess
Add method is in 12 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Purposestring0-{'Description':'Indicates the purpose of the external RADIUS server. Can be one of the following 1. Authentication 2. Accounting 3. Otp If this parameter is omitted then RADIUS server(s) existing for all of the above purposes will be presented.','In':True,'Values':['Authentication', 'Accounting', 'Otp']}
ComputerNamestring1-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the Remote Access server computer specific tasks should be executed','In':True}
EntrypointNamestring2-{'Description':'Name of the entrypoint. Entrypoint refers to the identity of a site in a multisite deployment. It is applicable only to RADIUS server configuration for VPN authentication. It is not applicable to RADIUS accounting and OTP If this parameter is specified the RADIUS server for VPN athentication for only that site are retrieved. To retrieve all RADIUS servers for VPN authentication a script would have to be written If an entrypoint is not specified in a multisite deployment then the entrypoint to which the server on which the cmdlet is executed belongs is used. The server could also be represented by using the ComputerName parameter If both entrypoint and ComputerName are specified and the ComputerName doesnt belong to the site represented by the entrypoint then the entrypoint takes precedence and the RADIUS server is added to it ','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RemoteAccessRadiusServer3-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties. An array of such objects is outputted with one object for each Radius server. If a Radius server is used for more than one purpose then a separate instance is outputted for each instance. 1. IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the Radius server 2. Purpose of the server ? VPN authentication, accounting or OTP 3. Radius initial score 4. Radius timeout in seconds 5. Radius port no. 6. Radius shared secret: this property is never populated for security reasons and will always show as blank 7. Status of accounting on/off messages: if the Radius server is used for authentication or OTP then this property is always blank 8. Status of message authenticator: if the Radius server is used for accounting or OTP then this property is always blank Disable-DAOtpAuth','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet displays the list of the following types of RADIUS servers
1. Radius for VPN authentication
2. Radius for DirectAccess and VPN Accounting
3. Radius for OTP authentication for DirectAccess'
Get method is in 28 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ServerNamestring0-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the external RADIUS server that needs to be removed. ','In':True}
Purposestring1-{'Description':'A mandatory parameter that indicates the purpose for which the external RADIUS server is being removed. Can be one of the following 1. Authentication 2. Accounting 3. Otp ','In':True,'Values':['Authentication', 'Accounting', 'Otp']}
ComputerNamestring2-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the Remote Access server computer specific tasks should be executed. If ComputerName is specified when removing a RADIUS server for authentication then it is removed for the VPN server represented by ComputerName ','In':True}
PassThruboolean3-{'Description':'When this parameter is specified the cmdlet returns the Remote Access RADIUS server object representing the RADIUS server that was removed. The cmdlet does not return an object if this parameter is not specified.','In':True}
EntrypointNamestring4-{'Description':'Entrypoint refers to the identity of a site in a multisite deployment. It is applicable only to RADIUS server configuration for VPN authentication. It is not applicable to RADIUS accounting and OTP When the parameter is specified it indicates that the RADIUS server for VPN authentication should be removed for that site. If an entrypoint is not specified in a multisite deployment then the entrypoint to which the server on which the cmdlet is executed belongs is used. The server could also be represented by using the ComputerName parameter If both entrypoint and ComputerName are specified and the ComputerName doesnt belong to the site represented by the entrypoint then the entrypoint takes precedence and the RADIUS server is removed from it','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RemoteAccessRadiusServerPurpose5-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. IPv4/IPv6 address of the Radius server that was removed 2. Purpose for which the server was removed','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet removes an external RADIUS server from being used for one of the following purposes
1. VPN authentication
2. Accounting for both DirectAccess and VPN
3. OTP authentication for DirectAccess
Remove method is in 13 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 18 namespaces
Set method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the computer on which the Remote Access server computer specific tasks should be executed. ','In':True}
Purposestring1-{'Description':'A mandatory parameter that indicates the purpose of the RADIUS server for which the settings are being modified. Can be one of the following 1. Authentication 2. Accounting 3. Otp ','In':True,'Values':['Authentication', 'Accounting', 'Otp']}
Portuint162-{'Description':'Indicates the port number on which the RADIUS server is accepting authentication requests','In':True}
Scoreuint83-{'Description':'Indicates the initial score.','In':True}
ServerNamestring4-{'Description':'IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the external RADIUS server whose properties are being modified for the specified purpose.','In':True}
Timeoutuint325-{'Description':'The value is specified in seconds','In':True}
SharedSecretstring6-{'Description':'Shared secret between the VPN server and the specified external RADIUS server. Note that the secret is specified in clear text','In':True}
AccountingOnOffMsgstring7-{'Description':'Indicates whether the sending of accounting on/off messages should be enabled or disabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled This parameter is applicable only when the RADIUS server is being added for Remote Access accounting','In':True,'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled']}
MsgAuthenticatorstring8-{'Description':'Indicates whether usage of message authenticator should be enabled or disabled. Can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled This parameter is applicable only when the RADIUS server is being added for VPN authentication','In':True,'Values':['Enabled', 'Disabled']}
EntrypointNamestring9-{'Description':'Entrypoint refers to the identity of a site in a multisite deployment. It is applicable only to RADIUS server configuration for VPN authentication. It is not applicable to RADIUS accounting and OTP If this parameter is specified when editing it indicates that the properties of the RADIUS server for VPN authentication should be modified for that site. If an entrypoint is not specified in a multisite deployment then the entrypoint to which the server on which the cmdlet is executed belongs is used. The server could also be represented by using the ComputerName parameter If both entrypoint and ComputerName are specified and the ComputerName doesnt belong to the site represented by the entrypoint then the entrypoint takes precedence and the RADIUS server is added to it ','In':True}
PassThruboolean10-{'Description':'Returns the Remote Access radius server object. By default this cmdlet does not generate any output','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:RemoteAccessRadiusServer11-{'Description':'The object consists of the following properties 1. IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname of the Radius server that was modified 2. Purpose for which the server was modified? VPN authentication, accounting or OTP 3. Radius initial score 4. Radius timeout in seconds 5. Radius port no. 6. Radius shared secret: this property is never populated for security reasons and will always show as blank 7. Status of accounting on/off messages: if the Radius server was modified for authentication or OTP then this property is always blank 8. Status of message authenticator: if the Radius server was modified for accounting or OTP then this property is always blank','Out':True}
Description'This cmdlet edits the properties associated with an external RADIUS server being used for the following
1. VPN authentication
2. Accounting for DirectAccess and VPN
3. OTP authentication for DirectAccess '
Set method is in 18 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAccess\MS_409 and in 20 namespaces

PS_RemoteAccessRadius Qualifiers

Description'Represents the configuration of the accounting and authentication RADIUS servers'

PS_RemoteAccessRadius System properties


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