If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified: 1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets 2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets 3. Notifications, Updates, Queries 4.QuestionTransactions, Answers
Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover
Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '
SetByAll method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDiagnostics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 2 namespaces
{'Description':'Specifies the remote computer on which to execute the command','In':True}
{'Description':'If specified, returns the object or objects on which the operation was done.','In':True}
{'Description':'Specifies the bitmask for Debug Logging
0x00000001: The server logs query packet exchanges .
0x00000010: The server logs packet exchanges related to zone exchange.
0x00000020: The server logs packet exchanges related to zone updates.
0x00000100: The server logs packets containing questions.
0x00000200: The server logs packets containing answers.
0x00001000: The server logs packets it sends out.
0x00002000 : The server logs packets it receives.
0x00004000 : The server logs UDP packet exchanges.
0x00008000 : The server logs TCP packet exchanges.
0x0000FFFF: The server logs operations if the following fields are set: 0x00001000 or 0x00002000 or 0x00008000 or 0x00004000, or 0x00000001 or 0x00000001 or 0x00000020 , or 0x00000100 or 0x00000200S.
0x00010000: Independent of the values of the other fields, logs Active Directory write operations.
0x00020000: Independent of the values of the other fileld, logs Active Directory polling operations and operations during DNS updates (secure and unsecure) on Active Directory integrated zones.
0x01000000: If allowed by the fields, the server logs the entire packet to the log file.
0x02000000: I f allowed by the fields, the server logs response packets that do not match any outstanding query
0x80000000: If allowed by the fields, the server saves packet logging information to persistent storage.
{'Description':'Bit flag for log level
0x01000000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to interaction with plug-in DLLs.','In':True}
{'Description':'Bit flag for log level:
0x00000001: The server saves operational logging information to persistent storage.
0x00000010 : The server logs event logging information to the log file.
0x00000020: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for server start and stop activities.
0x00002000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to loading a zone from the directory server.
0x00004000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to writing zone data to the directory server.
0x00020000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to updating tombstoned nodes.
0x00100000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for local resource lookup activities.
0x00200000 : The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities performed during recursive query lookup.
0x00400000: The server logs operational logging information to the log file for activities related to interaction with remote name servers.','In':True}
If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified: 1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets 2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets 3. Notifications, Updates, Queries 4.QuestionTransactions, Answers
Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover
Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '
SetByLogLevel method is in 1 class (PS_DnsServerDiagnostics) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\Dns and in 2 namespaces
If first parameter set is used at least one of the options in each of the 4 entries below needs to be sepcified: 1. ReceivePackets, SendPackets 2. TcpPackets, UdpPackets 3. Notifications, Updates, Queries 4.QuestionTransactions, Answers
Use -All parameter set to enable everything except : LogFilePath, MaxMBFileSize, EventLogLevel, FilterIpAddrList, UseSystemEventLog, EnableLogFileRollover
Us 3rd parameter for enabling diagnostics at more granular level '