PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\MS_409

Class | Methods (4) | Properties | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue methods

PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue has 4 methods (4 Local)

GetPS_DhcpServerv6OptionValueuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_DhcpServerv6OptionValueuint32 {'out':True}
SetByCommonOptionsPS_DhcpServerv6OptionValueuint32 {'out':True}
SetByOptionIdPS_DhcpServerv6OptionValueuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue methods

Local methods (4) of PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue class

Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
VendorClassstring1-{'Description':'If specified, the Option Values for the specified vendor class are returned.','In':True}
Prefixstring2-{'Description':'The IPv6 subnet prefix of the scope for which the option values are being requested.','In':True}
ReservedIPstring3-{'Description':'A reserved IPv6 address for which the option values are being requested.','In':True}
UserClassstring4-{'Description':'If specified, the Option Values for the specified user class are returned.','In':True}
OptionIduint325-{'Description':'The numerical identifier of the options whose value(s) is being requested. If not specified, all option values configured are returned. ','In':True}
Allboolean6-{'Description':'When only ?All is specified, all the option values (including vendor class and user class specific) for a scope/server/reservation are returned. When ?All is specified with a specific option id, option values for the specified option id for all vendor and user classes are returned. When ?Vendorclass and ?All is specified, all option values for the specified vendor class including those for any user class are returned. When ?Userclass and ?All is specified, all option values for the specified user class including any vendor specific options are returned.','In':True}
Briefboolean7-{'Description':'If specified, the name of the option is not returned. This provides a way to run this cmdlet faster if the same is being run repetitively by the caller.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv6OptionValue8-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionValue { Uint OptionId Option ID of the option String Name Name of the option String Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] Value Value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings String VendorClass Vendor class to which this option belongs String UserClass User class to which this option value is assigned String PolicyName Name of the policy to which this value applies } ','Out':True}
Description'Returns the IPv6 option values for one or more IPv6 options either for a specific Reserved IP, scope or server level. '
Get method is in 38 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
Prefixstring1-{'Description':'The IPv6 subnet prefix of the scope from which the option value(s) are to be deleted.','In':True}
ReservedIPstring2-{'Description':'IPv6 address of the reservation from which the option value(s) are to be deleted.','In':True}
OptionIduint323-{'Description':'Numeric identifier(s) of the option(s) which are to be deleted.','In':True}
PassThruboolean4-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet return the PowerShell objects which are deleted.','In':True}
VendorClassstring5-{'Description':'If specified, option values only for the specified vendor class are deleted.','In':True}
UserClassstring6-{'Description':'If specified, option values only for the specified user class are deleted.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv6OptionValue7-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionValue { Uint OptionId Option ID of the option String Name Name of the option String Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] Value Value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings String VendorClass Vendor class to which this option belongs String UserClass User class to which this option value is assigned String PolicyName Name of the policy to which this value applies }','Out':True}
Description'Deletes one or more DHCPv6 option values set at the reservation level, scope level or server level, either for the standard IPv6 options or for a specified vendor class.'
Remove method is in 21 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 18 namespaces
SetByCommonOptions method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet return the PowerShell objects which are deleted.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'If specified the DNS server validation will be skipped. This is applicable only if the DNS Server option value is being set.','In':True}
Prefixstring2-{'Description':'IPv6 subnet prefix of the scope on which the option value is to be set','In':True}
UserClassstring3-{'Description':'If specified, sets the option value for the specified user class','In':True}
DnsServerstring4-{'Description':'Value(s) for the DNS server option','In':True}
DomainSearchListstring5-{'Description':'Value(s) for the Domain Search List option','In':True}
InfoRefreshTimeuint326-{'Description':'Value for the information refresh option','In':True}
ComputerNamestring7-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
ReservedIPstring8-{'Description':'IPv6 address of the reservation for which the option value is to be set','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv6OptionValue9-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionValue { Uint OptionId Option ID of the option String Name Name of the option String Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] Value Value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings String VendorClass Vendor class to which this option belongs String UserClass User class to which this option value is assigned String PolicyName Name of the policy to which this value applies } ','Out':True}
Description'Sets an IPv6 option value at the Server, Scope or Reservation Level. Any previously set option value(s) for the specified option id are discarded.'
SetByCommonOptions method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces
SetByOptionId method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
PassThruboolean0-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet return the PowerShell objects which are deleted.','In':True}
Forceboolean1-{'Description':'If specified the DNS server validation will be skipped. This is applicable only if the DNS Server option value is being set.','In':True}
Valuestring2-{'Description':'The value to be set for the option','In':True}
OptionIduint323-{'Description':'Numeric identifier of the option for which a value is to be set','In':True}
Prefixstring4-{'Description':'IPv6 subnet prefix of the scope on which the option value is to be set','In':True}
UserClassstring5-{'Description':'If specified, sets the option value for the specified user class','In':True}
VendorClassstring6-{'Description':'If specified, sets the option value for the specified vendor class','In':True}
ComputerNamestring7-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
ReservedIPstring8-{'Description':'IPv6 address of the reservation for which the option value is to be set','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv6OptionValue9-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionValue { Uint OptionId Option ID of the option String Name Name of the option String Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] Value Value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings String VendorClass Vendor class to which this option belongs String UserClass User class to which this option value is assigned String PolicyName Name of the policy to which this value applies } ','Out':True}
Description'Sets an IPv6 option value at the Server, Scope or Reservation Level. Any previously set option value(s) for the specified option id are discarded.'
SetByOptionId method is in 2 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 2 namespaces

PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue Qualifiers


PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue System properties


Similar Classes to PS_DhcpServerv6OptionValue

Number of classes:3
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