PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\MS_409

Class | Methods (4) | Properties | Qualifiers (3) | Instances | Namespaces (2)
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PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition methods

PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition has 4 methods (4 Local)

AddPS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinitionuint32 {'out':True}
GetPS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinitionuint32 {'out':True}
RemovePS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinitionuint32 {'out':True}
SetPS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinitionuint32 {'out':True}

Detailed description of PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition methods

Local methods (4) of PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition class

Add method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
Namestring1-{'Description':'Name of the DHCPv4 option','In':True}
Descriptionstring2-{'Description':'The description of the option definition being added','In':True}
OptionIduint323-{'Description':'The numerical identifier of the option [1-255]','In':True}
Typestring4-{'Description':'The data type of the values for this option. Valid values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address}','In':True,'Values':['Byte', 'Word', 'DWord', 'DWordDWord', 'IPv4Address', 'String', 'BinaryData', 'EncapsulatedData']}
MultiValuedboolean5-{'Description':'This is to be set to true if the option allows for multiple values.','In':True}
VendorClassstring6-{'Description':'If specified, adds the Option Definition for the specified vendor Class','In':True}
DefaultValuestring7-{'Description':'The default value for the option for which a definition is created. The syntax to specify the default value for the option are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these can be specified as decimal or hexadecimal string - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these can be specified as IP address string - String ? this can be specified as string - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these can be specified as hexadecimal string ','In':True}
PassThruboolean8-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet returns the PowerShell object which is added.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition9-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionDefinition { string Name Name of the Option string Description Description of the Option uint OptionId Option identifier string Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] DefaultValue Default value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings string VendorClass Vendor class to which Option belongs (can be Null) bool MultiValued Indicates whether Option supports multiple values }','Out':True}
Description'Adds a new DHCPv4 option definition on the server.'
Add method is in 21 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 17 namespaces
Get method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
OptionIduint321-{'Description':'The numerical identifiers of the options for which the option definitions are requested. If none are specified, all the DHCPv4 option definitions are returned.','In':True}
VendorClassstring2-{'Description':'If specified, returns the option definitions only for the specified vendor class','In':True}
Allboolean3-{'Description':'If specified, returns all the option definitions including the vendor class specific option definitions.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition4-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionDefinition { string Name Name of the Option string Description Description of the Option uint OptionId Option identifier string Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] DefaultValue Default value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings string VendorClass Vendor class to which Option belongs (can be Null) bool MultiValued Indicates whether Option supports multiple values }','Out':True}
Description'Gets the DHCPv4 option definition for the specified option ids'
Get method is in 38 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 19 namespaces
Remove method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
OptionIduint321-{'Description':'Numeric identifiers of the option definitions to be deleted.','In':True}
VendorClassstring2-{'Description':'If specified, deletes option definitions only for the specified vendor class','In':True}
Passthruboolean3-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet return the PowerShell objects which are deleted.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition4-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionDefinition { string Name Name of the Option string Description Description of the Option uint OptionId Option identifier string Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] DefaultValue Default value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings string VendorClass Vendor class to which Option belongs (can be Null) bool MultiValued Indicates whether Option supports multiple values }','Out':True}
Description'Delete one or more IPv4 option definitions from a DHCP Server. '
Remove method is in 21 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 18 namespaces
Set method
Returnuint32 {'out':True}
ComputerNamestring0-{'Description':'DNS name or IP address of the target computer running the DHCP server service.','In':True}
OptionIduint321-{'Description':'Numeric identifier of the option definition to be modified','In':True}
Namestring2-{'Description':'New name to be set for the option definition','In':True}
Descriptionstring3-{'Description':'Description string to be set for the option definition','In':True}
VendorClassstring4-{'Description':'If specified, properties of the option definition for the specified vendor class are modified','In':True}
DefaultValuestring5-{'Description':'Default value to be set for the option definition','In':True}
PassThruboolean6-{'Description':'If this parameter is specified, the cmdlet returns the PowerShell object which is modified.','In':True}
cmdletOutputobject:DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition7-{'Description':' Type Name Description DhcpServerOptionDefinition { string Name Name of the Option string Description Description of the Option uint OptionId Option identifier string Type Value type; possible values are {Byte | Word | DWord | DWordDword | IPAddress | String | BinaryData | EncapsulatedData | IPv6Address} string[] DefaultValue Default value of the option. The format that the values will be returned in are as follows: - Byte, Word, DWord, DWordDword ? these will be formatted as decimal strings - IPAddress, IPv6Address ? these will be formatted as strings - String ? these will be formatted as strings - BinaryData, EncapsulatedData ? these will be formatted as hexadecimal strings string VendorClass Vendor class to which Option belongs (can be Null) bool MultiValued Indicates whether Option supports multiple values }','Out':True}
Description'Modifies the properties of an existing IPv4 Option definition'
Set method is in 20 classes of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\DHCP\ms_409 and in 20 namespaces

PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition Qualifiers


PS_DhcpServerv4OptionDefinition System properties


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