PS_DhcpServerv4Filter, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP

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DhcpServer v4Filter

PS_DhcpServerv4Filter methods

PS_DhcpServerv4Filter has 3 methods (3 Local)

AddPS_DhcpServerv4Filteruint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_DhcpServerv4Filteruint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_DhcpServerv4Filteruint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_DhcpServerv4Filter methods

Local methods (3) of PS_DhcpServerv4Filter class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
Descriptionstring1-{'Description':'Description string for the MAC address filter being added','In':True}
MacAddressstring2-{'Description':'MAC address(es) which are to be added to the MAC address filter list','In':True}
Liststring3-{'Description':'The list to which the MAC address(es) is/are to be added. Permissible values for this parameter are Allow and Deny.','In':True,'ValueMap':['Allow', 'Deny'],'Values':['Allow', 'Deny']}
Forceboolean4-{'Description':'If specified, if the MAC address(es) is already present in the allow or deny list, the same will be deleted and the new entry created for the same. This would be useful in the case where the MAC address specified is already present in one list (e.g. allow) and the same MAC address now needs to be added to the other list (e.g. deny) instead. If not specified, the cmdlet will fail if the specified MAC address is already present in any of the lists.','In':True}
PassThruboolean5-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet returns the PowerShell object which is added.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4Filter6-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerv4Filter { string List Filter List; valid values are {Allow, Deny} string Description Description for the filter record string MacAddress Filter pattern (hardware address). Input format is a hexstring with or without hyphen separation. A trailing wild card can be present to indicate partial match. For example. 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-89, 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-*, 001F3B7CB789. Output format is hex string with hyphen separation }','EmbeddedInstance':'DhcpServerv4Filter','Out':True}
Description'Adds a MAC address filter to the DHCP server'
Add method is in 21 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
Liststring0-{'Description':'The list from which the MAC address(es) are to be retrieved. Valid values are Allow, Deny.','In':True,'ValueMap':['Allow', 'Deny'],'Values':['Allow', 'Deny']}
ComputerNamestring1-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4Filter2-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerv4Filter { string List Filter List; valid values are {Allow, Deny} string Description Description for the filter record string MacAddress Filter pattern (hardware address). Input format is a hexstring with or without hyphen separation. A trailing wild card can be present to indicate partial match. For example. 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-89, 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-*, 001F3B7CB789. Output format is hex string with hyphen separation }','EmbeddedInstance':'DhcpServerv4Filter','Out':True,'Stream':True}
Description'Gets the list of all MAC addresses from the allow or deny list on the DHCP Server. '
Get method is in 38 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
PassThruboolean1-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet return the PowerShell objects which are deleted.','In':True}
MacAddressstring2-{'Description':'MAC Address(es) which are to be deleted from the allow or deny filter','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4Filter3-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerv4Filter { string List Filter List; valid values are {Allow, Deny} string Description Description for the filter record string MacAddress Filter pattern (hardware address). Input format is a hexstring with or without hyphen separation. A trailing wild card can be present to indicate partial match. For example. 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-89, 00-1F-3B-7C-B7-*, 001F3B7CB789. Output format is hex string with hyphen separation }','EmbeddedInstance':'DhcpServerv4Filter','Out':True}
Description'Deletes the specified MAC address or MAC address pattern from allow list or deny list of the Server. '
Remove method is in 21 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP and in 18 namespaces

PS_DhcpServerv4Filter Qualifiers

Description'DhcpServer v4Filter'

PS_DhcpServerv4Filter System properties


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