PS_DnsServerDiagnostics, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns

Class | Methods (4) | Properties | Qualifiers (5) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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PS_DnsServerDiagnostics methods

PS_DnsServerDiagnostics has 4 methods (4 Local)

GetPS_DnsServerDiagnosticsuint32 {'out':True}
SetByAllPS_DnsServerDiagnosticsuint32 {'out':True}
SetByLogLevelPS_DnsServerDiagnosticsuint32 {'out':True}
SetByParametersPS_DnsServerDiagnosticsuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_DnsServerDiagnostics methods

Local methods (4) of PS_DnsServerDiagnostics class

Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the remote computer on which to execute the command','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DnsServerDiagnostics1-{'Description':'Object contains following fields Answers EnableLogFileRollover EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent EnableLoggingToFile EventLogLevel FilterIPAddressList FullPackets LogFilePath MaxMBFileSize Notifications Queries QuestionTransactions ReceivePackets SaveLogsToPersistentStorage SendPackets TcpPackets UdpPackets UnmatchedResponse Update UseSystemEventLog WriteThrough','EmbeddedInstance':'DnsServerDiagnostics','Out':True}
Description'Retrieve DNS Event logging details'
Get method is in 24 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 19 namespaces
SetByAll method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the remote computer on which to execute the command','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Allboolean2-{'Description':'Property that controls whether everything should be logged.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DnsServerDiagnostics3-{'Description':'Object contains following fields Answers EnableLogFileRollover EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent EnableLoggingToFile EventLogLevel FilterIPAddressList FullPackets LogFilePath MaxMBFileSize Notifications Queries QuestionTransactions ReceivePackets SaveLogsToPersistentStorage SendPackets TcpPackets UdpPackets UnmatchedResponse Update UseSystemEventLog WriteThrough','EmbeddedInstance':'DnsServerDiagnostics','Out':True}
Description'Sets debug and logging parameters

If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified:
1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets
2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets
3. Notifications, Updates, Queries
4.QuestionTransactions, Answers

Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover

Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '
SetByAll method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDiagnostics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 2 namespaces
SetByLogLevel method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the remote computer on which to execute the command','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
DebugLogginguint322-{'Description':'Specifies the bitmask for Debug Logging 0x00000001: The server logs query packet exchanges . 0x00000010: The server logs packet exchanges related to zone exchange. 0x00000020: The server logs packet exchanges related to zone updates. 0x00000100: The server logs packets containing questions. 0x00000200: The server logs packets containing answers. 0x00001000: The server logs packets it sends out. 0x00002000 : The server logs packets it receives. 0x00004000 : The server logs UDP packet exchanges. 0x00008000 : The server logs TCP packet exchanges. 0x0000FFFF: The server logs operations if the following fields are set: 0x00001000 or 0x00002000 or 0x00008000 or 0x00004000, or 0x00000001 or 0x00000001 or 0x00000020 , or 0x00000100 or 0x00000200S. 0x00010000: Independent of the values of the other fields, logs Active Directory write operations. 0x00020000: Independent of the values of the other fileld, logs Active Directory polling operations and operations during DNS updates (secure and unsecure) on Active Directory integrated zones. 0x01000000: If allowed by the fields, the server logs the entire packet to the log file. 0x02000000: I f allowed by the fields, the server logs response packets that do not match any outstanding query 0x80000000: If allowed by the fields, the server saves packet logging information to persistent storage. ','In':True}
OperationLogLevel2uint323-{'Description':'Bit flag for log level 0x01000000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to interaction with plug-in DLLs.','In':True}
OperationLogLevel1uint324-{'Description':'Bit flag for log level: 0x00000001: The server saves operational logging information to persistent storage. 0x00000010 : The server logs event logging information to the log file. 0x00000020: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for server start and stop activities. 0x00002000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to loading a zone from the directory server. 0x00004000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to writing zone data to the directory server. 0x00020000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to updating tombstoned nodes. 0x00100000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for local resource lookup activities. 0x00200000 : The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities performed during recursive query lookup. 0x00400000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to interaction with remote name servers.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DnsServerDiagnostics5-{'Description':'Object contains following fields Answers EnableLogFileRollover EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent EnableLoggingToFile EventLogLevel FilterIPAddressList FullPackets LogFilePath MaxMBFileSize Notifications Queries QuestionTransactions ReceivePackets SaveLogsToPersistentStorage SendPackets TcpPackets UdpPackets UnmatchedResponse Update UseSystemEventLog WriteThrough','EmbeddedInstance':'DnsServerDiagnostics','Out':True}
Description'Sets debug and logging parameters

