Name | CIMType | ID | IN | OUT | Qualifiers | |
AllowUpdateAny | boolean | 0 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Allows any authenticated user to update DNS record with same owner name','In':True} |
CreatePtr | boolean | 1 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Specifies that when this A resource record is created the corresponding PTR record should also be created in the reverse lookup zone if that zone exists on the server.','In':True} |
Name | string | 2 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Host name of the computer name for which the record is being created.','In':True} |
IPv4Address | string | 3 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Internet Protocol (IP) version 4 32-bit address of Name','In':True} |
ComputerName | string | 4 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Specifies the DNS server , represented by local computer syntax, FQDN, or Host name. If omitted, the local server is used. ','In':True} |
TimeToLive | datetime | 5 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Specifies the Time-To-Live (TTL) setting for the resource record.
(The default TTL is defined in SOA resource record).
Indicates a length of time used by other DNS servers to determine how long to cache information for a record before expiring and discarding it. ','In':True} |
ZoneName | string | 6 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Specifies the zone in which the record resides.
','In':True} |
AgeRecord | boolean | 7 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Specifies that this resource record is able to be aged and scavenged. If this parameter is not used, the resource record remains in the DNS database unless it is manually updated or removed.','In':True} |
PassThru | boolean | 8 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True} |
ZoneScope | string | 9 | ✓ | - | {'Description':'Name of the zone scope','Experimental':True,'In':True} |
cmdletOutput | object:DnsServerResourceRecord | 10 | - | ✓ | {'Description':'Object contains following fields
IPv4Address','EmbeddedInstance':'DnsServerResourceRecord','Out':True} |