MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder, ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn
| Methods (5)
| Properties (5)
| Qualifiers (5)
| Instances | Namespaces (2)
Samples: VB Script
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| VB.Net
| Search on:Microsoft
Description Class used to create new folders in existing DFS namespace
MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder methods MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder has 5 methods (5 Local )
MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder properties MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder has 5 properties (5 Derived )
Detailed description of MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder methods Local methods (5) of MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder class ▲ GetNamespaceFolder methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers NamespacePath string 0 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies UNC path to the DFS namespace folder which properties to be retrieved','In':True} cmdletOutput object :MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder 1 - ✓ {'EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder','Out':True,'Stream':True}
Description 'Retrieves DFS namespace folder properties' implemented True static True GetNamespaceFolder method is in 1 class (MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn and in 2 namespaces
▲ MoveNamespaceFolder methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers NamespacePath string 0 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies UNC path to the DFS namespace folder to be moved','In':True} NewNamespacePath string 1 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies UNC path DFS namespace folder to be moved to','In':True}
Description 'Moves existing namespace folder to another location within the same DFS namespace' implemented True static True MoveNamespaceFolder method is in 1 class (MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn and in 2 namespaces
▲ NewNamespaceFolder methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers NamespacePath string 0 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies the UNC path to DFS namespace folder to be created','In':True} TargetPath string 1 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies the UNC path of the folder target for the DFS namespace folder which is being created','In':True} Description string 2 ✓ - {'Description':'A short description of the purpose of this namespace.','In':True} Flags uint32 3 ✓ - {'BitMap':['0', '3'],'BitValues':['InsiteReferrals', 'TargetFailback'],'Description':'Link properties flags','In':True} State uint32 4 ✓ - {'Description':'This parameter specifies the state of the DFS namespace folder','In':True,'ValueMap':['3', '4'],'Values':['OFFLINE', 'ONLINE']} TimeToLive uint32 5 ✓ - {'Description':'This parameter specifies the Referral time-to-live (TTL) interval in seconds.','In':True} TargetState uint32 6 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies the state of the DFS namespace folder target','In':True,'ValueMap':['3', '4'],'Values':['OFFLINE', 'ONLINE']} ReferralPriorityRank uint32 7 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies the priority rank of this DFS namespace folder target','In':True} ReferralPriorityClass sint32 8 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies the priority class of this DFS namespace folder target','In':True,'ValueMap':['-1', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4'],'Values':['Invalid', 'Normal', 'global-high', 'sitecost-high', 'sitecost-low', 'global-low']} cmdletOutput object :MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder 9 - ✓ {'EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder','Out':True}
Description 'Creates new folder in the existing DFS namespace' implemented True static True NewNamespaceFolder method is in 1 class (MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn and in 2 namespaces
▲ RemoveNamespaceFolder methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers NamespacePath string 0 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies UNC path to the DFS namespace folder which is to be deleted','In':True}
Description 'Removes existing DFS namespace folder' implemented True static True RemoveNamespaceFolder method is in 1 class (MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn and in 2 namespaces
▲ SetNamespaceFolder methodReturn uint32 {'out':True} Parameters Name CIMType ID IN OUT Qualifiers NamespacePath string 0 ✓ - {'Description':'Specifies UNC path to the DFS namespace folder to be moved','In':True} Description string 1 ✓ - {'Description':'A short description of the purpose of this namespace.','In':True} Flags uint32 2 ✓ - {'BitMap':['0', '3'],'BitValues':['InsiteReferrals', 'TargetFailback'],'Description':'Link properties flags','In':True} State uint32 3 ✓ - {'Description':'This parameter specifies the state of the DFS namespace folder','In':True,'ValueMap':['3', '4'],'Values':['OFFLINE', 'ONLINE']} TimeToLive uint32 4 ✓ - {'Description':'This parameter specifies the Referral time-to-live (TTL) interval in seconds.','In':True} cmdletOutput object :MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder 5 - ✓ {'EmbeddedInstance':'MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder','Out':True}
Description 'Saves DFS namespace folder parameters' implemented True static True SetNamespaceFolder method is in 1 class (MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder) of ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn and in 2 namespaces
Detailed description of MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder properties Derived properties (5) of MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder class
MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder Qualifiers Name Value ToInstance ToSubclass Overridable Amended Local
ClassVersion '1.0' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
Description 'Class used to create new folders in existing DFS namespace' ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
dynamic True ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
locale 'MS_409' ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓
provider 'dfsncimprov' ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓
MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder System properties Name Value Origin CIMType Local Array
__PATH '\\.\ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn:MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__NAMESPACE 'ROOT\Microsoft\Windows\dfsn' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SERVER '.' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DERIVATION ['MSFT_DfsNamespaceLinkBase'] ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✓
__RELPATH 'MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__DYNASTY 'MSFT_DfsNamespaceLinkBase ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__SUPERCLASS 'MSFT_DfsNamespaceLinkBase ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__CLASS 'MSFT_DfsNamespaceFolder ' ___SYSTEM 8 ✗ ✗
__GENUS 1 ___SYSTEM 3 ✗ ✗
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