If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified:
1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets
2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets
3. Notifications, Updates, Queries
4.QuestionTransactions, Answers

Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover

Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '
SetByLogLevel method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDiagnostics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 2 namespaces
SetByParameters method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'Specifies the remote computer on which to execute the command','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
Answersboolean2-{'Description':'If set to true, enables logging of DNS responses.','In':True}
EventLogLeveluint323-{'Description':'Event Log Level - Warning, Error, Warning & Error, None','In':True}
FullPacketsboolean4-{'Description':'Controls whether full packet needs to be logged','In':True}
IPFilterListstring5-{'Description':'IP address list to filter','In':True}
LogFilePathstring6-{'Description':'Log file path','In':True}
MaxMBFileSizeuint327-{'Description':'Maximum size of the log file','In':True}
EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEventboolean8-{'Description':'Property that controls whether remote server events should be logged.','In':True}
EnableLoggingForPluginDllEventboolean9-{'Description':'Property that controls whether plugin DLL events should be logged.','In':True}
UseSystemEventLogboolean10-{'Description':'Property that controls whether system event log should be used for logging','In':True}
EnableLogFileRolloverboolean11-{'Description':'Bit flag for log File Rollover','In':True}
EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEventboolean12-{'Description':'Property that controls whether zone load events should be logged.','In':True}
EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEventboolean13-{'Description':'Property that controls whether local lookup events should be logged.','In':True}
EnableLoggingToFileboolean14-{'Description':'Property that controls whether logging to file should be enabled.','In':True}
EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEventboolean15-{'Description':'Property that controls whether zone data write events should be logged.','In':True}
EnableLoggingForTombstoneEventboolean16-{'Description':'Property that controls whether tombstone events should be logged.','In':True}
EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEventboolean17-{'Description':'Property that controls whether recursive lookup events should be logged.','In':True}
UdpPacketsboolean18-{'Description':'Property that controls whether UDP packets should be logged','In':True}
UnmatchedResponseboolean19-{'Description':'Property that controls whether unmatched responses should be logged','In':True}
Updatesboolean20-{'Description':'Property that controls whether updates should be logged.','In':True}
WriteThroughboolean21-{'Description':'Property that controls whether write throughs should be logged.','In':True}
SaveLogsToPersistentStorageboolean22-{'Description':'Property that controls whether logs should be saved to persistent store','In':True}
EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEventboolean23-{'Description':'Property that controls whether server start/stop events should be logged.','In':True}
Notificationsboolean24-{'Description':'Property that controls whether notifications should be logged.','In':True}
Queriesboolean25-{'Description':'When Set TRUE : The server allows query packet exchanges through the content filter.','In':True}
QuestionTransactionsboolean26-{'Description':'Property that controls whether queries should be logged','In':True}
ReceivePacketsboolean27-{'Description':'Property that controls whether receive packets should be logged','In':True}
SendPacketsboolean28-{'Description':'Property that controls whether packets sent should be logged.','In':True}
TcpPacketsboolean29-{'Description':'Property that controls whether TCP packets should be logged','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DnsServerDiagnostics30-{'Description':'Object contains following fields Answers EnableLogFileRollover EnableLoggingForLocalLookupEvent EnableLoggingForPluginDllEvent EnableLoggingForRecursiveLookupEvent EnableLoggingForRemoteServerEvent EnableLoggingForServerStartStopEvent EnableLoggingForTombstoneEvent EnableLoggingForZoneDataWriteEvent EnableLoggingForZoneLoadingEvent EnableLoggingToFile EventLogLevel FilterIPAddressList FullPackets LogFilePath MaxMBFileSize Notifications Queries QuestionTransactions ReceivePackets SaveLogsToPersistentStorage SendPackets TcpPackets UdpPackets UnmatchedResponse Update UseSystemEventLog WriteThrough','EmbeddedInstance':'DnsServerDiagnostics','Out':True}
Description'Sets debug and logging parameters

If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified:
1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets
2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets
3. Notifications, Updates, Queries
4.QuestionTransactions, Answers

Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover

Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '
SetByParameters method is in 3 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 2 namespaces

PS_DnsServerDiagnostics Qualifiers


PS_DnsServerDiagnostics System properties


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